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Sample 1:

Leni’s eyes would close slightly while she begins to settle back down from her orgasm, sinking back into her bean bag chair. She would still feel him eating out her ass even after her climax as finally settled, getting milked of every drop of honey from her body before finally feeling his tongue pulling out of her twitching little hole. Her breathing begins slowing down once again while she lies there with legs spread wide, relaxing thanks to the drug still flowing through her system.

Soon after, she feels the weight of her older brother pressing down on her ribs, pinning her down more into the bean bag. She can feel his sack resting against her heated flesh, feeling it sliding against slick skin as he brings himself further up and rests his hard cock between heaving breasts. Her body would flinch when his brings his hands to either side of her breasts, feeling him pushing them over his manhood. A moist sound is heard when he thrusts forward for the first time, showing how sweaty she has becomes thanks to the orgasm.

It wouldn’t be long before she feels him begin to pump his hips, causing her body to jerk slightly as he begins using her chest as his slick sex toy. “Nmm… Nmm… Nmm…” She moans out lightly with each thrust, feeling him pushing her body into the bean bag each time. With him moving at such a rapid pace, she can feel the heat building from the friction. Her skin would soon redden from the abuse, but she would still lie there helplessly and without a single word of complaint.

She soon feels his cock throbbing between her breasts every now and then, unleashing a light spurt of pre-cum against her chin and neck. Every now and then, a little spray would get on her lips, coating over the ball gag before sliding down into her mouth to get her a little taste of semen. So drugged out, she doesn’t even cringe from how his pre-cum tastes, just lying there staring off into space as he uses her plump chest for his pleasure.

With his manhood close to her face whenever he thrusts up, she would pick up his scent, finding his musk intoxicating as she continues breathing in heavily through her nose. With her mind somewhat gone, she can’t control her body, getting moist from the stimulation and even the smell of his cock as it rushes towards her face. If she was fully conscious, she would be resisting and he would need to put in a lot more effort to get her body going, but for the moment, her flesh is responding like she is that of a little slut eager to be used.

Sample 2:

With hazy, glossy eyes, Gari watches as Miranda stands and makes her way over to her. She makes an attempt to speak, but she’s barely able to form anything that can be considered words at the moment. She gives out a meek little whimper as she’s lifted out of her seat, feeling the woman dragging her limp body from the chair and into another room connected to the office. She can’t help but feel confused as she’s dragged through a small hallway where she sees other doors, one leading into a shower room and another leading into a large bedroom.


After she’s made to lie on the hard floor, she feels her mouth being pried open before a pink rubber ball is stuffed in and behind her teeth. She gives out a muffled whimper and tries to move her head, but it’s pretty much too late as the leather strap is wrapped around her head, heaving it being locked in place. Afterward, she feels her sweat being removed before leather padded shackles are attached to her ankles and wrists, binding them firmly together with a thin steal chain between them.


Right after, she feels the woman lifting her up once again, feeling her lifting her hands up so that the chain connects to a hook hanging from the ceiling. Bound and gagged, she now hangs from the ceiling with the tips of her shoes just barely touching the floor. Completely helpless, she watches the woman leave, but only to return with Gitta, watching her drag her limp body into the room, remove her sweater, and bind her in the same way, but making sure they’re looking directly at each other.


Being more energetic than Gari, Gitta squirms a little, but finding it difficult to pull out much strength thanks to the drug that was fed to her. The woman’s voice just seems to echo into her head, making her feel even more dizzy as she hangs there, trying to fight off the drug that’s flowing through her system. While trying to focus her head, she loses track of the woman. Focusing her eyes, she looks around, but soon feels the woman place a hand to the back of her slender neck, feeling her stroke the smooth flesh.


The sensation makes the young virgin shudder, but the feel of the woman’s hand on her neck is the least of her worries as she feels her pulling down her skirt, revealing her white panties. “Nmm…!” She tries to protest through her gag, but can only give out a little moan as a deep blush forms across her face. When feeling the woman’s hands move around her body and start to unbutton her blouse, she starts squirming a little more, showing she has more fight in her compared to Gari that’s staring with her face also reddening from the lewd scene.


“Don’t touch me…! Stop…!” She yells out in her head as the woman starts working on her bra, feeling her perky mounds bounce free. Her eyes soon glance down to the sight of her bra falling to the floor, in pieces and unusable now. Feeling one of the woman’s hand cup and squeeze her breast, she gives out a louder whimper. “Nm!” She gives out a little yelp when feeling her nipple get squeezed and played with, reacting to the woman’s touch even with the drug keeping her young body thoroughly relaxed. Feeling the woman’s breath caressing her face as she leans against her back, she turns her head in an attempt to avoid her.


Because of how they’re positioned, Gari has no choice other than to watch as her best friend is being stripped of her clothing and molested. She tries to close her eyes and look away, but whenever she hears Gitta give out a moan and whimper, she can’t help but glance back up. She tries yelling out, but opening her mouth only seems to allow her saliva to flow out around the rubber ball, making her look like she’s drooling. She can feel her spit dripping from her chin and moving down her neck, soaking into her white blouse. She tries to move as well, but with her being the weaker of the two, she has less of a chance of doing anything than Gitta. “What’s going on?! Why is this happen?! This has to be a bad dream!” She thinks in her hazy mind, struggling to comprehend what’s going on before her hazy eyes.

Sample 3:

Bayona lies there breathing heavily while staring deeply at the sky, already looking as if she forgot about the poor girl she was made to eat while being pleasured by her elven bitch sister. Satisfied from the meat she was finally given and the pleasure being fed to her hungry pussy, she can’t help but form a look of bliss across her face as she further learns what it means to be a beast that lives to eat and breed. She barely even notices their Master as he lounges next to them, only feeling the ground vibrating slightly from his weight.


“G-Good… Nm…! Feels good, Great Wyrm… Mm…!” She struggles to say between deep moans while writhing on the ground, having a hard time keeping focused while being given instructions. The demoness hesitates a few seconds, but soon brings her trembling hands down and gently places them on top of the elves head. Following the instructions given to her, she gently moves the girl’s head, making sure her tongue is in as deep as possible within her sopping wet pussy as she gives out a louder moan of pleasure.


She’s practically drooling as her body heat continues to rise, letting her mind wander while her Master’s head slithers up her body and against her ample chest. She can feel her heavy melons being made to spread apart while he brings himself face to face with her, feeling his large tongue flicker out and against her lips. She shows no hesitation, instinctively opening her mouth for her Master since she has been trained to kiss by him many times before.


She gives out a pleasurable moan as she feels his tongue slither in, easily overpowering her own. She can taste the human girl’s blood in his saliva as it thoroughly coats all over the inside of her mouth, but she doesn’t gag or heave from the taste. This time, she merely swallows, drinking down the mixture of fluids as it practically pours into her mouth. Even a little gulp can be heard as he gives her throat a little tease.


While still eating the demon’s pussy, Romy watches as their Master pulls away, but only to move in closer so that he’s above them. After hearing him give the demoness her instructions, she feels her pulling away. She sits upon her calves, watching as the woman gets on her knees and starts pleasuring their Master with her hands and mouth. She listens to the slurping as the dragon’s member is being worshiped so thoroughly, watching him steadily growing back in length and girth.


Looking down at the woman’s rear end, she remembers she wasn’t told to stop. Getting on her hands and knees, she crawls in and brings her mouth between the demon’s cheeks and starts eating out her ass. She feels her body jerking after working her tongue up her rectum, but makes sure to follow her. The taste of the woman’s ass isn’t new to her. Thanks to their Master’s training, she’s used to being as thorough as possible when it comes to giving the demoness a tongue bath. After having consumed a fresh human female, she can practically eat anything at this point.


With her lips wrapped around the thick head of her Master’s cock, Bayona gives out a trembling moan while trying to suck on him. Even though she has been given quite a few tongue baths from the elf already, the sensation of her tongue fucking her ass is still quite awkward to her, but she soon stops the movements of her hips, showing acceptance while she moves her head back and forth over the length of her Master’s meat. Getting so hot and bothered, and with her juices glistening down her thighs, she’s almost begging to be fucked by the beast.


“Please… Nmm…! Please, breed me, Great Wyrm… Ahnm…! I-I will lay all your eggs…” She poor demoness says, showing that she finally broke while lovingly rubbing her cheek against the side of his cock. Even a smile can be seen cracking with a deep blush forming across her face, looking more like a bitch in heat than usual as a little saliva and pre-cum drools from her lips. While nuzzling the ridges, she uses her right hand to rub the thick head while using the left to stroke him, working hard to get the beast as big as possible so that he may plant his seed into her womb once again. 

Sample 4:

Slowly, Katan's upper body lowers to the floor, barely finding the strength to keep herself up anymore while the relentless machine continues to fuck her ass raw. She stares forward with tears streaming from her eyes, losing the will to fight him off. The romancing machine already drained her beforehand. The mechanical dog is merely just finishing the job, thoroughly dominating and breaking what’s left of her will. Trapped between what appears to be muscular legs, all she can do is stay in place and take every powerful, merciless thrust like the good bitch he wants her to be.


Her eyes widen and her body jerks harder against his legs as she feels him increasing his power, feeling him pushing in hard as he tries to force his knot into her ass. “Aah! Aah! Aaahhhh!!” She cries out at the top of her lungs and rolls her eyes back from the incredible pain as the bulbous knot is being forced through the soft pucker. Her body rises once again as her flesh is stretched far passed its limits, tearing further and soon feeling the knot entering her rectum. It doesn’t end there, feeling him picking up the pace, but soon feeling him unleashing a torrent of hot cream deep into her bowels.


Her body arch as she feels an incredible pressure building deep within her intestines, feeling the rush of semen flooding her insides. With him being larger than a normal Doberman, the amount of cum being unleashed is very likely a few times greater than normal. She can feel his red rod throbbing tightly against her overly stretched insides, and with the knot in place, just about every drop is sealed away in her bloody hole. Feeling some of it actually leaking out of her anus, she feels a powerful stinging, burning sensation as it thoroughly coats over the torn flesh.


With the amount flowing through her, it almost feels as if her stomach is getting filled as well, felling the flesh over her tummy bulging slightly and straining from the rapid growth, but she soon feels the flow come to a stop as a take of canine semen is emptied into her battered body. She pants heavily and her upper body falls to the floor, but with her ass still hanging up thanks to the knot locking them together. “Nm… Nmm…!” She whimpers out as he jerks himself back a bit and tries to pull out of her, but finding it impossible to do so for the moment.


For several minutes, she lies there with her face against the floor, drooling and looking completely out of it, but soon feels him making another attempt to free himself. She can’t even pass out, because of the pain she’s experiencing, feeling his softening rod pulling slowly pulled out of her. A moist pop is heard when the knot is pulled out of her first, uncorking her as the rest of his member slides right out. With her ass freed, she completely collapses onto the floor with a thud. Completely exhausted mentally and physically, she rolls onto her back, no longer looking able to fight anymore as blood and semen freely drools out of her after having been given a thorough cum enema.


She stares off blankly as the mechanical beast examines her, and soon feeling his tongue grazing over her abused anus. She merely whimpers and flinched, reacting to the pain as his rough tongue caresses torn up anus. After he laps up some of the blood and cum, she feels him working his way up, feeling her thighs being pushed apart unintentionally as he gets into cleaning moan. The tongue bath is thorough as sweat is wiped from her soft flesh, feeling him focusing on her legs, thighs, pelvis, belly, and even further up her body. With his tongue as rough as it is, she feels it pulling firmly against her sooth skin and even tugging on the articles of clothing still hanging off of her.


She’s practically covered in dog drool from her neck down when he finally focuses his attention on her face, glistening brightly in the light of the room. With his muzzle so close to her face, she can pick up his foul breath. He may not need to eat dog food, but his breath wreaks of it, very likely another way to be programmed to be as realistic as possible. Along with the dog food, she picks up the potent scent of semen and blood that was gathered in his mouth when he cleaned her lower region. She can’t help but cringe, and the smell along isn’t the worst part. With her lips part, she feels his tongue dip right into her mouth, giving her a good taste of he has been consuming.


She gags and heaves deeply, and finally becoming more responsive once again as she jerks her head from side to side in an attempt to avoid the slobbering muscle. Unable to take it anymore, she rolls onto her side and brings her hands to the floor, feeling her stomach churning. Being as drunk as she is, it’s only inevitable to purge the contents of her stomach, and she soon vomits. Getting licked on the face and mouth by a tongue that was deep in her pussy and ass pushed her over the edge as she empties the contents of her stomach onto the floor, adding to the mess that surrounds her, and once done, she collapses once more and lies there panting deeply with drool oozing from quivering lips.




Nova is currently in her own little piece of hell, almost naked with the cock of a cruel machine in her mouth. She sobs while she continues to awkwardly suck around him, finding it hard to focus on her task with the shine of the knife next to her face glaring in the corn of her eye, but she brings her full attention to him when hearing him speak once more as he gives her instructions on how to properly suck cock. Right after, she suddenly feels him pushing her head, forcing her to take in deeper. Her tear-filled eyes widen and she tries to cry out, but gags and rolls her eyes back immediately as she feels his length sliding down her throat. The front of her slender neck can be seen bulging, stretching painfully as the flow of air blocked momentarily before feeling him pulling her head back.


She grips tightly to his pants, coughing and choking around him as she soon feels her chin come in contact with his heavy sack. She makes an attempt to pull her head back, but with his inhuman strength, there is no chance of that happening as she soon feels both hands gripping her tightly. Her head is soon being rocked up and down, feeling him moving her as a fast and steady pace as he face fucks her. It almost feels like her brain is getting rocked around in her skull, making her dizzy and disoriented. Even the environment just seems to distort before her hazy eyes, rotating slightly as she’s being taught how to suck cock.


Struggling to keep up, mucus and saliva drools from her mouth, adding to the slobbering mess over her jiggling melons. Her face can be seen changing colors, going from a light pink to a deep red. The pigment would have become a paler shade as she struggles to breathe, but she feels him finally finish as he forces the length of his meat deep into her mouth and down her throat one more time. Her eyes roll back once again as she gags and heaves around him, and soon feels a warm fluid being emptied down her throat. With him as deep as he is, she has no choice other than to drink, feeling him pumping her belly full of fresh semen.


Weakened, she releases his pants and lets her arms fall limply to her sides. It looks as if she’s about to pass out, but she suddenly feels him pull from her throat and mouth. She inhales deeply and painfully, desperately trying to refill her lungs with air as he releases the last thick sprays of cum all over her face. With her head released, she hunches forward and brings her hands to the ground, coughing and heavily hard while he reminds her that she lost his little game a cream drips off of her face. She barely has time to fully react to the losing, feeling her stomach churning. It’s her first time drinking cum, and her body is rejecting it. Even if he handled pulled out, the results of the game would have been the same.


She heaves a few times and rolls her eyes back once more before tilting her head back, unleashing the bile and semen from her stomach and onto the ground around the machine’s feet. It was more than what she could take all at once, further showing her inexperience with oral, but then again, the amount of semen he fed her was very likely far normal than what a human is capable of. Also, being as drunk as she only made her feel worse.


She spits up a few times while panting, feeling so empty and light now. While he’s mocking her, she glances to the door next to her. Unaware of how fake it is, she makes an attempt to stand back up and tries to go for it. In her weaken state, she hobbles and stumbles her way over, looking extremely pathetic. She grabs at the door knob sticking from the fake door, and pulls, and like with the one in the room Katan is located, it breaks. She falls backwards onto the ground, and looks to the fake door, but showing a look of disbelief on her cum covered face. She couldn’t believe that the door was as fake as it is, but then notices a hole. Desperate, she tries to stand back up, hoping to get at the hole that could possibly lead to freedom. Unaware of how the mansion is structured, it could just lead into another room of pleasure and pain. 

Sample 5:

The further they walked, the more her juices flowed. Having been teased since last night and this morning, it was all she could think about. Having been fucked with minimal pain helped the process. It allowed her to feel more pleasure and enjoy the feel of his length he force-fed her young cunt, warping her mind as she’s being trained to behave more like a proper little bitch for him. Everything she’s feeling right now feels wrong, and she’s disgusted that she’s been raped by something that she considers to be an animal, but her body remembers how good it felt to feel his entire length being buried deep inside.

Her mind was wandering while she walked, and she didn’t notice that Fang came to a sudden stop. Her body flinched when he suddenly brought his muzzle under her skirt, feeling his large tongue sliding up her glistening inner thighs. She couldn’t help but gasp deeply from the feeling of the rough texture, feeling him slowly working his way up. Startled, she takes a step back, but she would only feel him following after her as he buries his head further up her skirt.

“Aaannm… Aahh!” She gives out a louder moan as soon as his tongue comes in contact with her exposed little pussy, feeling his tongue lapping firmly as he slurps up her juices. Her blush would only deepen with each lick, feeling the strength in her legs being drained away. It wouldn’t be long before her knees buckle, and as soon as they come together, she feels him quickly pull out from under her skirt before she falls to the ground. She pants heavily while she sits there on her knees, already feeling quite overheated while sitting on the leaf covered surface.

“W-Wait… You… You can’t…” She whimpers out half-heartedly when feeling him pushing her to lie on the ground, feeling his nose pushing at her side as he rolls her onto her stomach. She barely has the strength and will to even fight him anymore as she feels him pushing up into her tummy, forcing her to get on her hands and knees. Her mind is trying so hard to tell her that what she’s feeling is wrong, but with her pussy as heated is up as it is, her body’s desire to be stuffed has overwhelmed her will to struggle while he moves behind her to continue licking at her slit.

“Aanm… Nmmm… Nmm… MMm…” She moans out with each lick she feels, causing her body to flinch forward slightly. Every now and then, she would feel his tongue dip inside, teasing and arousing her further as more of her juices flow from her heated hole. She would show no signs of fighting while she stares forward with glazed eyes, behaving as a proper little bitch should as she soon feels him bite and pull up on her skirt until her bare ass is completely exposed to the cool air.

“Nmff… Ow…” She whimpers out when feeling him climbing on top of her, feeling his front legs hooking to her hips while claws dig into her inner thighs. At this point, it didn’t matter anymore what form he takes, her body desires to be filled with his cock as he mounts her. She can feel his legs pulling and holding her in place while he lightly humps her, feeling the spear-like top poking at her virgin anus before he lowers his hips further down to search for her waiting pussy. Her body would twitch with each poke, but would finally feel his thick head find its target as he forces his length into her tight hole.

“Aaaahh!” She couldn’t help but cry out as he feels the entire length being forced deep inside. She isn’t even given time to adjust to his size this time around as she feels him begin to pump his hips immediately after he stuffed her with his red meat, feeling him moving at a fast pace. “Aahh! Aahhh! Aaahh! Aah!” She moans out loudly, uninhibited by a paw or toy this time around, allowed to freely vocalize how she’s feeling while she feels the thick head of his canine cock poke at her sore little cervix again and again. It hurt feeling his cock trying to punch through the tiny hole, but her body just seems to crave it with how she just holds in place and takes it.

Her mind just seems to melt away as she’s mounted more like a proper bitch, and soon drifts even further away when she reaches the first orgasm of the day, giving out a longer moan as her body shutters hard under him. Her sweet honey comes gushing hard, coating him thoroughly as the scent of sex and sweat radiates around them. A blissful expression would soon form on her face, looking as if she’s honestly enjoying herself for the first time as she’s raped by the beast. She barely even looks as if she’s even aware anymore, getting completely consumed in the pleasure rippling through her jerking body.

“NmMmmMM!” She groans out as she feels the large knot being forced into her, stretching out her tight slit beyond its limits once again, but barely bleeding this time around. Her body is showing more signs of adjusting to the size of his canine cock, only bleeding a little less with each session. She would feel him pushing through the cervix at the same time, but even then, she shows no signs of fighting with him as a bulge forms in her belly when he fills her with the last few inches of his long girth.

With him knotted to her cunt, she feels him only picking up the pass, jack-hammering into her rapidly while she struggles to calm down from the orgasm. It feels almost as if he’s trying to milk every drop of nectar from her body while her tight insides massage his length, feeling quite uncomfortable with her insides tighter thanks to her climax. Her body temperature just seems to rise and sweat would soak into her clothing, making it all the more uncomfortable while her body is moved back and forth along with his quick pace. She would even find it difficult to even keep up as her arms give way under her, feeling her face and chest falling to the ground.

It feels as if he’s trying to beat her into the ground, feeling her case and chest rubbing into the dirt while he makes her his bitch. The next thing her body craves would soon come into fruition, feeling him pumping into hard a few more times before unleashing his hot cream directly into her womb. She pants heavily and rapidly while she lies there with her ass still sticking up, feeling the soothing warmth building deep within her belly with each pulse of his thick cock. Having been fucked a third time by him, it almost feels as if his massive cock belongs in her tight hole.

Her ass would soon fall to the ground as well when her canine Master falls on top of her, feeling his body-weight keeping her pinned to the ground. Even if she wanted to escape, she doesn’t even have to strength to pull out from under him. Plus, with the knot buried deep in her tight cunt, there is no chance of escape. She would lie there drooling for several minutes, looking as if she’s about to pass out, but would flinch and give out a painful groan when he starts to pull his cock out of her. A moist pop would be heard as usual and her body would shutter as she feels his length sliding out of her sore inner walls, leaving her cunt gaping, twitching, and drooling of their mixed sexual fluids. Whether she wants to admit or not, she’s his bitch and he can do as he pleases to her.

Sample 6:

The look of shock can be plainly seen on Ginger’s face as she watches roots along the ground writhe, watching her tools disappearing before her eyes while she tries to keep a firm grip on the grassy surface. “N-No!!” She yells out, trying to use as much of her strength as she possibly can in an attempt to pull herself away from the tentacles that’s trying to pull her closer to the massive bulb. “Fuck!!” She yells out when seeing her weapon and radio just completely vanish, and soon feels another root wrapping around her other leg as a strange powder is unleashed into the air.

Struggling with the mechanical plant, she can’t help but inhale hard, breathing deeply of the hormone altering substance. For the moment, though, she doesn’t feel any effect as it works through her body, but with her heart beating as hard and as fast as it is, it’s only a matter of time until she notices something is wrong. For now, she’s more focused on the roots, feeling her feet being pulled off the ground.

“Nmmm!!” She groans through clenched teeth as her legs are lifted off the ground, trying hard to keep a grip on the ground, but only ending up pulling out some dirt and grass along with her as she’s levitated in the air. As blood is starting work into her head, she soon feels smaller tendrils working down her body from starting from her feet down to her legs. She can feel them swarming around her, wrapping around every limb and curve of her voluptuous body while she reaches up in an attempt to remove the root from around her legs.

“Nnneewww…!” She manages to say between clenched teeth as she feels the slime oozing from each slender tendril working themselves around her body, feeling the warm goo soaking into her clothing and smearing against her soft skin while they examine her body and seek out orifices. The more that wrap around her, the harder she finds it to fight against gravity and lets her upper body succumb. She pants heavily while trying to catch her breath, but shudders hard when feeling the tendrils slipping in between fingers, toes, and even trying to insert themselves into her navel, ears, and nose.

With them focusing around her lips, she tries to keep them sealed tightly, but she finds it hard to do so when feeling a few of them sliding under her shirt before wrapping tightly around her massive bags of flesh and fat. “What fuck is this thing!? What is it trying to do?!” She thinks while trying to pull the ones at her arms off of her, but finding it difficult to do so with them in between her fingers and having such a slimy, slick texture.

Her eyes widen when hearing a snap, feeling her melons being freed as gravity takes a firm hold and pulls them down towards her face. She feels them wrapping around each breast before giving a good squeeze, looking like someone is strangling balloons. Her attention is quickly brought between her legs, though, as she feels roots suddenly tightly around her thighs and forces her limbs to spread wider. A look of fright quickly forms across her face when feeling tendrils pulling her panties to the side, exposing her virgin holes to the air as slime drips onto them.

Feeling them rubbing around the most sensitive of areas, she starts squirming more in the air, and when she finally feels the tendrils start to enter her to give her an extra thorough inspection, she finally gives up and starts to freak out. “St-Stop…! Stop!! Shit!! Get the fuck off me!!” She screams out while frantically trying to pull the tendrils off of her, but opening her mouth appears to be her undoing. “Someone, help!! I know someone is out there!! Hey! Hurrrk!!” Before she can say another word, she feels the tendrils slip right into her mouth, keeping her from using her voice and closing the warm orifice.

As slime continues to secrete from the tendrils, she can feel the disgusting texture as it starts filling her mouth. The texture along is enough to make her gag, but when it starts to coat her tongue, that’s when she really starts to heave. Panicking even more, she tries to bite down on the exploring tendrils, but finding hard to break the flesh. She continues to gag from the slime pouring into her mouth, and it isn’t long until her belly caves, emptying the contents of her stomach over her face and onto the ground below.

She continues heaving until every drop of bile is emptied out of her, leaving her feeling dizzy and hazy. With the blood rushing to her head, she’s finding it harder to think straight, but that’ll become the least of her worries with her body not reacting to the powder, secreting her natural juices. She’s not even fully conscious of what the substance is doing to her, and her body is getting ready for penetration whether she wants it or not, giving easier access to anything that wishes to enter her soft, moist, juicy cunt.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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