Settings: Fantasy.​
1. Celt Gaelic is a mature demon at the physical age of 22 years old. He stands around 5’10” tall. Despite being the ruler of his kingdom, he can be quite shy, but he can be stern when he needs to be. Even while being as young as he is, he had no choice other than to take over his father’s throne. For the most part, he can be a pushover, and has a hard time saying no, but when more serious situations arise, he can take charge. Even though he isn’t the most respected rule, his people knows better than to push him too hard. With his power to control electricity, he can do quite the damage. If he focuses the electricity tight enough, he can even make a laser that can cut through almost anything. Because of his timid nature, though, he doesn’t like to use his powers. It’s even enough to startle himself.

Settings: Fantasy.
2. Janko Hungern is a mature demon at the physical age of 20 years old. He stands around 5’10” tall. He isn’t the shyest of creatures, and can be quite care free and free spirited. Even while behaving like that of an arrogant type, he can be easily intimidated by a force stronger than himself thanks to his lack of physical strength. To compensate for his lack of strength, though, he has strong legs which allows him to run away quickly, and for long distances. When his village was raided, he was easily able to escape capture, and he has been on the run ever since. He can’t imagine a life in captivity, and feels as if he’d die, if he’s forced to live in a cage like others of his kind. Because of the appearance of his rabbit-like race, his kind are often sought after to be like that of pets. Not only that, his race is known for being quite fertile, which makes them valuable breeders. With females being able to spawn many children at once, males can usually impregnate any female, and regardless of race, the female would spawn many children like that of his own kind.

Settings: Modern.
3. Enea Praise is a young man at the age of 19 years old. He stands around 5’7” tall. He isn’t the friendliest of males, and can be very arrogant. He would even treat his own family members like dirt. After his father passed away, he became head of the household according to his father’s will, inheriting the family’s vast fortune. The rest of the family were obviously upset, not only because of his age, but because of the kind of person he is. Ever since he inherited the money, he has been going on a spending spree. He would casually purchase expensive cars, jewelry, and alcohol while not bothering to deal with the family business. Fearing he would squander the family fortune; his family members have been plotting a way to either take it away from him or get rid of him all together.

Settings: Fantasy.
4. Conall Louve is a young demon at the physical age of 19 years old. He stands about 5’10” tall. He isn’t the friendliest of creatures, and he is considered to be consumed by greed. Even while young, he was given the title of Demon Lord by the Demon King, and was given land to rule over as he sees fit. Because of his greed, and how he taxes the towns close by, he is takes by the people. Despite his appearance, he has great physical strength, and he won’t hesitate to use it to demonstrate his power over those that would day question him. Being one of the Demon King’s minions also helps keep people in line, fearing that he may pay them a visit, if they displease their Demon Lord.

Settings: Fantasy.
5. Ayden Bole is a young demon at the physical age of 19 years old. He stands about 5’9” tall. Being a loner, he isn’t the friendliest of males, but because of his profession, he tries to get alone with most. He has been living peacefully in his town for as long as he could remember, but he felt the itch for adventure. After picking up the merchant trade, he left home to buy and sell wares. Being of one of the weakest of demon races, his parents didn’t like that he would venture off on his own, but with everything as peaceful as it is, he doesn’t seem the harm. While also being a stingy type, he prefers to camp out in the woods to save money rather than say at an inn. He especially prefers it, because he knows that not everyone would find his presence welcoming.

Settings: Modern
6. Callum Cox is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’8” tall. He can be quite friendly, and tends to get along with most, but he’s mostly seen hanging out with his twin brother, who usually gets him into trouble. Callan Cox is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’8” tall. He isn’t exactly the friendliest when it comes to those outside his family, but when it comes to women, he’s seen as a lady’s man. Being the most adventurous out of the twins, he would often drag his brother along with him. At night, they would sneak out into the city, picking up girls. With their looks, they’re able to get into most places, and thanks to Callan’s skill at manipulating women, they usually get a free meal. Taken, married or not, it didn’t matter to him whom they get their free meals from. With Callum being carefree, he just goes along with his brother.

Settings: Fantasy
7. Davan Bron is a young canine demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’8” tall. Unlike his feline sister Delia, he is more of a serious type. He often prefers to be left alone, and once in a while; he would get annoyed by her. He and his sister were both adopted since they were very young, and don’t even know who their real parents were. Because their appearance is so similar, they were taken in as pets at the same time, like they were a set. They both spoiled, but he doesn’t care about such things. Being male, he can’t help but be protective of the feline he considers to be his sister. While she’s playing around, he would often patrol the area before returning to either her side or one of the owners’. He can feel the hate coming from the servants as well as the common people when they’re taken out for walks, but he doesn’t care unless he feels they’re a threat.

Settings: Modern
8. Fiore Ermes is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’6” tall. He’s quite the energetic and friendly young man, always interested in trying new things. Spoiled by his parents, he grew used to getting his way. Even when his parents told him he couldn’t stay out late, he would often sneak out and find a place to party. He often enjoys hanging out at college parties, but really enjoys sneaking into different club venues. Not only does he enjoy alcohol, he would even partake in drugs of various strengths. Being an activist, he would even often participate in protests. Because of how he dresses, he is often mistaken as female, but when asked about it, he would merely say he’s non-binary, and still prefers the company of young women.

Settings: Fantasy.​​​​
9. Dal Dalibor is a young elven male at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’5” tall. Being as shy, timid, and weak as he is, he isn’t exactly the friendliest. Most of the males of his race are normally warriors of some kind, but his physical weakness made him more suited to be a healer. He wasn’t keen on the idea of combat in general, but for his town, it was tradition to join a work force of some kind, and with him the way he is, he isn’t suited for menial labor in general. After gaining the healing skills taught to him, he was told he must seek out a group to venture with, even though he would rather stay home.

Settings: Modern.​​
10. Leo Ryker is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’3” tall. He’s a friendly and gentle boy, but tends to be quite timid and naïve. Born with a rare skin condition, he isn’t allowed to leave the house, at least for long periods of time. When he is allowed, a family member would help apply a special lotion that would prevent the sun from burning his skin. For most of his life, he has been homeschooled, and mostly knows the life behind the walls of the home he currently lives in. Curious of the outside world, and growing lonely, because his family members are busier than usual, he has been considering sneaking out, but because of the sun, he can only really do that when it’s late at night.

Settings: Modern.​​
11. Kota Miu is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’4” tall. He can be quite friendly, but tends to be very shy, and timid when he encounters people he never met before. Because of his delicate appearance, and the light-colored clothing he chooses to wear, he is often mistaken as female. Taking after his mother in appearance, he can’t help but feel annoyed whenever a man comes around and hits on him. He sees his appearance as a curse, but he’s been learning to deal with it. It doesn’t help that his mother is as controlling as she is, insisting he dresses a certain way. She even made him get light purple highlights, because she thought it would look cute on him. Being as timid as he is, he has a hard time telling her no.
Settings: Fantasy.​
12. Asa Morning is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’8” tall. He’s friendly enough when he’s in public, but can be quite arrogant, because he was raised in a family of nobles. Despite his calm demeanor, he can be quite curious, and he doesn’t have much respect for authority. Even while being considered high class, he still has to do what the royal family says, but there are times where he would refuse to follow orders, and just merely wander off to do as he likes. It’s said that he’s supposed to become the ambassador for his fox-like people and the human royalty that dominates them once his father passes away, but he has no interest in such things. He really just wants to find a place to relax, and be left alone, because he isn’t interested in the stress that comes with the job.

Settings: Fantasy.​
13. Rinku Yubi is a young elven male at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’7” tall. He isn’t exactly the friendliest of males, and usually considers commoners as below him thanks to his spoiled upbringing. Despite how he was raised, he enjoys literature, and gaining knowledge, and he can be quite curious. Having exhausted what he could learn at his current hometown, he has been considering venturing off to other kingdoms to see what they have to offer. Having lived most of his life within the manor, he doesn’t know much of the world, but he is looking forward to seeing and experiencing it. His family has rejected the idea, but because he is of age, he can leave the household as he pleases.

Settings: Fantasy.​
14. Ippan Kingu is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’9” tall. Despite having been raised in a corrupt, and wealthy family, he grew to be quite kind. With him having grown to be the heir after his parents passed away, he is now the current head of the household. Many branching members of the family have rejected the idea, because of how young he is, but there wasn’t anything they can do about it legally. Ever since he because the head, he has been doing what he can to improve the reputation of his family name by spreading the wealthy and holding charity events, which only angers the other households even further. Because he has lived much of his life in his large manor, he is quite naïve of the world, but he still feels he must do what he can to help improve it despite his family’s disapproval.

Settings: Fantasy.​
15. Gilian Moore is a demon male at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’4” tall. He isn’t a very talkative male, and can be extremely shy, because of how he was brought up. Born into a wealthy family, he grew up spoiled, and isolated from the outside world for the most part. Now that he’s of age, his parents believe it’s time for him to see the outside world since he’s the heir to their fortune. He wasn’t exactly eager with the decision, and would rather just stay home, but he knows there isn’t any way he can talk his parents out of a decision once they made up their minds. Because of how naïve he is, he dresses in expensive clothing that can attract unwanted attention. Fortunately, he belongs to a rare race of shape-shifters, and he can physically change himself into that of a feline as big as a silver Maine Coon cat. The downside of such a transformation, is that his clothes don’t transform with him. Being a shape-shifter like himself can also be considered a downside as well, adding to his value as an exotic pet.

Settings: Fantasy.​
16. Cian Kelly is a young elven male at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’8” tall. He’s a friendly enough male, but he tends to be lazy, and free spirited. Even while not being wealthy, he likes to goof around. His parents obviously disapprove of how goalless he is, and have been trying to get him into the family fruit selling business, but all he wants to do is flirt with girls, and have a good time. Because of his lack of money, he would often mooch off of his parents or the girls he goes out with. Getting tired of his careless behavior, his parents planning on kicking him out of the house soon.

Settings: Fantasy.​
17. Enda Tori is a young half demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’6” tall. He can be quite friendly, but especially around young women. Because of his appearance, people often pay him no mind, but in reality, he has demon blood coursing through his veins. Physically, he’s weak, but he has the ability to move objects with his mind, which means him quite the threat. The Demon King of the area took notice of his abilities, and saw fit to grant him the title of Demon Lord at a different part of the land he watches over. Not having a problem with it, he took charge of the land, and through time, he’s practically worshiped as a god. Even while appearing to be kind, he would take advantage of the faith of young women, and have his fun with them when he’s bored.

Settings: Fantasy.​
18. Nevan Gael is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’3” tall. He’s a friendly, mischievous, and energetic young male. He loves playing with those in his town, but because of how adventurous he is, he would often leave home to explore lands beyond, even when told he shouldn’t. Because his town is isolated from the world, he can be quite naïve, and will sometimes let his curiosity take over. Being a fox type, he can be quite swift on his feet, and he has a heightened sense of smell, allowing him to navigate through unknown areas easily, and even allow him to find his way home, if he needs to. When encountering other humanoids, he may approach them, but when seeing dangerous creatures, he’ll dart off.

Settings: Modern.​
19. Chinon Kota is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’6” tall. He’s a friendly male, but can be quite shy and quiet at times. Because of his abusive father, he eventually ran away from home, and he now currently lives on the streets. Fearing the police or social worker would just drag him back home, he’s constantly on the move. Just the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle is enough to get him running. For the most part, he tries to stay as far away as possible from any adult figure, making sure they aren’t someone that would try to turn him in. For the most part, he’s been surviving living in alley ways and abandoned buildings while eating discarded food, but with his hunger growing, he’s becoming more desperate in seeking out nourishment.

Settings: Fantasy.​
20. Ros Dunne is a young male demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’9” tall. He belongs to a race of demon that lack the physical abilities of their cousins, becoming closer to human despite the rabbit ears. Because his race is seen as lesser than most, he is often teased about it regardless of his social standing in the city he currently resides in. Even though he isn’t a noble, he is the son of a respected merchant, selling valuable crystals and such. He doesn’t care about such things, though, wishing for a simpler life. Having received a scar from a past bullying incident, he grew to be distrusting of people, and preferring the company of animals. In an attempt to get out of the city, he has been trying to talk his father into letting him venture off to make deals, pretending to be interested in the business.

Settings: Modern.​
21. Liam Bell is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’7” tall. He can be nice, and isn’t at all shy, but he usually prefers to be left alone. He grew up well enough, and got along with his father, but as time went on, and his interests changed, he grew more depressed than anything else. Because he changed his style, and got less involved in physical activity, he would be teased and bullied at school. Even his father would belittle him by saying he dresses and behaves like that of a girl, nudging him around here and there, and even telling him how disappointed he is in him. In order to find some kind of resemblance of peace from all the annoyance, he would often sneak out of the house, and find a private place to relax.

Settings: Modern.​
22. Jael Poe is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’2” tall. He isn’t the shy type, but he isn’t very social either. Because of his height and cute appearance, he is often underestimated. Being a mischievous boy, he would often sneak into places he doesn’t belong, and take what he pleases. He started out stealing supplies from the schools he goes to, but after learning to pick locks, he upgraded to houses. Despite being well-off, he steals for the excitement of it. For the most part, he would steal little trinkets he can easily hide at home, and he hasn’t been caught yet. With his arrogance growing, he has been thinking of taking a visit to the city and looking through apartments to see what he can find or even large, secure mansions to test his skills.

Settings: Fantasy.​
23. Phelan Stone is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands about 5’7” tall. He isn’t the shy type, but isn’t at all the friendliest either. Being the son of an officer in the Royal Army, there is a lot expected of him. Since he was small, his father would give him harsh training, despite how delicate he may be. Because of his feminine face and how weak he looks; his father would be irritated looking at him and boys his age would pick on him. When he finally graduated from the academy, the only position he could acquire was that of a typical guard that’s usually seen waiting at the gates. Fortunate for him, though, the area he’s guarding is just a mere peaceful village out in the middle of nowhere. He has yet to see any action, and he hopes to keep it that way.

Settings: Modern.​
24. Attor Baros is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’9” tall in his humanoid form, and stands around 26’ long and 5.5” tall when he’s in his dragon form. When with his master, he’s as friendly as can be, but he isn’t very fond of strangers. Being raised in captivity, living the life as a pet is all he knows. Even while he’s used to protect his master’s treasure room like that of a guard dog, he has been spoiled. He would be given rich food, and he’s often given a thorough cleaning by the servants. Because of how he’s spoiled, though, he’s far weaker than most dragons used to guard property, and his slender appearance is proof of that. Even when he transforms into his full dragon form, he isn’t the most intimidating, but it’s enough to scare off most thieves. He doesn’t care too much about protecting treasure.
In a way, he is also a treasure to his master, because of a rarity he is. He is also capable of not only mating with his own kind, but other races as well. For the most part, though, a female that isn’t his race would only be able to produce an unfertilized egg the size of a melon, which is often sold off for a huge price, but there is a rare chance that one may actually carry his spawn, which would be a like himself. Once every three months, he would shed the plated scales from his body, and those scales are also valuable, because they can be used for making strong armor.

Settings: Modern.​
25. Alain Monet is a young man at the age of 18 years old. He stands around 5’8” tall. He’s a friendly, curious, and sweet male, and because of his upbringing, he grew up to be quite feminine, timid, and naive. His mother died at childbirth, and when he was a toddler, his brother married a woman that already has a son that’s about to enter his teens. Even though his step-brother was much older, his step-mother saw him as a threat to the throne, because she wanted her own biological son to be king. Because she couldn’t just outright kill him, she found a different way to make him less appealing to the opposite sex. Growing up, he would be raised like that of a female, and because his father is always busy running the kingdom, he didn’t pay too much attention to what was happening until it was too late. Grown up, he would dress in feminine clothing and behave like that of a young woman, ensuring his step-brother’s inevitable ascension to the throne. Because he still exists, though, his step-mother still believes him to be a possible threat, and still plans to find a way to remove him completely from the picture.

Settings: Fantasy.​
26. Aito Ganko is a young male demon at the physical age of 17 years old. He stands about 5’2” tall. He isn’t the friendliest of creatures, and his upbringing didn’t help matters much. At a very young age, he was plucked from his tribe by a nobleman. While growing up, he was abused to increase his aggression, and when the nobleman felt he was ready, he chained him within a cave that’s said to be rich with valuable crystals that line the walls. The cave would be his home for the majority of his life, and because of the lack of care and attention, he grew to be like that of a feral beast. Even when the nobleman’s servants visit to drop off some food, he’d snap at them, and would even make attempts to kill them. Even while being as young as he is, he is stronger and far more agile than he looks, but even with his inhuman strength, he can’t break the chains that hold him in place.

Settings: Fantasy.​
27. Brin Donal is a young demon at the physical age of 17 years old. He stands about 5’3” tall. He can be friendly enough at times, but he tends to be shy, and timid. He lived in a village of primitive feline creatures like himself, but after a raid, he had to leave his home, and everyone scattered. He struggled for some time to survive on his own, and when he reached a city, he found places where food is thrown out. He was later caught, cleaned up, had his wounds tended to, and sold to a wealthy family, where he’s treated like a mere house cat. With no way of escape, he has no choice other than to remain where he is. He likes the rich food that’s fed to him, but he can’t help but feel a strong longing for freedom, since he’s often treated like an object.
Settings: Fantasy.​
28. Finn Bryne is a male demon at the physical age of 17 years old. He stands about 5’3” tall. He can be considered friendly enough and shy, but like his older sister Fern, he tends to be territorial when strangers wander into an area. Also, like his sister, he prefers the company of animals, because he feels he can relate to them the most compared to those that walk on two legs. He doesn’t just stay in the forest, though. Being a curious creature, he may let his adventurous side take over, and explore new areas. He was raised in a village full of people like himself, but just grew bored dealing with a mundane life and just left with his sister. He doesn’t like the idea of being shackled down to the standards of others. Like, the rest of his people, he has a heightened sense of smell, and can move quickly while on all fours, but he lacks physical strength in general.

Settings: Modern.​
29. Elmar Werner is a young man at the age of 17 years old. He stands about 5’3” tall. He is a shy boy, and despite his circumstances, he can be quite friendly. Growing up in an abusive home, he was eventually taken away from his parents to live in an orphanage. The orphanage wasn’t that much better, though. Because of his timid nature, he was an easy target for further abuse among the other kids. With the adults not caring much about his well-being, he gained enough courage to escape. Living on the streets, he has to survive on straps here and there. After his original clothes wore out, he eventually had to resort to thievery. It’s scary living on the streets by himself, but he can’t help but feel somewhat at ease living deep in the alleyways.

Settings: Fantasy.​
30. Bess Foster is a young demoness at the physical age of 16 years old. She stands around 4’2” tall. She can be a friendly female, but tenses to be quite shy and timid when it comes to encountering strangers. Basil Foster is a young demon at the physical age of 16 years old. He stands around 4’3” tall. Unlike his twin sister, he can be quite bold, and he’s protective of his sister. The fox-like twins were traveling by carriage along with their parents when bandits attacked. Fortunately, they were able to escape unharmed, but now they have to travel the lands they’re not familiar with. Being children of wealthy nobles, they don’t understand how to navigate the lands and how to interact with people they’re not familiar with. Being fox types, though, they can be quick on their feet, when it comes to danger, and thanks to their sensitive noses, they can seek out food, if they need to. For the most part, they have have been surviving by stealing while trying to work their way back home, but they’re not sure where they should go.