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Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

1. Ruko Bell is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. Despite her appearance and size, she is quite the vicious and aggressive creature. Because of her tribal heritage, she grew up like that of a feral beast. She belongs to a rare type of elf with bright color hair that makes them easy to spot in the forests they reside in. To make up for their colorful appearance, her people have great strength, speed, and agility. Like, the rest of her tribe, they like outsiders of any kind, and won’t hesitate to strike. It’s also rumored that they eat what they kill, believing it grants them further strength. After having wandered too far from her tribe, she was captured, and brought back to civilization where her soiled primitive garbs are discarded, and replaced with modern underwear. Before she was woken up from her slumber, a collar and chain were attached before being locked to a bed in her own room. The plan was to sell her body for pleasure, but because of her animalistic personality, she would scare off customers. Growing frustrated, the owner of the brothel is struggling with what to do with her. Because she’s a rarity, he can’t just let her go, but he isn’t making much off of her right now.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

2. Isleen Dunkel is a young elven woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She can be quite friendly with family and personal servants, but can have quite the abrasive attitude towards those she doesn’t know. She is the princess of her kingdom and current successor to the throne. With her falling ill, she looks forward to rule. Her race is known for being almost war-like, and wouldn’t hesitate to start something at the drop of a hat. They practically look for any reason to dominate anything they consider to be lesser than themselves. When she takes over, she has great interests in expanding her rule over the lands, but she understands she may need to seek something to increase her military strength. Being as arrogant and as naïve as she is, she wouldn’t hesitate to leave the mainland to explore rumors that may help hasten her goals.

Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

3. Naira North is a young elven woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. Among her own people, she can be quite nice and caring, but she often has a stern exterior when encountering strangers. She is considered to be a warrior princess in her kingdom. Even during a time of peace, she feels they shouldn’t let their guard down. Often against her father’s wishes, she would join her knights on their daily patrol. Being the princess, she has only been given a little training. Her father made sure to tell the knights to only give her the basics to satisfy her desires. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

4. Zuria Freude is a young elven woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. Even while young, she behaves as if she’s mature. She can be friendly, but because of her upbringing, she grew quite stern. When she came of age, it was determined that she would become a temple priestess. People from all around would seek her advice or just to admire her beauty. In rare occasions, she would travel to troubled kingdoms in an attempt to broker peace. When overcome with stress, she may venture to the hot springs. Believing no one would dare risk war and try to harm her, she usually travels alone.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

5. Questa Suss is a young elven woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s a kind, friendly, and sweet female, but prefers the company of the woodland creatures. The people of her town would find her odd, because of how she would always head straight into the woods close by and stays there for long periods of time, but haven’t found her a threat of any kind for the moment. She’s often seen carrying fruits, nuts, and berries when she wanders into the woods, using them to feed herself as well as the animals she cares for. One of her favorite spots to visit is a clearing in the middle of the woods, but she started to notice something was off when visiting the old ruins. She has noticed that some of the animals there would behave strangely, and even found odd mutations on certain parts of their bodies. Fearing the animals may be getting sick, and knowing that the town’s people wouldn’t do anything, she has taken it upon herself to investigate and venture deeper into the forest to find the source of the growing corruption.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

6. Calla White is a mature elven female at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a very sweet and caring young female, but can be a little shy at times. She is the princess, and current ruler of her kingdom. She is highly respected since she often leaves the castle to help out with the people in the villages. She loved to travel with her father, but hates the politics when he goes into meets and has her sit with him to learn from it since she is a possible heir to the throne. Everything changed when her father passed away from an illness, leaving her to rule alone. She can only rule for a short time, though. There is a law in her kingdom that states she has to marry within a month of taking the throne, or her rule will be forfeit, and a male relative will become the new King. She isn’t happy with the situation, but she knows she has to follow the laws. She now waits for her trusted servants to seek out, find, and bring back anyone that may become her husband. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

7. Runri Tizria is a young dwarf girl at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 4’ tall. She isn’t exactly the friendliest of females, and hates it when those taller than her talks down to her like she’s a child. Like, her father, she was trained to use a sword for combat. Being female, though, she had a difficult time getting up in the ranks. When it came time for her to venture off on her own, she found it even more annoying when dealing with humanoids double her size. Despite her size, she has proven herself to not only be pretty skilled, but surprisingly strong. With the eagerness to prove herself, she would travel from town to town, taking up solo quests. She used to quest with a party, but she just didn’t like how they treated her, and felt she’s better off working alone.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

8. Phile Fox is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of elven females when it comes to meeting strangers, but she is usually fine when she’s with her own race. Her race is often considered to be the savages of elven races, but that’s starting to change as they start adopting more civilized traditions. Normally, they would want to keep things natural, simple, and pure, but with how they’re struggling to keep up with everyone else, her people have been feeling some things need to change. Hating how things are going, she refuses to learn the languages of other people, and has even taken residence further way from town, refusing to change along with them.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

9. Olivia Eve is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a sweet female, but can be quite shy, even with her chosen profession as a dancer. When she was an infant, she was abandoned at a human village. Because of her elven heritage, she isn’t well liked among the villagers, so finding employment was difficult. Desperate to find out what happened to her parents or possible other relatives, she eventually stumbled upon a tavern that was willing to employ her, but as a dancer. Because she’s a rarity in the area, the owner of the tavern knew she’d be quite the attraction to travelers. She isn’t comfortable wearing barely anything, and having people stare at her with hungry eyes, but she needed to save up enough money to let her travel. Because of her naïve nature, she isn’t even sure how much is needed to travel to the elven lands she wants to visit.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

10. Gia Hoseki is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She is a shy female, but that isn’t the reason why she isn’t talkative. As far as she can remember, she was born a mute. Even while unable to speak, she understands what people say to her, and she has the ability to write. It’s a trait that’s passed down throughout the women of her family, and it’s because of such trait that makes her valuable to those that value secrecy. For generations, her family would be sought after for their servitude, and it’s something they only know because of it. With her being a young woman, it’s her time to follow in her family’s tradition. When the time comes, someone will arrive to pick her up, and all she knows is that she will have to serve someone, because no one in her family ever returns.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

11. Romy Baton is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18. She stands about 5’4” tall. She was usually a friendly female, but grew more shy and distant when her turn to become the village sacrifice came around. Her village has been plagued by a strong evil, often pillaged for their food. They eventually made a deal to sacrifice a young woman to them every year, and it’s now her turn to help the village. She doesn’t want to be sacrificed to them, but knows what would happen if she resisted. She can’t help but feels fearful about it, since she never sees a female villager return with them after the year is up. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

12. Ran Airi is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She is a kind and elegant female, and can be a little quiet, but she isn’t at all shy. The people of her village practically worship her, seeing her as the reincarnation of their goddess. Not only because she looks like the ancient elf, but because of the mana the radiates from her body. It is said she can heal someone with just a touch and even help plants grow, and that makes her quite valuable to her people. Being the kind woman that she is, she understands how dangerous it is for her to be in her village. Fearing that dangerous forces would destroy her village, she plans to sneak out and find sanctuary elsewhere. Only knowing life in the village has made her ignorant of the outside world, though, but she feels she can manage on her own.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​​​

13. Amari Sage is an elven golem at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She isn’t exactly the friendliest creature. She doesn’t have much of a temper, but if someone she sees as a threat wanders into her territory, she wouldn’t hesitate to attack. She’s a golem made from magic infused stone, and her main purpose in life is to watch over and protect an ancient and abandoned elven ruin that’s said to house great treasure. For the most part of her life, she would stand completely still upon her pedestal, and whenever a threat to the possible treasure crosses the vision of her ruby eyes, she would awaken and attack with her great strength. Even with her strength as great as it is and with her being originally made out of stone, her skin is just as soft and smooth as that of a young girl. Even with her being made the way she was, she is quite the curious creature, and because of her isolation, she is quite naïve. She has thoughts and a personality of her own, but a magic crystal embedded at the back of her neck prevents her from disobeying her creators’ orders, which compels her to stay where she is and attack intruders.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern

14. Alyn Brush is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and tends to prefer solitude. Because all she knows is the forest, and the village, she is quite naive, but she can be very curious. She belongs to a race of wood elves that are hidden deep with the forests. Every hundred years or so, a special wood elf would be born with heightened abilities, and she is such a creature. Ever since she came of age, she found she’s in tune with nature. She not only can she sense the presence of animals; she can feel when something grazes a plant and even the suffering of vegetation when she puts her hands to the ground. She sensed danger was coming, and when she tried to warn her follow elves, they wouldn’t believe her, because they haven’t seen any sign of life like themselves in several generations. Armed with a bow, she took it upon herself to leave her village, and defend the forest that would dare harm it and the creatures within it.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

15. Ines Pierre is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She is a quiet female and isn’t at all very friendly. Because of how she was raised, she also became quite stubborn. Since she was a little girl, she was taught discipline and the fighting arts by her family. She grew to be somewhat skillful, but with everything as peaceful as it is, she can’t really fully test her skills. Because she’s female, she isn’t taken seriously when sparing with the males of her clan. When hearing that someone from the village went missing, she didn’t hesitate to volunteer to leave and search for the person since she sees it as an opportunity to not only see the world outside her village, but also see if there is someone that would seriously fight her. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

16. Toril Braun is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She can be a friendly female, but she’s extremely shy, especially compared to the rest of her tribe that are more warrior-like. She belongs to a rare breed of elves, primitive compared to the other races. Her race is considered to be quite ancient, so their origins are unclear, but it’s assumed they are a result of having bred with other races, because of their dark skin, brown hair, and blue eyes. Also, because of their small ears, they can sometimes pass as humans. Being a primitive race, they have secluded themselves deep in the wooded areas. Because of their lack of modesty, they are often looked down upon like any other common animal whenever a different race of higher elf encounters them. As soon as she came of age, she was made to follow their ritual, given invisible tattoos all along her bare body by using crystals found in their land. When becoming emotional, said tattoos would emerge and glow. Even though her race is considered lower than the other elves, it’s said their bodies radiate a great deal of mana even with them being physically weak. They themselves don’t understand their own power, but may emerge like a powerful force when stressed. Basically, like a defense mechanism.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​​​

17. Anette Grace is a young female elf at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She's a very sweet young woman and quite popular with the people of her village. She belongs to a group of dark elves who left their violent ways to live in peace. They have even thrown away their weapons to remove all temptation. They went as far to isolate themselves from the world by moving far up into the mountains that were once an active volcano. When time passed, moving far from the forests that gave up dark mana made their skin became pale, but their red eye color remained. They aren't hostile, though. If someone were to visit the village, the visitor would be welcomed with opened arms. Strangers that wander into the village makes her nervous, but she will welcome them with a smile on her face. Like, the rest of her people, her body hasn't adapted to the cold, but the hot springs her village was built around helps keep everyone warm. She especially enjoys the springs at night, loving the cool air flowing over her bare skin while she bathes in the warmth.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi.​​​​

18. Rin Lilith is a young elf at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'3" tall. She's a sweet young female, but a little shy at times. She belongs to an advanced race of elves that discovered how to harness the power of crystals, which they used to power their cities and vehicles. Because of their newly found power, they are seen as a threat by other races. The crystal on their foreheads allows them to control various machines. She's one of the few elves that understand how to infuse these crystals with power, making her someone that's sought after. With the attention she's getting, she's wondering if she should venture off, fearing what people would actually use the crystals for. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

19. Keres Duff is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of elven females, but mostly towards people of different race. Being born into a wealthy family, she feels herself superior to other races and has been quite spoiled. Her race would often mingle with the humans, but she doesn’t see the point, since she sees them as lower life forms. Whenever she encounters a human, she would often disregard them or completely ignore them when they try to speak to her. Even if there is someone homeless asking for help, she would merely ignore their existence.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

20. Karina Knapp is a young elven female at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 4’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females. Especially when encountering outsiders. She belongs to a race of primitive elves, which are considered to be a warrior race despite their size. Being quite small, they are often compared to dwarves. To compensate for their lack of height and muscle, they found that grinding down a special stone into powder, and using it as ink for tattoos, they can enhance their physical abilities. With their bodies augmented, their strength and speed are enhanced. When she came of age, she was given the tattoos as well, allowing her to take on creatures that would normally easily kill her kind. For the most part, she doesn’t leave the borders of her village, but if she senses danger close by, she won’t hesitate to investigate. Having just been given her tattoos, she’s eager to prove herself.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

21. Yuma and Riku Nikko are twin elves at the physical age of 18 years old. They stand about 5’3” tall. Yuma is a friendly and energetic girl, but can be quite mischievous. Riku on the other hand is nice, but tends to be quiet and obedient compared to her twin sister. The two grew up being quite close, and being the only daughters, they are the heir to the family merchant business. Because of how young they are, though, it will be sometime before they can do any kind of trading. For the most part, when traveling with their father, they help his clients relax through dance or helping with the food and drinks. When they aren’t trying to entertain and serve, they are sitting back and watching their father conduct business. When they aren’t traveling, they are usually found within their estate enjoying their youth, playing games, and exploring the woods close by. Thanks to the merchant business, they have been able to see a lot of the world, and look forward to seeing what else is out there while traveling with their father.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

22. Barra Spear is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 3’3” tall. She’s a friendly female, and came to be quite naïve, because of her upbringing, but grew to be distrusting after an incident with her village. She belongs to a race of half-lings, that are practically isolated from most races. She’s the daughter of the village chief, and she was arranged to marry the done from a different village. When the time came, she refused to marry him, because she only knew him for a day. Her father accepted her choice, and told the son, and the other village chief to leave. A month later, and angry by her refusal, the rival village attacked her home, and make an attempt to take her by force. With little choice, she was made to run away from her once peaceful village. On the run, she now wanders the lands unfamiliar to her, hoping to find help to save her, and her people.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

23. Kate Daly is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly and kind female, and generally gets along with most people. She was raised in a Noble family, and grew to be a little spoiled while growing up. Because of her Noble upbringing, she can be a little naïve of the world, especially when it comes to dealing with those of lower class. Not having to worry about money herself, she can’t imagine the suffering of others and can be a little careless when speaking to those considered lower than herself. Seen as fragile and timid, her parents gave her fencing lessons once she came of age. Because of her Noble blood, those she goes up against would let her win, boosting confidence as well as her arrogance. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

24. Berget Berry is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a nice girl, but can be quite shy, and naïve. Because her parents have been having some money troubles, she chose to leave her town to work at a tavern in a human city far from home. It wasn’t something she was eager to do, but she heard she could make a lot of money working in a city tavern. She currently works as a waitress, serving rowdy, and handsy customers. Being an elf, she can’t help but feel as if stands out, feeling the stares of drunken men that visit the tavern often. To help save further money, she was allowed to live in one of the rooms of the tavern. She doesn’t like how noisy it can get, and the smell is unappealing, but she feels she must do everything she can to earn enough money, and send it to her parents.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

25. Mia Leaf is a young dwarf girl at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 3’11” tall. She was normally a friendly female, but became timid when she was forcibly taken from her village along with her mother. She was to be sold off as a slave, but her mother sacrificed herself so that she may be able to escape. Dressed in slave garb, she’s now not only on the run from the people that wish to enslave. She also has to protect herself from other dangers in a world she’s not familiar with. After what she experienced, she has a hard time trusting people she doesn’t know, but that could also be because her tribe was secluded far from civilization. Despite her timid nature, she can be quite curious.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

26. Li Choi is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be a friendly female, but she has been considered an odd ball, because of her desire to leave her frosty home. She belongs to a race of elves that evolved to handle the harsh, cold climate after having migrated away from the forests. Not only has their hair turned white or silver, their pointed ears grew soft fur. The downside of evolving in such a way, is that they’re more susceptible to heat. If their body temperatures get to a certain point, they can be easily overwhelmed to the point their minds get hazy. She enjoys the snow and ice for the most part, but she wants to see the world beyond it. She wants to see the lush green her ancestors experienced, and to see other races.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

27. Sile Gail is a young elven girl at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She’s a friendly and naive young woman, but can be quite shy despite her current position as the head of the household of a family of nobles. Due to an unfortunate “accident” that took the lives of her parents, she was forced to the top. There have been a lot of suspicions about the whole situation, and it was rumored that she was supposed to have been killed along with her parents, but there isn’t any proof of that. Unprepared, she has to take control of the family business she didn’t have interest in before. It only makes it difficult, not because of how young she is, but because she’s female. Being a female head, it’s said she’s obligated to marry, but she has been trying to avoid those kinds of discussions. Stressed, she isn’t sure what to do.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

28. Cullen Busch is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and has been preferring solitude within the forests. Her people have long since left the forests they once believed sacred to live in cities, but she has chosen to stay behind. She has taken it upon herself to be the champion of the forest, protecting it from those that would harm the plant life and animals. With her limited skills, she would fend off monsters, poachers, or anyone she feels is trespassing on the land. She just can’t stand the idea of leaving the green world behind and undefended.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

29. Lucile Yubi is a young elven female at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. Like, her twin brother Rinku Yubi, she doesn’t have a lot of love for commoners, and she has lived most of her life at the manor they were born and raised in. Unlike, her brother, though, she doesn’t care much for literature and the pursuit of knowledge. She isn’t the friendliest, because of how she was raised, and doesn’t have a problem speaking her mind. While her brother has been sticking his nose in the books, she spent a lot of her time learning some swordsmanship. When her brother decided to leave their home, and seek out rare books and such, she was shocked. She decided to stay for the most part, but she managed to keep in touch with him through letters. It wasn’t until she stopped hearing back from him when she started getting worried, and decided to leave the manor as well to find out what happened to him.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

30. Ashlin Petrus is a young elven female at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She’s energetic, and can be friendly, but she can have a spoiled attitude, because of how she was raised. While an infant, she was taken from her home by bandits after a raid on her village. She was then later sold to a wealthy family with a business in slavery, and as an experiment, she was raised like that of a common house cat. Being of elven heritage, it didn’t take her long to learn simple commands and some of the language in general, but she always has been treated as a typical animal. Seeing her as a success, her owners plan on using what they learned from training her to use on full-grown subjects. With her no longer being of use, they plan on either selling her body to make extra money or selling her off all together for political reasons.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

31. Liz Koro is a young elven woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She can be friendly, but she can be a little too carefree, because of her upbringing. Being the daughter of the mayor of her town, she grew up quite spoiled. It’s something her father regret letting happen, since he plans on eventually letting her take over. With her being the only heir, he wants to make sure she learns to be a proper and respected woman, so he decided to prove herself by tasking her to watch over rare magical trinkets and tomes. Because it has been hundreds of years since the creation of such items, he himself as well as the other elders don’t even remember what power they possess. Believing the items benign, he doesn’t see any problem in letter her watch over them on her own. Hoping it would get her father off her back and thinking it would be easy, she takes the job offer. Not really caring about the boing items she has to watch over, she just wants to lounge around and relax in the sun.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

32. Atasi Munsell is an elven female at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 2’10” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and can be quite the loner. After an attack on her village, most have her people scattered into the wind. Because of their appearance, they are often sought after as pets by more civilized humanoids, but creatures like goblins and kobolds seek her kind out for other purposes. As helpless as she is by herself, she doesn’t want to encounter such creatures, so she believes it’s safer for her to be among those much bigger than herself in the cities. Being as small as she is, she’s able to get into places other’s wouldn’t. Unlike other elves, though, she can be similar to that of a beast with her sense of smell and hearing being quite advanced. Not only that, she has control over her hair, allowing her to use it like extra appendages for climbing or even defending herself. For the most part, she keeps to herself, but if she needs extra money, she may join a party or two. Because of her size, though, she isn’t taken seriously and she has yet to tell anyone of her hair.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

33. Hanne Velai is a young elven girl at the physical age of 17 years old. She stands around 4’8” tall. She’s a friendly and kind female, but can be timid and a little naïve. After her parents left on a business trip, she took it upon herself to take care of things. It has been over a year since her parents left her alone, and she’s starting to wonder if they’ll ever return. She’s been managing to sell the items in the store, but with supplies getting low, she doesn’t know how she’ll be able to resupply on her own, because her parents haven’t taught her that part of the business. With funds getting low, and not much left to sell, she’s starting to feel desperate and nervous. Being as timid as she is, though, she isn’t sure who she should ask for help from, since she’s by herself in the big city.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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