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Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Cari Juku is a mature fairy at the physical age of 36 years old. In her natural form, she stands at around 6” tall. In her bigger form, she stands at around 5’7” tall. She’s an elegant and kind female, but is warry of strangers and outsiders. She’s the current queen of her race, and she feels she just do what she can to protect them from harm. Her people once trusted outsiders, but after an attack, they were forced to leave the valleys they’re used to and move deep into a forest where they cleared a patch of land to call their own. They manage to survive for the most part, growing their magic as well as their seeds to grow plants of their former home so they may create the nectar they need. She can be considered quite powerful, able to control the plants to a certain extent, but she would rather not use violence, if she can help it.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Di Heilen is a mature fairy at the physical age of 29 years old. Her natural form stands around 5” tall. Her bigger form is at around 5’7” tall. She is a friendly and energetic female, enjoying mischief and teasing travelers she happens to come across. She is often mistaken as a typical butterfly by the ignorant, but she’s the type of fairy that’s sought after by those that know what she is. The dust that sheds from her skin and wings have a powerful healing ability. A little is enough to cure minor physical wounds, but a large handful is enough to regenerate missing limbs and allow people to recover from near death. Because she doesn’t believe there are enough people that know about her ability, she roams freely throughout the land. She especially enjoys being around Honey Bee hives to drink of their honey, keeping her sustained and energetic.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Alani Ishi is a mature fairy at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall in her full size, but stands around 6 inches tall in her small size. She is a kind fairy, but can be defensive and stern when around strangers. It’s said that fairies are practically immortal, and don’t need to reproduce, but every hundred years or so, a fairy is chosen to be the bearer of their offspring, and she herself is said chosen fairy. After having gone through a metamorphosis, she gained the ability to have offspring. Not only that, she can also hide her wings while in her full-size form. Typically, a fairy’s wings would merely just shrink. It’s said the ability to hide her wings is designed to help her blend in, so that she may take in the seed of humans and elves, and give birth to more fairies, but if mated with demons or worse, an abomination could be produced. There is a rumor that there is a rare chance that an even stronger offspring of the creature she mates with can be created, but such a thing hasn’t been proven. Fearing such an event, she has chosen not to seek out and mate. Though, she has noticed that the population has been dwindling.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Irina Chaste is a female fairy at the physical age of 26 years old. She stands around 6” tall in her small form, and stands around 5’7” in her bigger form. Despite her appearance, she’s quite friendly, and playful. Because of how she looks, though, she is often mistaken as an imp. It doesn’t help situations much when her kind is often found in graveyards or around death in general. It’s said that her type of fairies feed off of the remaining life force that radiates off of the dying or dead. For the most part, she’s able to keep herself hidden while traveling at night, but when it’s time to feed, her body glows a blue aura. It’s also said that the energy stored within their bodies can be uses in various of ways. One just needs to find a way to pull it out of her.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Farida Flotte is a mature fairy at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall full sized. While in her littler form, she’s 5” tall. She isn’t the shyest of females, but she prefers her solitude. When annoyed enough, she can potentially lose her temper. Even among her own kind, she’s considered quite powerful. She’s able to manipulate and control plants. Not only that, she can harden them into crystals embedded with power that. Because of her abilities and temperament, she’s feared even by her own kind. She currently lives far from the fairy village, learning to control her abilities better.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Visa Ever is a mature fairy as the physical age of 22 years old. In her smaller form, she stands around 5” tall. In her bigger form, she stands around 5’5” tall. Even while being of royal blood, and the heir to her kingdom, she is quite carefree. Because her kind hasn’t experienced any hostility in hundreds of years, she can’t imagine anything negative befalling her kingdom. Because of her playful and carefree nature, she would often sneak out of her land for a little fun. She would often tease the forest creatures, and with a village having been built close by, she can’t help herself but tease the people living there as well. Being rare creatures, they are often sought after as pets. Because of their surroundings, it’s said their bodies give off a sweet floral scent, but not long that, it’s rumored that the sparkling flakes of their soft skin gives off restore a little of a person’s youth. With her being of royal blood, it’s said her dust is the most potent.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Aine Natur is a young fairy at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall full size while standing 5” tall in her little form. She is a cheerful and sweet female, and can usually easily get along with most people, but can be naïve. Normally, she prefers to stay in her village deep in the forest, but she would be sent out to mingle and trade with the larger races. Her race doesn’t have a grasp of what currency is, and merely use the valuable jewels they find in the local mines to make payments. For the most part, they receive their nourishment from the honey from honeybees, but when supplies are low, she would purchase more from market. Because she has the most experience dealing with other races, she’s the one that gets sent out the most. When in her larger form, her wings disappear and her pointed ears stay the same. Even with her ears the way they are, she’s usually able to pass as an elf or even a human. She doesn’t really like interacting with the other races, because she gets weird looks from some of them, but she understands it's something that must be done.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Ealga Brave is a mature fairy at the physical age of 21 years old. In her small form, she stands around 6” tall. In her big form, she’s 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly, curious, and mischievous female. Currently, she is the princess of her fairy kingdom hidden away within the forest, but because she’s the playful type, she would often sneak out for a little fun. When in her large form, she makes sure to hide away her wings and antenna to make herself more human-like. For the most part, she would sneak into hot springs, enjoying the warmth since it’s something she doesn’t have where she lives. For the most part, she’s able to get away with hiding her wings and antenna, but if she lets her guard down, relaxes too much, or gets startled, they can easily reappear, and she would have to run back home, because she knows how sought after her kind are to outsiders.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
9. Mika Cooney is a young fairy at the physical age of 20 years old. While in her small form, she’s 6 inches tall, but when she uses her growth powers, she’s 5’1” tall. She’s a friendly young female and can be overly curious. Because her race often actively tries to stay away from other creatures, she can be quite naïve. She is often seen in her little size, but when she feels she needs to, she’ll grow. Her race is often sought after, because of the dust they create. This dust is made from their own skin cells that are frequently shed from their bodies. With this dust, it’s said it can enhance anyone that consumes it. To a fairy, the dust doesn’t do a thing. They merely see it as a typical annoyance to clean up.  

Updated: 11/13/2024

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