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Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Leisl Gott is a mature angelic woman at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t exactly a shy female, but she isn’t talkative either. Through the years, she grew a disliking to the creatures below, and grew bored of guarding the heavenly gates to her kingdom along with her older sister Millie. Wanting to see the people below destroy themselves, she would do what she can to manipulate them into war. While exploring, she managed to start quite a few wars, but would find them returning to peace right after. She finds it quite frustrating, and hopes to start something bigger. Like, her sister, she has the ability to hide her wings in order to blend in. Unbeknownst to both her and her sister, though, they were born with the ability to have children, but not just any children. Any child they give birth to would be granted enhanced abilities, and depending on whom they coupled with, the power of that child may vary.


Settings Fantasy/Modern.
Elice Song is a young angle at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'3" tall. She is a bit of a ditsy and naive young female, getting herself into unintentional trouble. She is also quite friendly, not really shy about meeting new people. She belongs to a race of angelic creatures that live high in the clouds, hidden away from those that live upon the Earth. One day, while wandering the halls of her kingdom's castle, she found herself in a room she isn't supposed to be in, and is accidentally teleported to an unknown location on Earth, forcing her to wander a world she is not familiar with while trying to find her way back home.


Settings Fantasy.
Kenna Lassie is a young angelic woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s an energetic and sweet young female, and wouldn’t shy away from strangers. Every now and then, there will be someone born with wings, and because people would see her wings as an abomination even among religions people, she would make sure to hide them by folding them against her back and wear a cloak whenever she leaves her home. She has the ability to fly, but she doesn't have the strength to stay up for too long. Because of her wings, she can’t help but feel she should leave her village and find a more accepting place to live.


Settings Fantasy/Modern.
Kyse Mela is a young angle at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'4" tall. She is a bit of a stubborn young female, hating being told what to do, but can be tolerable to talk with once she gets used to someone. She can also be quite mischievous, pulling pranks on those she feels are stuck up. After getting into an argument, she left her home and found her way upon the land of the humans. Able to use limited magic, she has the ability to hide her wings and halo, but if made to lose focus, they would appear once more. Too proud to go back home, she decides to wander the land and see what it has to offer.


Settings Fantasy/Modern
Gisse Frema is a young angel at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’10” tall. She’s a kind female, but can be a little distant and quiet. She’s currently living at a church that’s using her as a way to gain followers. She was taken in after she was found wandering around alone near a crater in the ground. She lost her memories of the incident, but the people in charge of the church took it as a sign and also an opportunity. With her singing voice and appearance, she grew quite popular, gaining the attention of people and races of different kinds. There have even been those expressing interest in purchasing her, but her caretakers have refused. For now.


Settings Fantasy/Modern
Sadie Nasco is a young angelic woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. When meeting new people, she can be friendly, but because of her circumstances, she isn’t very trusting. Having been involved in an endless battle with the forces of darkness for hundreds of years, she grew weary of the situation. Having lost so many of her brothers and sisters, the war took a great toll on her mentally, and she eventually had enough. She threw away her sword, descended upon the world below, and hide her wings away so that she may live as a mortal.  Even while living as a mortal, she chose to live as far away from them as possible, not only fearing getting found out, but also fearing that she may put them in danger, because of the energy her body emits. She understands very well that unholy creatures may seek her out for either revenge or to use her power. It’s said that, if one were to consume her flesh, that person would be granted great power. Not only that, if an angel is bred, she would also provide powerful offspring. She merely just wants to live in peace, no longer caring about the wars being waged. Because she's an angel built for battle, her body also has advanced healing abilities. Abilities so powerful she can regenerate regrow missing limbs within a few weeks. 


Settings Fantasy/Modern
Clio Muse is a young angelic creature at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. When among her own kind, she’s calm and content, but can be aggressive and territorial. She belongs to a race of angelic beings that went feral so long ago. For the most part, they look like angels of legend, but behave like that of wild beasts. Normally, an animal would hunt prey during the night, but for these creatures, they don’t need to. Because of their ability to fly, they can easily swoop down and catch typical animals to feast on. Not only that, their angelic and attractive appearances make it easy for them to catch humanoid beings off guard.


For the most part, they hunt prey for food like any other animal, but what makes them very different is their breeding ability. Her kind is a race of only females, which means they can’t reproduce among themselves. Once a year, they would seek out virile males, and mate with them, but once they have their seed, they are no longer of use for them. After mating, they would merely just feast upon them, and if they don’t get pregnant, they would seek another. Being within the breeding season, she can’t help but feel that urge, and she’s currently seeking a worthy male to be her next mate.


Settings Fantasy/Modern
Kanna Dewa is a young angelic woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She can be friendly, when she needs to be, but for the most part, she prefers to be left alone. With the world at the brink of war, she has been sent to the world below with the sole mission of preventing that from happening. It has been difficult, but she managed to keep the kingdoms from going at each other’s throats, manipulating them in the shadows through the use of the ability to turn invisible for a time, and whispering ideas into key people’s ears. In rare occasions, she would hide her angelic wings and feathers, and take human form to interact with people directly. Doing so is risky for her, because it removes her powers completely. Not just losing the power to turn invisible, but also loses her extra strength and durability. Recently, she has been feeling the need to be extra careful, hearing that people are growing aware of her magical presence. Because how stern her orders were to complete her task to keep the peace, she doesn’t feel she can retreat just yet.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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