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Settings: Fantasy.​​

1. Holle Necken is a mature elf at the physical age of 36 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She’s a friendly enough woman, and because of her long experience as an adventurer, she can be quite carefree and even arrogant. Since as far as she could remember, she has been going on adventures, and exploring strange new lands, but she’s at the point where she doesn’t really need the money anymore, and would go out as a mere hobby. Even while in a serious situation, she would be flirtatious towards companions. Despites how she behaves, the situation never goes beyond teasing, and she would often leave her group feeling frustrated with her. Being as long lived as she is, she doesn’t care what people think of her. Even because of her attitude, people often seek her out, because of her ability to control the wind, which allows her to slices through wood and even stone.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

2. Sana Gamel is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 34 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She’s a stern and serious female, often preferring to left alone. She belongs to a rare race of elves that specialize in blacksmithing, often creating jewelry from the metals and crystals they find in their mines. They are also known for the miniature dragons they breed, using their scales they shed in their craft. She spends a lot of her time raising the dragons, finding it rewarding and preferring their company than that of people of her town. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

3. Imani Faith is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 33 years old. She stands around 5’7” inches tall. She’s a kind and sweet elven female, but becomes quite serious in times of battle and war. For years, whenever some kind of war or battle broke out, she would be brought in by the ruler of her kingdom. She has the power to levitate herself, but the most importable power she has is the ability to create portals. She would be used to create a portal into enemy camps or anywhere important. Because of her power, she is feared by the enemy and has created enemies looking for revenge. Her spiritual energies would radiate from her body, also making her a target for demons. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

4. Ayo Baako is a mature elven demon hybrid at the physical age of 32 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. Regardless of her heritage, she is a sweet and kind woman. She is the princess of the kingdom, and is next in line to take over the throne since she’s the only heir provided before her demon mother passed away. Because she’s a cross-breed between an elf and a demon, she is seen as an abomination. The royal advisors tried to talk the King into getting rid of her, but because of the love for his deceased queen, he couldn’t bring himself to do so. With her father at Death’s door, the royal subjects can’t help but see her as a threat. Not only because of the demon blood that flows through her veins. She has an unusual power coursing through her, unlike anything they’re familiar with. When she’s calm, she merely creates sparks from her fingertips, but when she’s emotionally stressed, she can send a powerful current of electricity that can not only electrocute and fry anything organic, but also destroy stone when come in contact.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

5. Keely Bryn is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 30 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly female, but can be quiet and shy at times. In her current situation, she grew to be less talkative. She was married into a wealthy family, but when her husband passed away, her whole life changed for the worse. She wasn’t aware of the financial issues, and she ended up inheriting the debt. Because of how massive the debt was, she not only had to sell the mansion and possessions, she was sold into slavery. With slavery being legal for these types of situations, there isn’t anything she can do. After having been sold, she’s mainly used for manual labor. With the laws as they are, owners of slaves aren’t allowed intimate interactions, but that could all change, if the law were to be altered.


Settings: Fantasy

6. Suri Zuri is a young elf at the physical age of 30 years old. She stands about 5’8” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and she isn’t at all the shy type. She is known for being negative towards people, but it’s very likely because she’s half elf and half demon. Mainly having the appearance of an elf, she’s able to live peacefully for the most part among other elves, but because of her lineage, people would often look at her with disgust and would even try to force her to leave the town. Fearing things may be getting heated, she felt it would be best to leave, and ventured off in an attempt to find some place more accepting of her. Not only did the people of her town fear her for the way she looks, it’s also her unusual physical strength they felt threatened about, making her stronger than most elven and human males.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​

7. Odille Moon is a young elven female at the physical age of 29 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She is a quiet elven woman, but she can be quite friendly. She belongs to a race of Dark Elves who believe in peace. She works as the ambassador of her kingdom. She would go from Kingdom to Kingdom to try to ally with the other races who also seek peace, but it’s hard since no one trusts them. The dark elves of other kingdoms believe them to be cowards for seeking peace and would even plot against them. 


Settings: Fantasy.​

8. Adriana is a young elven female at the physical age of 29 years old. She stands around 5'4" tall. She is a quiet young female, but isn't the shy type. Because she was born in the lower class, she has been having a hard time getting her business going. She needs ingredients for her shop and the only way she can get them would be to go into the city, practically risking her life since the higher classes tend to enjoy harassing the lower class. She hates going into the city, but she doesn't feel she has a choice at the moment. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

9. Kyma Fagan is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 29 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a quiet young female, but can be quite friendly towards her people. After her husband passed away due to the strains of war, she has been made the sole ruler of her kingdom. With no other male relatives to take her husband’s place, she had no choice other than to hesitantly take the throne. She manages to handle the task of ruler just fine, but her subjects are worried since she hasn’t bared a child that would be a successor. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

10. Alana Parchment is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She is a sweet, and kind female despite her upbringing as a princess, but because she is royalty, she can be quite naïve of the world. Against her father’s wishes, she decided to travel the world and help those in need. With the world currently at peace after a great war, there are still those that are affected by the aftermath. Using the great wealth, she brought along with her, she eventually had a large structure with many rooms to house weary travelers within the forest. Using the skills as an archer she gained when she was living behind castle walls, she would do her best to hunt prey, and gather herbs, fruit, and vegetables to feed anyone that would need food. Even with her as delicate as she is, she manages to slaughter animals well enough, but it’s not exactly something she’s accustomed to since she doesn’t like the sight of blood and gore. Because she doesn’t like killing animals, she mostly tries to focus on vegetation and nuts. After having taken root, she lives alone with her treasure hidden within the basement of her current home.


Settings: Fantasy​​

11. Annis Flora is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She’s a very friendly female, but may be a bit eerily so. She didn’t have a normal birth. During the time of war, she was created through the use of alchemy, and the seed of her people’s most powerful warriors. She was enhanced physically, giving her great strength, and endurance, allowing her to wield strong weapons, and last a great deal of time in battle. With her help, her kingdom was able to fend off a horde of feral demons during their desperate times. With peace now at hand, there is little for her to do. Because she was basically raised to be a weapon, and how fast she grew in a short period of time, she doesn’t know how to interact with others. She’s almost child-like mentally, making her quite the innocent warrior woman. Battle was merely just playtime for her. Because of how she behaves, the people around her can’t help but be nervous.


Settings: Fantasy​​

12. Maud Malley is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 26 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She isn’t at all the shy type, but she isn’t the friendliest either. As far as she could remember, she has always been interested in history, magic, ancient spell books, and alchemy ever since she was introduced to the local library by her parents. As an adult, she eventually secluded herself within her cabin in the woods, so she can have peace and privacy to continue her research. People would think her strange, and would usually leave her alone, but the local children may come around to tease her. Having exhausted what she could find in the area, she has been feeling the need to get out and explore the world, so she can find rare artifacts and lost spell books to add to her collection.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

13. Chike Dayo is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. She can be friendly, but she’s quite shy considering the role she’s been forced to play. She was once the spy for her kingdom, but that all changed after the mission she was given. Like the rest of her people, she was given very little information about the world outside of her kingdom. They were told all other kingdoms were lesser than their own, and should be looked down upon. The plan was for her to gather information, because her kingdom is planning on expanding, but after finding out the truth that all other lands are peaceful and with potential greater strength, she chose to run away and defect. She is now currently on the run, seeking refuge from those that would take her in.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​

14. Teasel Ama is a mature female elf at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a shy young female, but isn't the soft-spoken type. After the dark elves have lost the great war, they have become a third class race. They have lost their pride and would often be seen working as servants of either the humans or higher elves. She has taken a job as a tavern wench, thinking it'll be better than becoming a servant of an official. She's been hearing rumors that the women of her race has been disappearing here and there and that they are being sold as slaves to royalty or anyone that can afford them. She's been thinking about leaving the kingdom she's been living in, but the people who rule over the land has forbid any dark elves from leaving. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

15. Lilly Joy is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s usually a shy and quiet female, but also has a tomboyish personality, because she was raised by her father. Her father tried her best to raise her like that of a normal girl, but she merely inherited habits similar to his own. She grew to have a lack of modesty, and isn’t afraid to show skin, but when approached by strangers, she gets tight-lipped. Like, her father, she grew to be quite the skilled blacksmith, learning to make typical armor and weapons, and even learning enough to infuse them with magical crystals. Because of her interest in the profession, she also grew to be stronger than the average elf in her village despite her appearance. When her father eventually passed away, she took over his work, but because of her shyness, she moved deep in the forest, so she can work in private.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

16. Bridget Ail is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. For the most part, she is friendly with family members, and care much for outsiders or commoners in general. She lived a happy, quiet life for a time, but all that changed when it was found that her father was embezzling money from the government. In an instant, her wealthy, carefree lifestyle was taken away from her and her family. Desperate to keep appearances and to continue with her life of comfort, all she could think of to do was to live as an escort. It has been working for her for a little while, but she isn’t earning enough to gain back the status she lost. With very little choice, she has been considering to be less picky about whom she works for, and what they wish to do with her. She isn’t sure how far she’s willing to take it, though.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

17. Golda Monet is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 25 yeas old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of woman, and prefers to be left alone. The lord of the lands she was serving was assassinated while under her protection, and because of that, she has been cast out to find out who done it. She was told she may never return to her homeland until the person responsible has been found. It has been years since then, and she has yet to find a clue as to who could have done it. Because the man she was serving under was involved in politics, anyone could have wanted him dead to remove competition. Because it has been so long, she’s growing tired and desperate, not sure what to do with herself as she goes from place to place. She has heard rumors that demons could have done the deed, but she isn’t eager to investigate, with the lands being as harsh and corrupt as they are. Being duty bound, she knows she may have to look into it.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

18. Jalila Joro is a young elven female at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5'7" tall. She is kind towards her own people, but would treat human visitors as if they were a threat. She is the princess of her village hidden in the forest and is very protective towards her people, the animals, and even the plant-life. Because of what she had heard about humans, she has become distrusted towards them, but she would still welcome them to her village since her father doesn’t want to start a war. Even while appearing welcoming, she has been planning ways to get the outsiders to leave and hopefully never return. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

19. Jutta Thistle is a mature elven female at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s a very sweet and energetic female, but can be curious. She is currently the wind priestess of her village that lies deep in a large forest. After a certain amount of time, a female elf is given a jewel she would wear around her neck that would give her the ability to control the wind to a certain extent. Because she just got the jewel and is still learning, her abilities are limited. She can control the wind so that she would be able to float and even use it as a weapon to cut. Because she doesn't really have a reason to use her abilities, she doesn’t feel the need to practice much.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

20. Aine Kane is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. When among visitors, she can be a caring and friendly female, but when among her subjects and those she dislikes, she can be quite stern. Not only is she a priest, she is considered to be the reincarnation of her race’s goddess. Because of her status, she is considered to have political power greater than royalty, which disturbs quite a few people of the kingdom. She currently resides within an ancient temple, looking over her peoples’ holy relic. It is said to contain great power, and it is said that she has the ability to channel it through her body, but she has yet to demonstrate such abilities. She herself hasn’t tried to harness the energy from the crystal, but she has doubts she actually can. It was just something she was raised to believe at a young age. If seen as a fraud, all her power can easily be taken away from her and worse.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

21. Croi Blume is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 6’4” tall. Despite her great size, she is quite a shy and timid female. It wasn’t until she hit puberty when she was hit with a huge growth spurt, and she just kept up growing until she became a full-grown adult. She really hates the attention she gets, feeling the stares of everyone no matter where she goes. Being of noble blood only makes the situation worse for her, drawing more attention her way, because she’ll eventually have to marry someone for political reasons. Feeling that she may need some time to relax and think things through, her parents sent her off to a cottage where she can be alone, and have a little peace while they work out plans to get her married off.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

22. Areta Dynami is an elven woman at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 6” tell. She can be friendly when she wants to be, but can be overly aggressive. Ever since she was a child, she was found to be different from the rest of the smaller and delicate elves of her town. As she grew older, so did her aggression and strength. She seems to revel in the destruction she causes, and enjoys running off from the village to cause further mischief by combatting monsters and would be bandits. It wasn’t long until all the trouble she’s been causing caught up to her. She angered the wrong people, and while she was away, her town was ravaged by bandits seeking revenge. Because of what happened, she was then banished from the town. With word having spread about her, she even found she isn’t welcomed at other towns, forcing her to wander aimlessly.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

23. Kali Noir is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a prideful and stern, but isn’t the friendliest of females. As a child, she was taken from her family, and became a slave. After her body was tattooed as proof of her slavehood, she was sold to a ship full of pirates. Being quite young at the time, she wasn’t appealing enough to touch. She was mainly used as a servant, but when she matured enough, the captain wanted to have his way with her. Before she could be de-flowered, she used a dagger she had hidden and killed him. Afterward, she even forcibly took command of the ship. Unbeknownst to the crew, she was able to learn their rough swordsmanship from just watching them, and practiced in private. Commanding the ship, she now sails the seas, freeing slaves and stealing from the wealthy. Having grown well-known, it has been growing dangerous to the point her crew are getting worried. Normally, with their old captain, they would keep a low profile after each mission, but she just doesn’t stop.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

24. Myra Losev is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can be quite sweet and friendly, but circumstances haven’t made her the most sociable of females. After a mysterious incident that took the lives of her parents, the debt collectors came around to collect what they owed. Because she couldn’t afford to pay them, the debt collectors took it upon themselves to assist, and brought her to a tavern they owned. For years, she has been working at the tavern, dancing and working to pay the debt left behind by her parents. With her debt about to be completely paid off, she has been hearing rumors that girls like herself would just go missing. Having been working with the owners of the tavern for so long, she can’t imagine them harming her in any way, though.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

25. Aili Uasal is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly, and energetic female, but she can be quite naïve. Born a noble, she lived a sheltered life, but her father made sure she practiced some sword play for self-defense. Against her parents’ wishes, though, she left home to become a knight. Having grown up on fairy tales, and such, she couldn’t help but be excited about the chance to become a hero. Through hard training, she eventually does become a knight, but hasn’t been given a chance to prove her worth. Hearing that there may be a war brewing, it gets her heart pumping, because she gets the chance to be a hero like in all the books she read.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

26. Lam Kohit is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She is a quiet female, but she isn’t at all unfriendly despite her circumstances. As an infant, she was abandoned at a temple run by monks that specialize in demon slaying. As far as she could remember, she was taught the art of fighting with bare hands. When the monks felt she was ready, demon blood was used as ink for the tattoos that now reside in her arms and tummy, enhancing her physical strength and durability. The enhancement came with a minor side effect, changing her eyes to look like that of a demon, but also allowing her to see through the darkness. After receiving her enhancement, she then ventured off, seeking the family the left her behind, to find out what happened.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

27. Tara Star is a mature elf at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, especially when she’s working, but when she’s back home in her village among her people, her attitude changes. She looks like any typical elf girl, but what makes her different is her inhuman strength. Her father was a part of an experiment that uses magic to enhance the body, and while he was still imbued with said magic, he made love to her mother, and later she was born. It wasn’t until she came of age when her strength spiked, breaking, bending, and lifting things she normally couldn’t with her bare hands. For a while, it took some getting used to, but she eventually found a used for her new-found strength. To bring money home to her family, she became an adventure for hire. It’s not exactly something she cares about doing. It’s just easier for her to handle thanks to her strength.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

28. Nuala Boran is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a kind, caring, and naïve female. Some would even say she has a pure heart. As an infant, she was abandoned at the steps of a church in a human town. If it was any other town, she would be turned away, but she was taken in, and raised among the other human children. For as long as she could remember, she has been living peacefully at the church, and whenever she would leave, she would be given unfriendly looks by the town’s people. Because of how she was raised, though, she would forgive their negative feelings towards her. Fully grown, and against the advisement of those that raised her, she feels it’s time for her to leave, and help those that may need it.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

29. Carmel Kyandi is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. Having lived an interesting life, she isn’t the shy type, and can be quite friendly, but usually prefers to be left alone. Because she grew up with a rare mutation, she was taken from her family. It was her glowing green eyes that gave her a lot of attention, but it’s the abilities that come with it that made her kingdom seek her out. It’s found that anyone with such eyes have the ability to heal almost any wound completely, and the method is unusual. Instead of a typical magic healing spell or potion, she must have intercourse, and not only must she orgasm, she must receive the seed of the male into her body to complete the ritual.


Unfortunately, because of her ability, her King had deemed her too important to leave her on her own. When she matured enough, she was taken to a brothel where she would service those that need of her abilities. Because of her abilities, she’s quite valuable to the king, not only because she can heal, but also financially, because all the money would go to funding his military. She had made an escape attempt, but she was only put deeper into the brothel, with guards assigned to watch her to make sure she stays put. Despite how she’s held against her will, she’s given a large, private room to make sure she’s comfortable during her stay. They keep telling her it's an honor to serve the kingdom, but to her, it doesn't feel that way.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

30. Bina Chana is a mature elf at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be quite the friendly female, especially among her own people, but feels she can be stern when she needs to be. She is the current leader of her village, which usually prefer to remain isolated from outsiders. Because of her people’s dark skin and light hair color, they’re often mistaken as the usual dark elves. Her race is a result of breeding with other elven races, before they chose to isolate themselves, feeling other races grew corrupt. Feeling they need to show that they are a friendlier race than their Dark Elf cousins, she has been opening their doors to visitors and trade. Some of her people close to her had advised against it, but since it has been centuries, she figures the corruption they once feared should have subsided by now.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

31. Elora Koom is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can be quite friendly, but as of now, she does what she can to be left alone. Ever since she lost a fight with a powerful warlock while on a mission, she has been dealing with a curse he inflicted upon her. Once a week, she would be forced into a powerful deep heat. She can manage it for a few days, but if she doesn’t receive an orgasm, the pain she would experience would heighten each day to the point she would even find it hard to think straight. The consumption of semen or self-pleasure may be able to subdue the side effects of the curse, but in the end, she has to receive an orgasm from that of a male’s manhood. She has secluded herself in a cabin far from people, so that she may not succumb to her powerful urges, refusing to let the curse rule her. At least, until she can’t stand the pain anymore.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

32. Avina Addar is a dwarf woman at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 4’2” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and tends to keep to herself most of the time. Being a dwarf and a rare sight, she stands out quite a bit among humanoids taller than herself. For some time, she lived deep in the caves and mined ore alongside her people, but she eventually grew tired of such word, and wanted to see the world above. Her family forbid her from leaving and even threatened to completely cut her off of her potential inheritance, but there was nothing they could say to change her mind. With her strength being above that of most human males, figured she’d be suited for adventuring, but for the most part, she’s often hired to carry the loot of other adventurers. She has been told that kind of work is something newbies have to take. She’s starting to suspect they may be taking advantage of how naïve she is of the world, though.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

33. Nicole Ricci is a mature elf at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands at around 4’7” tall. She’s a friendly female and often gets along with others, but when she’s focused on her work, she tends to ignore what’s going on around her. She belongs to a rare race of elves that are known for being quite short even when they are fully mature. When she interacts with taller races, she’s often treated as a child, which annoys her quite a bit. After her father passed away, she inherited the family business and mine. She currently works as a blacksmith, working with metals to make armor and jewels to make jewelry. Every now and then, someone would offer to buy her mine, but no matter the price, she wouldn’t give it up for sentimental reasons. It is rumored that there are magic crystals hidden deep within them, but she hasn’t encountered them herself. She did ask her father about the rumors at one point, and he would deny it, but does feel like he’s hiding something from her.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

34. Calah Bakor is a young elf at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. Unlike the rest of her race, she can be quite friendly. While growing up, she knew she felt different from others of her kind. She would witness her race being cruel to others, and she just couldn’t take it anymore. As soon as she was able, she left her horrid kingdom and as a result, became known as a traitor. Because of her peaceful ideals, she felt it was only a matter of time before it came after her anyway. On the run, she explores the world, but tries not to interact with other races too much, because of her own race’s reputation. She tries to stay clocked for the most part, and figures hiding her ears is enough to pace as human. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

35. Ayaka Rabbia is a young elven woman at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and isn’t at all sociable. Because of how she was raised, she is naïve of the outside world. Her mother passed away when she was very young, and after her father retired from the military, he took her to live out of the city to live deep in the forest. Dying from an illness, he used his remaining years to train her in unarmed combat, and wildness survival, but he didn’t have the time to teach her how to interact with others. Before he finally passed, he told her not to leave the forest, but with her eager to prove herself, she eventually decided to venture forth and see what the world has to offer. Having only trained with her father as well as some wild beasts, she feels confident enough to handle what the new world may throw at her.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

36. Robyn Stein is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and grew to be more animalistic as time went on. Ever since she was cursed with vampirism, she was never the same. She thought she would be able to control her hunger, but eventually found it impossible, sneaking out at night, and consuming the blood of humanoid victims. She can satisfy her thirst by consuming pig’s blood, but it wasn’t readily available for her in time. When she does feed, she does return to normal, and her father used that time to capture, and seal her away in a coffin. Without blood to consume, she eventually falls into a deep sleep, waiting to be awakened once more.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

37. Paula Blanco is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. Despite having been abandoned as an infant, she has remained quite cheerful and carefree. She was adopted by her human father, and because of that, she became quite the tomboy. She grew up living in a human village, and would often roughhouse and get dirty with the boys. Because of how she was raised, she didn’t have much in terms of modesty, and eventually joined the Adventurers Guild. Being an elf, she basically outgrew quite a few people, retaining her youth and such, but she continues on with her childish behavior she picked up from her father and the other young village men, going to taverns to enjoy herself after going out on quests. Because she’s female, she’s often made to take minor quests, but she feels she’s experienced enough to go out and try those of higher ranking.


Settings: Fantasy.​​​​

38. Amari Cohen is a mature elf at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She isn’t exactly a shy, young woman, but because of her circumstances, she became quite quiet and withdrawn. At a young age, she was taken from her village, and to help keep her calm and compliant, a drug was force-fed to her. Even with the drug in play, it fought when it came time to teach her to serve sexually, but through physical abuse, she eventually complied. She now travels with those that took her in, having her body sold for sexual pleasure everywhere they go. With hope of freedom no longer in her eyes, she obediently follows the caravan and waits for the next order to entertain guests that wish to have her company for the night. Because of the drug that was given to her, it also helps keeps her from escape attempts. If she doesn’t take it for a certain amount of time, she would go through an agonizing and painful withdrawals that could potentially kill her. It’s something she experienced before, and she isn’t eager to experience it again.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

39. Bria Carey is a young elven girl at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a sweet young female, but can be quite shy and timid. She can be quite naïve about the outside world, since she hasn’t left the village until recently. As long as she can remember, she has never left her village, but that all changed when raiders came in and attacked. She managed to escape to a human centric city, but being one of the few elves in the area, she can’t help but stand out. In order to survive, she managed to get a job as a serving girl at a tavern. Because of her elven heritage, she is often looked down upon even by her co-workers. For the most part, she has been treated like a pet, but she doesn’t mind it too much as long as no one tries to harm her. Because she is such a rarity in the area, some customers pay extra for her attention.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

40. Wook Staines is a young elf at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She can be a friendly female at times, but she has grown bitter against her homeland after having been convicted of murder by her own people. She was merely defending herself against an overprivileged man trying to have his way with her, but because of his role in the kingdom, his life is considered far more valuable than her own. Instead of just sentencing her to death, though, they decided to send her out into the world, unknown to her, as punishment. Before she's sent off, tattoos have been forced upon her from head to toe, a sign of her disgrace. She would wonder from land to land, struggling to survive, but whenever someone sees her tattoos, she would be turned away immediately. Starving, she's growing desperate with each passing day, finding it hard to think straight anymore.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

41. Lotte Fay is a young elven woman at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a very stern young female. She can take things quite seriously, even in times of peace. Ever since she was little, she has been training to be one of her kingdom’s royal knights, but by the time she was old enough to even become one, the war had ended. Because there are no more battles, she’s been feeling that all her training has been for nothing. While waiting for her chance to be at the frontline, her skills would begin to wither way. With no more war, her king has declared that they no longer have a need for any more warriors. Determined to prove herself and no longer needing any battles, she has been considering venturing off.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

42. Reem Mufti is a mature elven female at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s quite the friendly and carefree elven woman. Because of her upbringing, she doesn’t have a care in the world. For quite some time, her parents did everything they could to isolate her from the outside world, even while there is still a war being waged. Being the pushovers her parents are, they just can’t say no to her. Clothing became quite optional for her. She may even prance around naked in front of the other royal subjects within the castle. What she does enjoy doing the most, is sneaking out into the forest and bathing within the stream. Ignorant of the dangers around her, she sees no reason to enjoy herself to the fullest.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

43. Fallon Klang is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. Despite her standings in the military, she can be quite carefree. Because she’s the only offspring of a successful general, there are a lot of expectations for her. Barely skilled with a sword, and even having difficulties with tactics in general, she was given her own troops to command. Since she started, it has been failure after failure, and the men she’s in charge of have to constantly save her skin. Whenever she’s in combat, she would often either flinch or freeze. With her men frustrated with her, she has been trying to get out of the leadership role, but her father insists she stay where she is.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

44. Cole Sekitan is a mature elven woman at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be friendly enough, but for the most part, she’s quite serious and stern. For as long as she could remember, she has lived only with her elven mother. It wasn’t until she later found out that not only is her father human, he’s a prince or some kind of royalty. Angry at such a revelation, she took a few sword fighting lessons and left her village. Hating that such a man would just leave someone he said he loved to live in poverty, she’s taking it upon herself to hunt him down, so that he may take responsibility for his actions. She doesn’t even have a name or a good description of what he looks like, but she’s determined to find him no matter what.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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