1. Anal Sex (Receiving)
2. Anal Training
3. Animal Members
4. Animals/Ferals
5. Anthropomorphic
6. Bondage
7. Breeding
8. Caging
9. Canines
10. Clothes sex
11. Cum Enemas
12. Dark RPs
13. Degradation
14. Demons
15. Excessive Semen
16. Experienced RP Partners
17. Forced Incest
18. Forced Nudity
19. Human Cattle
20. Human Members
21. Humanoids
22. Kidnapping
23. Leash & Collar
24. Male partners
25. Marking
26. Master/Pet
27. Master/Slave
28. Monsters
29. Multiple Partners
30. Nonconsensual
31. Oviposition
32. Pet Training
33. Tentacles
34. Toys (Electric or not)
35. Training
36. Virginity (MC)
1. Abrasions
2. Barbed Members
3. Biting
4. Blackmail
5. Blood Play
6. Breath Control
7. Bukkake
8. Condoms
9. Cutting
10. Death/Snuff
11. Drug/Alcohol use
12. Enemas
13. Equines
14. Exotic Members
15. Exotic Species
16. Female Partners
17. Fisting
18. Flogging/Whipping
19. Gore
20. Heat/Rut
21. Hermaphrodites
22. Human Toilet
23. Humiliation
24. Infantilism
25. Insects/Arachnids
26. Knotting
27. Living Insertions
28. Lycanthropes
29. Manipulation
30. Medical Play
31. Mutilation
32. Non-Sexual Pain
33. Objectification
34. Prehensile Members
35. Prostitution
36. Puppy Play
37. Robots/Cyborgs/Androids
38. Scat
39. Stomach Bulging
40. Undead
41. Vomiting
42. Vore
43. Watersports
1. Absorption
2. Ageplay
3. Anal Sex (Giving)
4. Combat
5. Consensual
6. Digestion
7. Extreme Pregnancy
8. Inflation
9. Mollusca
10. Transformation
1. Canon Characters
2. Excessive Growth
3. Femboys
4. Gender Transformation
5. Inexperienced RP Partners
6. Necrophilia
7. Nonsexual RP
8. Romance
Some Definitions:
Extreme Pregnancy: The act of becoming pregnant with an incredible or unrealistic size and/or number of fetuses/eggs, often in an unrealistically short time span, and often to the point of immobility.
Heat/Rut: The act of putting someone into deep arousal.
Infantilism: Making someone behave like that of an infant.
Living Insertions: The act of inserting an animate object(s) into an orifice, or receiving such action; typically worms, snakes, insects, parasites, small humanoids, alien creatures, etc.
Lycanthropes: A character with the ability and/or condition to transform into an animal or non-human beast (Generally an anthropomorphic animal or animal-like creature). Doesn't have to start out human. Examples would be werewolves, werecats, ect. Can be a beast that transforms into a bipedal humanoid. It can be something the character has control over or not.
Marking: Marking someone with their scent either through the use of urine or semen.
Mollusca: Slugs, snails, oysters, squids, octopuses, etc.
Objectification: Making someone act as furniture.
Oviposition: Egg Laying.
Prehensile Members: Characters with the ability to control the moments of their own members.