Settings: Modern
1. Briaca Blich is a mature woman at the age of 34 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. When at parties, she acts as a friendly woman, but she can be quite cold. She didn’t have the easiest of life. After running away from home at a very young age, she became a stripper and waitress at a high-end club that didn’t ask any questions. She felt she had to do anything to survive at the time, and she even managed to seduce one of the men that attends the club regularly. It wasn’t long after that she got pregnant, but it didn’t go according to plan. The plan was to get married after he found out, but after she had her child, it was taken from her. Fortunately, she was given a steady money to let her live comfortably so that word wouldn’t get out he was sleeping around. Even after hearing that the father of her child passed away, and being the cold kind of person that she is, she didn’t care to visit his funeral. According to the will left behind, she will continue to receive inheritance money regardless. Because she hasn’t seen her child since birth, she doesn’t care about his fate. She doesn’t even know what he looks like.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
2. Mindy Marble is a mature woman at the age of 33 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be a friendly female, but for the most part, she’s usually quiet and would rather be left alone. She can be quite stubborn as well. She is currently the owner of a struggling tavern that she inherited from her husband when he passed away. His passing has been considered mysterious, and because of how sudden it was, people have started to spread rumors that she may have had something to do with it in order to gain the tavern. When she first married her husband, though, she didn’t care much for the tavern, but now that he’s gone, she just can’t bare to leave or sell it. She runs it the best she can, but she’s finding it difficult with the rumors spreading. Not only the rumors of her husband’s death. There have also been rumors of disappearances in general, and people are starting to think it’s best to leave the area. She heard it could have been bandits or even monsters causing trouble, but she still intends to stand her ground.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
3. Galina Sobaka is a mature woman at the age of 33 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s friendly enough, but prefers limited social interaction. Many years ago, she was once a female warrior fighting for her kingdom, but she has since retired. As a reward for her service, she was given a piece of land for her own to life on peacefully and privately. Being a strong woman, many people see her being alone as a shame since she wouldn’t be passing on her strength to future warriors. Not a fan of battle and ashamed of all the killing she has done in the past, she doesn’t want to help breed another generation of warriors. She hopes to live peacefully alone, and one of the reasons why she lives far from civilization is because she had made many enemies throughout the years, and she isn’t eager to be found. She has been asked to return every now and then, because there is an emergency they won't elaborate about, but she feels they don't need her with the amount of soldiers they have. She has been considering it, though, since it has piqued her curiosity a bit.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
4. Amelia Offmeh is a mature human female at the age of 33 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She’s a kind-hearted young woman. She is the current queen of her kingdom. After her husband had died from an unknown illness, she took it upon herself to rule the kingdom the best she can. Her kingdom has become the most peaceful and prosperous than it has ever been. Once in a while, she is even seen at the farms helping the villagers. She really can't imagine other countries having issues with her own, but she has been hearing that there are those that find her peaceful ways a threat. Fearing a possible war, she has been considering visiting those possible hostile countries to further spread her message of peace.

Settings: Modern.​​
5. Fiona Puta is a mature woman at the age of 33 years old. She stands around 5'4" tall. She isn't the friendliest woman in the world and can be quite cold to most people since she feels she is smarter than most. She is a lawyer, and after winning a couple of cases and accumulated a lot of money she started to not care about winning anymore. She has started to losing cases without even trying, making her one of the most hated lawyers. It doesn't matter to her since she already has a lot of money, and she gets paid either way.

Settings: Modern.​​
6. Meliva Clitonia is a mature woman at the age of 33 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She isn't a very friendly young woman. She prefers to be left alone. She was once the CEO of a major corporation, but she was forced into early retirement. She hated what happened and couldn't get another job doing the same since she has a reputation for being a bitch. She made a lot of enemies while working for the company, making her somewhat nervous even though she isn't working anymore. Because she invested her money wisely, she saved up enough money to live comfortably for a very long time. She enjoys tending to her garden, loving the silence and how plants don't talk back. When she left the company, she took a lot of secrets with her, thinking of using those secrets to get back into the game.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
7. Jun Klein is a mature woman at the age of 32 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a quiet woman, a loner, and carefree. When the mood suits her, she can be friendly, but she prefers the peace and quiet. She was once the chief to her village, but she grew tired of all the whining and when the opportunity came, she snuck out to avoid such responsibilities. She merely inherited the role of chief, and she never wanted to be in charge. She now lives alone, living peacefully away from people. Because she’s a trained hunter and gatherer, she can survive without too many problems. Because her people are primitive compared to others, modesty isn’t in their vocabulary. They wear clothing to shield themselves against the elements, but for the most part, they don’t mind being in the nude.

Settings: Modern
8. Paula Silber is a mature woman at the age of 32 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly enough woman, but can be quite shy. She has been working up the corporate ladder for some time, but her personality has made it difficult. Being a germaphobe, she has some difficulty getting close to people. She would force herself to shake hands with people up the chain, but when she’s alone, she’d rush to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Her goal is to one day take over, but for the moment, she pretty much acts as the ambassador for her the company she works for. She would visit other companies throughout the world, trying to sell her company’s products. She hates traveling most of all, always getting stressed out when being surrounded by others.

Settings: Modern.​​
9. Kristin Gish is a mature woman at the age of 32 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a nice young woman, but doesn’t really speak unless she feels she has to. She is currently a fitness instructor at a local GYM. She has been asked by many to be their instructor, but prefers to work with an individual at a time since she feels it to be troublesome to work with more than one. She enjoys working as a fitness instructor since all she has to do is give orders. Plus, she gets a free membership at the GYM to keep herself healthy and fit. When she isn’t working, she enjoys her time alone at home with a glass of wine, thinking herself a classy lady.

Settings: Modern
10. Rosey Fuchsia is a mature woman at the age of 32 years old. She stands around 5'4” tall. During her off time, she can be quite friendly, but when she’s working, she tends to be cold and stern. Currently, she’s the CEO of a successful company. Thanks to her father having brought her up in the business, she inherited the company when he passed away due to an illness. Even while as young as she is, she managed to keep the business going. Her business handles the transportation of products from other companies, but it’s mostly a front for what she actually does. She makes most of her money in the development and production of adult toys, low and high end. She has even dipped her toes into adult video entertainment as a way to advertise her products. She isn’t very proud of her little side business, but she felt she needed to make sure the people below her stay employed.

Settings: Modern.​​
11. Jacky Lin is a mature woman at the age of 31 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She can be a friendly young female, but can be short-tempered and easily agitated when annoyed. Not being the smartest of women, she didn’t pay much attention when she was going to school. She barely just graduated from high school, and has been considered to be a delinquent. Because she practically slept through school, she had been having a hard time finding employment for quite a while. She once lived and mooched off of a friend, but she was eventually kicked out when she wasn’t pulling her own weight. She now currently lives in a cheap apartment, and works at a skimpy cosplay café. Being the tomboy that she is, she can’t help but feel very uncomfortable wearing feminine clothing. Getting ogled and teased by the frequent men that visit the café irritate her to no end, but she knows she has to do what she can to suppress her anger if she wants to stay employed.

Settings: Modern.​​
12. Connie Wake is a mature woman at the age of 31 years old. She stands around 5'3" tall. She isn't the friendliest of women and takes her job as a teacher seriously. She is well known for getting students in trouble for the littlest things. She has even gotten students expelled or suspended for something most people wouldn't consider to be serious. She's an old-fashioned woman and doesn't care for how things are done now. She has received a few threats in the mail every now and then from students she failed throughout the years, but it's not something that concerns her.

Settings: Modern.​​
13. Olga Falkr is a mature woman at the age of 30 years old. She stands around 6’1” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic female that enjoys keeping fit. She even became quite the tomboy. As soon as she graduated from high school, she joined the military. She spent a lot of her time doing jobs that required physical labor, and when she wasn’t working, she would be at the gym to keep herself in peak physical condition. Because of her cheerful demeanor, she never felt she was suited for combat, so she always took on tasks that avoided it. She was fine in her current lifestyle for the most part, when she heard her parents died in an accident, and her sister Hilde was by herself, she left the military to take care of her. She now currently works as a fitness instructor, which she doesn’t mind at all. It almost feels as if it’s her calling to help others get into improved physical condition. She does what she can to take care of her little sister, but with her being as smart and responsible as she is, she doesn’t have to do worry too much about her. Though, she has been noticing she could be fitter.

Settings: Fantasy
14. Lottie Furida is a mature woman at the age of 30 years old. She stands around 5’10” tall. Among her people, she is quite friendly, but when it comes to encountering strangers, she can be territorial. She belongs to a tribe that’s peaceful for the most part, but have grown to be well-known monster hunters. Hunting monsters is what her people enjoy doing, and they use hunting as a way to determine who rules. Being the current ruler, she’s pretty casual and laid back, but she knows that she’ll have to venture out to prove her worth once more as the year comes to an end. If she wants to ensure she remains the leader, she must venture out and kill the biggest prey she can find, and return the corpse as proof.

Settings: Fantasy
15. Demi Angelis is a mature woman at the age of 30 years old. She stands around 6’ tall. She has a friendly and arrogant kind of personality. Having been raised a barbarian warrior, she’s considered one of the strongest in her tribe. It’s said her people are the decedents of the gods or even that of demons, but there has been no proof of such rumors. Since she was a child, she was put through hard combat training, and has even participated in many battles. Her tribe is often hired as mercenaries, earning them a lot of money, but mainly the glory they seek. When she isn’t on the job, she is usually fighting with those in her village. With how there aren’t as many wars anymore, she has been growing bored lately. Now, she merely travels the world, getting drunk at taverns, and causing trouble. Because of her strength, it’s almost impossible to get her to settle down, and the town’s people would often stand by while she goes on a destructive rampage.

Settings: Modern
16. Dinara Yenin is a mature woman at the age of 30 years old. She stands around 6’ tall. She is the friendliest, when she’s around other smaller, younger women, but when she’s around men, she would often disregard their existence. Being born in a wealthy family, she grew to have a carefree and arrogant personality. She received good enough grades, and thanks to her tall, athletic body, she excelled at physical activities. Because she is an heir to the family fortune, her parents have been feeling that her activities with other women are dangerous. Because she doesn’t seem interested in becoming the heir of the household, her parents threatened to cut her off completely from the money, if she isn’t able to produce an heir for them. She tried to shrug off the threat, but she isn’t sure she can survive long without her parents’ financial backing.