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Settings: Fantasy.​

1. Waan Awai is a mature woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be friendly, but as she grew older, she became distant, because of what’s been happening to her. When she was born, she looked like any other healthy human infant, but as soon as she hit puberty, her skin and hair became ghostly pale, and her eyes turned golden yellow. Tension around her only grew when she unintentionally used her powers to heal a dying flower, making it look as if she brought it back from the dead. Adding her appearance and her unusual abilities, the superstitious people of her kingdom as well as her own father believed her cursed. It very likely didn’t help that her mother died at childbirth as well. To ease the minds of the people of his kingdom as well as his own, the King had her executed by hanging. When her body was disposed of, her natural healing abilities kicked in, reviving her. Gathering what she could, and fearing they may try to execute her again, she left the kingdom to seek refuge.


Settings: Fantasy.​

2. Caltha Grape is a young human female at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a very proud and confident young woman. In her small village, she would very hard to become a knight. She hopes to be of use to a kingdom, but she hasn’t decided which to try yet. She has been told that her chance of being a knight is slim since she is a woman, but that won’t stop her from trying. After she felt she trained enough, she decides to do a little traveling and see what happens. She hopes to do enough heroic deeds that would get her noticed by the kingdom, seeking out danger no matter where it may be. 


Settings: Modern.​

3. Mana Mink is a mature woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic female, and can be quite the tomboy. Even while just a little girl, she was never afraid of getting dirty. Because of her father, she grew to love camping. Her love for the outdoors got to the point where she made plans during high school to a more natural life. Bored with the civilized world, she saved up enough money to buy a pickup truck and a camper. Against her parents’ wishes, she now lives on the road, traveling from place to place. For the most part, she tries her best to live off the land, using the skills she learned growing edible plants and catching fish. When she isn’t doing odd jobs to pay for her truck’s gas, she’s usually parked by a river or stream deep in the woods. Without the pressures of people trying to push her into living a “normal” live, she can’t imagine herself being anywhere else.


Settings: Modern.​

4. Amalia Wuchern is a young woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She's a very friendly and adventurous young woman, but has a habit of getting herself into trouble with her father. She belongs to one of the few people who are still considered royalty. She is the princess of her kingdom and the heir to the throne, but she hasn't been showing any interest in running the kingdom. She hates staying in the stuffy old mansion (or Castle) and would often sneak out for a little fun in the city. Not wanting to be recognized, she would wear normal clothes and try to blend in. 


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​

5. Agata Phucter is a young woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She can be quite the friendly young female, and a little shy, but when enough alcohol is in her system, she can be quite chummy with the customers. She currently works as a bar wench, taking orders of paying customers. Loving alcohol herself, she enjoys working at the tavern since she often receives free drinks, but especially from the customers themselves. During her breaks, she would even sit and drink with customers willing to pay for her drinks. When offered a drink, she won’t say ‘No.” Because she’s the only child, her father would often treat her like a drinking buddy, which is a trait she learned from him while working.


Settings: Modern.​

6. Ann Berry is a young woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s a pretty friendly young woman, and not the most modest of women. She is often considered to be a tomboy and has been raised with brothers on a farm. After graduating from high school, she felt she needs to further educate herself. Because there isn’t much in the country, she has no choice other than to move into the city to go to college. Being a bit naïve of city life, she would have a bit of a hard time understanding certain behavior and how rude some people would be. Not being the smartest of women, she has been struggling with college. Not just trying to understand the city kids, but with trying to get her grades up. Because she doesn’t wish to get kicked out, she has been talking with the guidance counselors, and they’ve been telling her that she may be able to the grades she needs through extra after school activities. She isn’t sure what those activities may be, but she’s desperate enough to look into them.


Settings: Modern.​

7. Moya Waters is a mature woman at the age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s not the friendliest of women when out in public. She can even be quite brash. When she’s streaming online, though, she flirts quite a bit in order to make sure she gets paid well from donations. Because of her anti-social personality, it made it difficult for her to get a normal job. Being good at computers as well, she has been using riskier methods of making money. She started out hacking into banks and small companies, and after receiving no consequences, she started going after more dangerous targets like the government, and places through the dark web. Having gotten away with so much already, she can’t even imagine the possibility that someone would find her. She has found some sketchy looking documents, which she also isn’t worried about. She plans on storing them away for safe keeping, just in case.


Settings: Modern.​

8. Revna Skau is a mature woman at the age of 23 years old. She stands around 6’ tall. She’s a friendly female, but tends to be quiet and prefers to be left alone for the most part. She can even be a little naïve. Raised by her father, she grew up to be quite the tomboy. Shy about her body, she often wears a hoodie and loose clothes to cover up, but she's often mistaken as male, because of that. Ever since she was little, she excelled quite a fair bit at sports, and because of her height, she has really taken to basketball very well. While in high school, she was in an all-girls’ team, but when she entered college, she ran into some difficulty. The colleges she looked appeared to mainly have male teams, but was told someone of any gender can apply as long as they qualify. Being very well adept at the sport, she managed to get in quite easily, but ended up getting someone else cut in the process. Even as young as she is, people all around have been seeking her out, trying to get her a more professional league, because of her skill, but also because of her attractive appearance when wearing a basketball uniform. Her father has been urging her to stay and finish college first, but the amount of money she’s been offered is very tempting.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern

9. Eri Kampfer is a young woman at the age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She isn’t at all shy and can be a little tomboy-ish, because she was raised around males. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and has a lot of confidence in her abilities. Since she was a little girl, she was trained at a temple, learning martial arts. She has no parents to speak of and was just merely dropped off, leaving the male monks to train and teach her. Because she’s female, she’s often looked down upon among the men, but she trains hard in an attempt to learn their respect. Against their wishes, though, she would sneak out and enter in tournaments to prove her strength and abilities. When her extra activities were found out, she was later banished from the temple, but she sees it as an opportunity to put the skills she learned to the test. Because she’s still seen as the favorite by the Temple Master, the other follows have been considering going after her while she’s on her journey.


Settings: Modern.​

10. Lata Paine is a young human female at the age of 23 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She's a nice young woman. She's quiet, but isn't as shy as she used too. She just doesn't talk unless someone talks to her first. She currently lives in an apartment on her own and working as a waitress. She works out as often as she can, trying to keep her body in a nice, tone, slender figure. Though, she still sneaks in snacks every once in a while. She does most of her working out at her apartment, but she is still a little shy about going to the gym since it feels like people are staring at her. 


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​

11. Kristal Pond is a young woman at the age of 23 years old. She stands around 5'8" tall. She is a strong-willed young female, very prideful, with the strong belief in tradition. Though, she does dread one tradition where she would have to submit to any creature that would be able to defeat her. She belongs to a tribe of hunters, and she is considered to be among the best in her tribe. Not being friendly people towards strangers, they would often watch them with distrust whenever someone would come to trade.


Settings: Modern.​

12. Nissana Flags is a mature human female at the age of 22 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a very energetic and hardworking young woman. After her parents passed away, she is left to work on the ranch on her own. She tries her best to look after the cattle and horses by herself, but it appears to be too much for her. Not wanting to give up the ranch, she decides to post up ads to see if she can find some help. She has also been hearing rumors of farm animals in general at other farms either going missing or just found mutilated. People have been saying it could have been wolves, but there they haven't been around in over a decade ever since farmers and ranchers have taken over the land from the indigenous natives. 


Settings: Modern.​

13. Abria Kraft is a mature woman at the age of 22 years old. She stands around 6’2” tall. Despite her past, she grew up to be a friendly enough woman, but she can’t help but feel a little loneliness. The day she was born, she was as given to an orphanage, and that’s where she remained until the age of 18 years old. She spent a lot of her time surviving on her own, and kept herself in great shape even while living on limited funds. At one point, she tried to find out about the family that gave her up, but all she could find out was that her father was a fighter. She was eventually discovered by the local boxing gym, and was told she would make good money fighting. Seeing it as fate, she agreed to become a boxer, and worked her way up the ranks. Later on, she started trying out mixed martial arts, but she even found that not very satisfying. She was then later told that she can not only make more money in the underground, but also find more of a challenge, because of the lack of rules. 


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​

14. Dinah Daitai is a mature woman at the age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a sweet and kind young female, rarely getting into conflicts with others in her town, even though she’s well aware of what her fate could be. Her town resides several miles away from other towns and cities. There isn’t even a village close by. Because of how far the town is, it’s an easy target. Every nine months, a creature threatening to destroy the town would appear, and every month, they are forced to give the beast a sacrifice. Because it can take months before help can arrive, they have no choice other than to comply. In one occasion, an adventurer did come to help, but was slaughtered easily, and his corpse was displayed as a warning. Having come of age, she has been chosen to be the next sacrifice. She’s fearful of what may happen, because no one has ever returned to say what happened to them. Because it has been so long, no one even remembers what the creature looks like. Every night, she will be made to practice the ritual in an attempt to help make sure she’s ready and calm when the time comes. Fearing the sacrifice may have second thoughts, she would also be bound by cloth rope.


Settings: Fantasy.​

15. Rakel Fudo is a mature woman at the age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. When it comes to dealing with the wealthy, she isn’t the friendliest women, but she can be quite carefree. As far as she could remember, she lived on the streets alone when her parents died in a war many years back. Surviving on the streets has made her tough, though, and she gained quite the few skills with a knife and thievery. She even formed a band of bandits, and because of her hatred of the rich, she would steal from them, and give what they stole to the poor like in an ancient legend that was told to her by her parents. The men that follow her aren’t fans of her generosity, since she gives almost 90% of what they steal away. Because of how many nobles and wealthy she successfully targeted, she gained many enemies throughout the years, but not one has found her hideout, and she doesn’t believe they ever will find her.


Settings: Modern.​

16. Mary Manning is a mature woman at the age of 22 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and can be quite cold towards even the people she works with. Not having a very trusting personality, she always avoids getting assigned a partner. Being an intelligent woman, though, she managed to rise up the ranks pretty quickly, gaining the rank of Detective at such a young age. Even while being seen as a great police officer, she tends to run off and do things her way. When going after some dangerous people, her stubborn personality won’t allow her to wait for backup. She often gets into trouble with her superiors, because of her behavior, but they have a hard time arguing with the results she brings. She believes she must do almost anything necessary to bring in criminals, no matter how dirty the tactics she uses. 


Settings: Fantasy.​​

17. Rika Shika is a mature woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the shy type, but she isn’t the most talkative either. In fact, she isn’t very friendly, because of the circumstances that fell upon her. When she became of age, she was sold into slavery, but instead of the usual servitude, she was used for experiments. Magic infused crystals were grounded down into a fine powder before being tattooed into her flesh. It was an agonizing process, but in the end, it granted her enhanced strength and agility. The downside, though, is that she would experience agonizing pain, if she exerts herself too much. Thanks to her enhanced physical abilities, she managed to escape captivity, but with no cure in sight, she must endure a great deal of pain on a daily basis while on the run. Desperate to relieve her suffering, she would often sneak into buildings for medical supplies. She would even consume toxic herbs and plants like that of the poppy plant to help ease the pain. If she doesn’t receive some kind of medication, she may even blackout for a period of time.


Settings: Modern.​

18. Brixta Cwen is a young human female at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She is a kind young woman, but can be shy at times. She works as an assistant for a CEO of a large company, but isn’t really sure about working there since she would often see the men staring at her. She’s been hearing rumors that the women working there have to be a certain physical shape to work there. Afraid she might lose her job, she decides to work out as often as she can and put herself on a painful diet. She sometimes thinks of quitting, but she can’t afford to leave at the moment. She's also going through college, making her budget even tighter than before. She's hoping to make more money once she gets her degree, but she doesn't know what to focus on. 


Settings: Fantasy.​

19. Cindy Chin is a young woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly young female, but can be a little shy at times when encountering strangers. Because of her royal heritage and protective parents, she hasn’t been allowed out much, making her naïve of the world outside. After her parents passed away, she has been left alone to rule the kingdom. The advisers don’t see her as worthy. Not only because she’s a woman, but because she doesn’t have a warrior’s spirit and even real training. Willing to prove herself, she would leave her kingdom and venture off, searching for a task to show she’s worthy to rule alone without a man on the throne. 


Settings: Modern.

20. Hazel Schmelze is a young woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5‘4“ tall. She’s a very friendly and carefree young female. She can be quite playful, but can come off as being unintentionally flirty. Being a part of a wealthy family and having been spoiled, she feels she can pretty much do as she pleases. She is currently going to college after having been suggested she do so by her parents, but because she doesn’t know what she plans to do with her life, she hasn’t chosen anything to major in. Having developed a drinking habit and loving the party, she would either be carried back to her dorm or she would wake up in a jail cell, where her parents would bail her out after getting arrested for public drunkeness. Her parents have been threatening to cut her off from their money since it seems like she’s just been wasting it, but she doubts they would do it.


Settings: Fantasy.​

21. Nika Groom is a young woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s normally a nice female, but doesn’t like to be pushed around. She currently lives alone in a small house far from her village. She works as a herbalist, collecting herbs to eat and used to make medicine. It’s something that was passed down from her mother. She would often go down into the village to trade. Due to superstitions, she is often seen as a possible witch. Her appearance also doesn’t make the situation any better, but she doesn’t care what they think. 


Settings: Modern

22. Krystal Rolph is a young woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She can be an overly friendly and energetic female. Because she was raised among brothers, she can be aggressive and doesn’t understand a person’s personal space. She went straight to collage as soon as she graduated from high school, enjoying her extra freedom among fellow students. Thanks to her parents having a successful farming business, doesn’t have to live in a dorm or fraternity house. So, she chose to move in house in town. Having a thing for company, though, she has been considering finding roommates. When she isn’t haphazardly studying, she’s usually going out to local frat parties or the dance clubs.


Settings: Fantasy

23. Adira Ali is a mature woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’3” tall. She isn’t the shyest of women, and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She belongs to a barbarian tribe, but because she is smaller than the others, she isn’t taken seriously. Not only does the people of her tribe have issues with her, her own father doesn’t see her as being worth his time. Full of frustration, she decides to take it up on herself and show that she’s worthy of being a member of the barbarian tribe. She has shown before, she can take on typical prey. She just now has to show she can take beasts other barbarians bigger than her can usually dispatch.  


Settings: Fantasy.​

24. Ivy Green is a mature woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She has brown hair that reaches just over her shoulders. Lily Green is a mature woman at the age of 21 years old. She has shoulder-length hair that reaches her jawline. Because of how their overprotective parents spoiled them, they grew to be quite shy, timid, and naive. Before they graduated from high school, their parents befell a horrible accident, and were left in the care of their wealthy old man that was a friend to the family. He soon fell to a great sickness, when during the reading of the Will, it’s found that the twins now inherit the vast fortune instead of his immediate family. Ignorant of the situation, they are unaware of the hatred that’s being directed towards them, since the family members believe the twins slept with him in order to get at his fortune. Along with the disdain of the old man’s family members, there are Debt Collectors that would hound them, believing they inherited his debt as well. For the most part, they live peacefully, but negative energy just seems to surround the two ever since they inherited the fortune.


Settings: Fantasy

25. Yuko Boon is a mature woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. Her outer appearance makes her look like a sweat girl, but in reality, she’s quite cruel and vicious. She was raised by her father who is the current king of the kingdom known for the wars they cause. Being raised by such an environment, she grew up enjoying the suffering of others, and it didn’t help that she was spoiled by her father. Despite her delicate appearance, she is somewhat skilled using a sword, but hasn’t gained too much experience since she has only fought the weak that were later defeated from battle. Being as cruel as she is, she treats people as if they are worthless, and if she doesn’t want to soil her hands, she would get her father to make her problems disappear. Because of how she’s raised, it’s assumed she could be worse than her father, making a lot of people quite fearful of what the future may bring, if she took the throne. Right now, she isn’t worried about ruling. She’s more concerned about keeping herself entertained, since ruling would mean less free time to enjoy herself.


Settings: Modern

26. Haya Hatsu is a mature woman at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and can even be cold towards her parents and younger siblings. As far as she could remember, she was not only spoiled by her parents, but by the young men that would take her out on dates. With her parents being the timid types, they were too weak to properly control her. Even when she skipped school or stay out late to party, her parents wouldn’t try to scold her. Having kept up with her appearance, and made sure she’s in good physical condition, she has been offered modeling jobs, but because of how lazy she is, and the money she gets from young and older men eager to take her out, she would turn down such job offers. She would rather either stay at home in her apartment paid for by her male suitors and relax or try out a new club venue. Even though she gets large sums of money from those she dates, she has yet to lose her virginity. She would merely just tease them or just finish them off with her hands. She finds the men that lust for her attention disgusting, but as long as they pay, she’ll go out with them.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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