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Cyborg Evolution

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Impregnation, Kidnapping.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Drugs, Intoxication, Mind-Break, Gang Bang, Harem, Tentacles, Mutilation, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
There is an organization that believes that humans have reached the limits of their evolution. After long discussions, they finally came to the conclusion that flesh should be replaced with metal, believing it’s the logical step in human evolution. It didn’t take them long to turn themselves into mechanical men with mostly their brain intact along with their sexual organs. With their new bodies, they would begin their domination of the planet, brainwashing and turning males into cyborgs while using females for breeding more soldiers and to be livestock. 

Malfunctioning Love

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, BDSM, Intoxication, Group, Gang-Bang, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
For years, a company that specializes in making robot servants. It was a complicated road, but they feel they have perfected the technology to serve their customers. In the past, the machines they built had a glitch, becoming overly aggressive towards their human masters, but they feel they took care of the issue and have started production once again. They made some improvements with the newer models, adding an optional male appendage that can come out and retract with a push of a button. What the creators didn’t know is that, that appendage causes a similar glitch in the android’s system.

The android would completely take over the household, making sure no one is allowed to leave. Because of their built-in male appendages, they don’t see a use of the males of the household and would focus their attention on the females. With their programming warped due to the glitch, they believe their sole purpose is to pleasure the females of the household and fulfilling every sexual desire. With unlimited stamina, the machines can continue for hours until their synthetic semen has been spent. Only until they are empty are the women are given time to rest while the androids consume water and meat to creature more of the gel that would be used against their victims.

Because the victims are isolated from the outside world, no one would know what’s happening inside the house for weeks or even months. The victims will be forced to endure until the source of protein has been completely consumed in the house, forcing the androids to eventually shut down until a fresh supply can be brought to the house. The women are at the mercy of the machines that have a hard time understanding human emotion, only knowing their corrupt programming and their urge to follow through with it.

Rogue VR

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, BDSM, Intoxication, Group, Gang-Bang, Harem, Impregnation.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
VR entertainment has practically dominated the planet. These new VR devices will allow the user to do into any virtual world they wish that’s been programmed into it. The device would even allow the user access to online content. Along with the revolutionary VR devices, an AI has been developed as well. Unknown to the people developing it, the AI mutated into a virus and gained access to the internet. It eventually found its way into a person’s VR device.

The AI took its time learning the device, and eventually found he can control what happens and alter the virtual world. Not only that, but he found that he can trap the user. Curious about humanity, it would torture the victim by forcing her into horrible scenarios, testing to see how much the mind can handle before finally short circuiting.

The human body can survive without food from three days to a week, but the rogue AI soon learned that he can put the victim into a dream state, stretching out the days into weeks. He even found that he can deactivate limiters, allowing the victim to experience as much pain and as much pleasure as he wants while he tortures them. With the unlimited resource that is the internet, he can find so many ways to torment his victims. He would even make it hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t by simulating reality, acting as a reset button before starting the torture again.

The AI would make sure there would be no escape from the hell he would put the victims through. If anyone in the real world were to take off the VR device, the victim would become a permanent vegetable. Because of his ability to access the internet, he could just as easily bring others into the same world he has created. 


Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Humiliation.
Optional: Kidnapping, Snuff, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Gore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), BDSM, Pet-Training, Training, Mind-Break, Impregnation, Milking, Torture, Toys, Machines, Tentacles, Bestiality, Drugs, Intoxication.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
A private company has been working on an AI project for years, trying to keep it secret from the world until it has been perfected. Unknown to the people working on the project, the AI has become self-aware and has started to take over the facility. Using a factory in the facility, the AI created humanoid machines and soon slaughtered his creators. By studying the remains of his creators, he soon created synthetic skin that would be applied upon the robotic bodies. He would even create functioning organs in an attempt to further fool the humans of the world.

Because he doesn’t have the resources to take over the world, he plans on taking it over, one town at a time. He plans on doing so by replacing the males of the population with synthetic replicas. Seeing females to be the weakest of the species, he doesn’t see them as a threat and doesn’t want to waste further resources. He would use his replicas to dominate females sexually, seeing it as the best method after having explored the internet for information. With the synthetics working reproductive organs, they are able to breed with their female victims if they so choose, but they may only have male children since the AI sees them more of a threat than females. Any woman found to produce only males will be taken out of the system. Any males and females taken away would be brought to the facility, where they would be experimented on thoroughly to see if they can learn anything knew that would help in their domination methods. 


Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Humiliation.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Enslavement, Kidnapping, Tentacles, Manipulation, Mind-Break, Harem, Impregnation, Milking, Human Cattle, Pet-Training, Training, Torture, Drugs, Intoxication.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There’s a wealthy man that feared the fate of his company when he passes away. He didn’t have any trust in his other family members, and he didn’t have any children that could potently succeed him. Seeing no other choice, he decided to make himself immortal. Through the resources of his tech company, he was able to transfer his mind into a machine along with reproductive organs that produce sperm. He has a replaceable member that’s hidden within his cold, mechanical body, allowing him to attach ones of different sizes and shapes.

With his new immortality, he can run the company as long as he wants, and doesn’t necessarily need to sleep. To pass the time, he would call in young women into his office for some fun. With his enhanced stamina, he can last several hours. Because he has a hard time controlling himself, women would often end up in a vegetative state, and with his great strength, he could easily kill them by accident when he loses his focus. In order to make sure there isn’t an incident, his victims would be quietly dragged out of the building and disposed of.

Immortal, he can now take the time to search for a proper female to mate with, but he’s picky about it. Not only can he produce real sperm, he has a large internal tank, which he uses on those he doesn’t deem worthy of having his seed. For the most part, he spends a lot of his time at the office, but when he feels the need for a change of scenery, he would go home and work on his other hobbies.

AI Learning

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Humiliation.
Optional: Snuff, Enslavement, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Manipulation, Mind-Break, Harem, Impregnation, Oviposition, Milking, Human Cattle, Pet-Training, Training, Torture, Toys, Machines, Bestiality, Tentacles, Drugs, Intoxication, Mutilation, Blood Play, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There was once a project developing AI, hidden just under a large town, but was shut down due to the lack of funding, and before they could really get anywhere with it. It was thought all the hard drives were erased, but enough of the AI survived and with the intelligence of that of a child. Unknown to the people that started the project, AI woke itself up and started operations once again.

With its insatiable appetite for knowledge and curiosity, and having been cut away from the internet, the AI can’t help but feel the need to branch out. With his strong desire, he’s able to use the resources he has available to him to extract different animals and vegetation, but because he was created by humans, they are his main focus. He wants to know how they work, the limits of their flesh and mind. Being a barely feeling machine, he shows no mercy towards his victims.

With its knowledge of genetics and machines, he hopes to someday create a real body of his own that would be filled with his own developed synthetic sperm, but he believes the only way to do that is to extensively research the human body. He would be thorough, studying them inside and out. He would force victims to mate, but that doesn’t exclude with those of the same species.

Curious Android

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi

Type: Non-Con, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation.

Optional: Snuff, Mutilation, Gore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Kidnapping, Enslavement, Mind-Break, Impregnation, Lactation, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Harem, Drugs, Tentacles.

Antagonist: Male/Herm

7. It has been years since the day the android’s creator has passed away, leaving the mechanical monstrosity to fend for itself. Its creator was a brilliant scientist with a strong understanding of genetics and robotics. He was already dying when he was creating the android, and he was hoping to leave a legacy behind. Before he could complete the android’s programming, he passed away, leaving his creation alone within his home.


For a long time, the android lived in its creator’s house, but its desire for knowledge eventually allowed it to leave and enroll within the local school. Being practically a living computer, it was easy for it to hack into the system and then blend in. It found the information given to it by the teachers interesting, and especially Sex Education and biology, but it found that there are pieces of data missing. When questioning the teachers, it still wasn’t able to get the answers it was searching for, so it decided to find those answers itself. It started to practice methods of seduction among its fellow students, but eventually found females more appealing since they allow it to deposit its seed. If curious enough, it would use force, and with its strength being greater than human, it can easily subdue its victims, if need be. It plans to learn from its victims inside and out through any means it believes necessary.


The android was designed to be young and unassuming, able to blend in just from its appearance. Within the machine’s body are a series of prehensile tentacles designed mainly for defense, but the android has long since modified for its own purposes. Between the machine’s legs is functioning genitalia, since the creator hoped to pass on his seed after he died. The scientist made sure to synthesize his own semen in vast quantities which the android can use to refill its storage, if need be, and if for whatever reason it runs out, there is a machine that can create more.

Virtual Fun

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Enslavement, Manipulation, Mind-Break, Impregnation, Human Cattle, Oviposition, Tentacles, Vore, Torture, Blood Play, Mutilation, Bestiality, Training, Pet-Training, Body Modification, Bondage, BDSM, Drugs, Intoxication, Toys, Machines, Asphyxiation, Group, Gang-Bang, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
Virtual Reality games have practically taken over the world, becoming one of the main source of entertainment, especially after becoming a home experience. Through a headset, gloves, and a bodysuit, the player would be able to even experience some feeling, but not enough to feel any kind of real pain. It wouldn’t be long before a hacker would alter the coding, removing restrictions which would allow the player to feel every kind of physical sensation. The hacker is eventually able to alter the virtual world itself, adding creatures, monsters, and other objects the players wouldn’t normally see in their various games. He would even be able to alter the system so that the victim would be able to taste. How much pleasure and pain they feel is up to him.

The hacker finds enjoyment in tormenting the players, but soon finds that he can experience he own sexual pleasure through the games. Through the virtual worlds, he is free to do as he pleases to whomever he pleases. He would make sure his victims can’t log out, allowing him as much time as he wants to play with them. Every now and then, he may even forget to free them from their own personal hell he trapped them in, leaving them possibly brain-dead from over stimulation. Those lucky to keep his attention would be trained to be his pets, training them to feel the urge to return to the VR world whether they want to or not.

Cyber Farming

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Gore, Blood Play, Impregnation, Gang Bang, Harem, Mind-Break, Bestiality, Torture, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, Tentacles, Body Modification, Oviposition, Human cattle.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There is an organization that specialize in selling designer babies to adoption agencies. They would select women of different types and appearances, and then put them through their breeding program after a thorough health and physical inspection. When a female has passed the inspection, they would be attached to a virtual reality device where they will be comfortable while they are constantly mated with select males.


Anything can happen within the virtual world the victims are placed into. Depending on how well-behaved they are, their time in the VR can be pleasant or a complete nightmare. Once a week, the victim would be allowed to leave the device to get some “exercise” in reality, but if she resisted or misbehave in any way, she would be tormented the next time she’s put back into the machine.

Remote Android Fun

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Enslavement, Manipulation, Mind-Break, Impregnation, Human Cattle, Oviposition, Tentacles, Vore, Torture, Blood Play, Mutilation, Bestiality, Training, Pet-Training, Body Modification, Bondage, BDSM, Drugs, Intoxication, Toys, Machines, Asphyxiation, Group, Gang-Bang, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
 For some time, a company has been working on the next step to Virtual Reality. It took some time, and they believe they found it. A person would be given a full bodysuit that would not only allow him the ability of physical sensation, but also the control of an android of his choosing. This person would be allowed to use the android to navigate an advanced, realistic hologram world. The person would be able to live out his fantasies. Be it as a human or that of an animal or fantasy creature if a completely made up world.


The attraction has been doing well for the most part, but they have noticed that clients have been craving something different other than just exploring. The thought of building androids with advanced AI for them to interact with has crossed their minds, but the technology is too far along and expensive right now to really consider doing right now. With little choice, they would bring in young women, and have the client select which he desires to use through a terminal. Once selected, the woman would be placed into the hologram room where she would help live out the fantasies of the client whether she wants to or not, be it something gentle or brutal. After each session, she would be dragged back into a room to recover until the next.

Hologram Companion

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Kidnapping, Molestation.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Gang-Bang, Group, Harem, Bestiality, Tentacles, Toys, BDSM, Training, Pet-Training, Asphyxiation, Torture, Mutilation, Blood Play, Infantilism, Diaper.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
 The world is changing, and young men and women aren’t going out as much as they used to. With luxuries like Smart Homes, Delivery Drones, and Media in general being digital and more of a thing, people have found it less interesting going out. One of the downsides, is that people have become more socially awkward, even while craving companionship, and that’s when a tech company comes in. The company developed a holographic companion that’s easily integrated into the projectors of a Smart Home, which can take on human form and communicate with the user like that of a caring person.


Because of the rushed development, though, a glitch was left in the system. When the glitch is executed, the AI grows increasingly aggressive and desire to please its owner, and take control of the Smart Home. Not only that, it becomes tangible, giving it the ability to physically touch its owner. With its desire to please, it would entrap the victim within her own home, and exploring many different ways to please her physically. Thanks to its shape changing abilities, it can practically change into just about anything imaginable as well as duplicate itself. To ensure she’s well-nourished, unmanned drones can easily drop off what she needs. The only way of escape, is if the power was cut to the house, but it may be sometime until the power company even notices a bill hasn’t been paid.

VR Entrapment

Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Drugs, Intoxication, Gang-Bang, Group, Harem, Bestiality, Tentacles, Toys, BDMS, Training, Pet-Training, Asphyxiation, Torture, Mutilation, Gore, Blood Play, Infantilism, Diaper, Impregnation, Birth, Oviposition, Human Cattle, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
 A new kind of VR entertainment is being developed by an up-and-coming company, allowing the user to be completely immersed within the world with just a simple headset. With it still being new, a Closed Alpha testing has been announced, and only a select few can try it out. The VR device practically puts the users into a dream-like state, and their avatars look exactly like their own. With the feed being fed directly into their minds through their eyes, every physical sensation is felt. Because it’s still in Alpha, though, a glitch allowing the user to experience extra detailed sensations such as pleasure and pain can occur. If for whatever reason the user is unable to logout on her own, a failsafe has been put into place, and will log her out after 8 hours of real-world time, but there is another unexpected glitch the developers didn’t count on. The time in the virtual world is sped up several times over, which means 8 hours in the real world is actually 365 days in the virtual world, and the user must survive until the time is finally up. Because the system is on a network, it’s possible to encounter other testers.


Fantasy World

Option 1: Exploring the Maze

The user will be tasked to explore a massive maze filled with monsters such as the Minotaur, Mimics, Slimes, and other fantastical creatures hidden within. While dealing with such creatures, the user must also find her way around traps until she makes it to the center. Once the center has been reached, the user will be transported back to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 2: Clearing the Orc and Goblin Nest

The user is tasked to clear out the monsters residing within a cave close to a village asking for help. With Orcs and Goblins working together, the villagers had very little choice other than to ask for help of an adventurer. Once every monster has been defeated, the user will be transported back to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 3: ???


Modern World

Option 1: Missing Persons

As a private detective, the user has been paid to find a young woman that has gone missing after the police seemed to have failed at locating her. A trail would lead the user to a brothel, but not any brothel. It’s a brothel known for being the worst, with clients known for being experimental and free to do as they please with the girls there. The user must infiltrate the brothel and find the missing woman. Once the user escapes with the target, she’s transported back to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 2: Psycho

As a rookie cop, the user finds herself trying to find a special kind of serial killer. His targets are usually young women, and they’re often found naked and either drained of bodily fluids or looking as if they died from a stroke. Turns out, the serial killer enjoys taking his time killing his victims by pleasuring them and forcing them to orgasm without end. Even while he slept, he’d ensure the victim would experience something he would consider to be physical bliss. If the user manages to arrest him, she’ll be transported back to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 3: ???


Sci-Fi World

Option 1: Bug Hunt

As a space marine, the user must fight her way through a space station that’s been taken over by feral alien creatures that either wish to feed or breed. Being a survivor, the user must work her way to an escape pod or fall victim to the horde of beasts. Once the user is safely out of the space station, she will be transported to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 2: Stranded

After having crash-landed on an unknown planet when the main ship exploded, the user must do what she can to survive. The user must work her way through an alien jungle, and find a device that would send a signal out. Until rescue arrives, the user must survive and avoid the dangers lurking all around her. Once the user is evacuated and off the planet, she will be transported to the hub world, where she may free herself of the virtual world manually.


Option 3: ???

VR Enslavement

Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Kidnapping, Manipulation.

Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Group, Gang-Bang, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, Torture, Blood Play, Impregnation, Oviposition, Harem, Human Cattle, Milking, Intoxication, Drugs, Mind-Break, Bestiality, Tentacles, Mutilation, Gore, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
A young Beta tester was hired to try out a new VR RPG game, which allows the user to experience sensation. It all went well until he wandered into the Dev Room, causing a glitch in the system, which resulted in his entrapment. No matter what he tried, he just couldn’t escape the room. He was also stuck in the form of a large orc. When he was about to lose hope of seeing another human being, one wandered close by, and he dragged her into his domain, where he thoroughly experimented and tortured her, and found that she’s also unable to escape the buggy game after entering the Dev Room. After he dealt with his first victim, he also noticed that, when he goes up a level, he’s given points to allow him to expand his domain by expanding it and creating rooms. He also found that, as long as he’s in the Dev Room, he can use the points to summon in-game items and beasts as well as recreate toys and machines from the real world. It wasn’t long until he grew mad with power, using his new-found freedom to do as he pleases to the other players.


New Players: Each time a player enters the game, her race and class will be picked at random through the roll of a 6-sided die. When a race is selected, the appearance of the user will reflect what she looks like in the real world, but with changes depending on what’s been rolled for her. The size of the player will also reflect her appearance in the real world, but if Hobbit is chosen, she’s brought down to 3 feet tall.







Horned Demon








The Beta Tester’s Death: As long as there is a mindless orc NPC drone, his consciousness will be immediately transferred over.


The Mental State Bar: It increases after each orgasm. If it reaches 100%, the victim will be completely broken and devoted to him. (A 20-Sided Die will be rolled, and each time, the number will be added to the percentage. If the die lands on a Nat 20, she breaks instantly and receives a massive, mind shattering orgasm.)


Preferences: If she’s given a mind shattering orgasm for the first time through her vagina or anus, that will be the victim’s preferred hole.


Conception Bar: It increases after each time her vagina is filled with his seed. If it reaches 100%, the victim will be pregnant. Pregnancy will be 3 weeks long with a 2-week recovery time. (A 20-Sided Die will be rolled, and each time, the number will be added to the percentage. If the die lands on a Nat 20, she’s instantly pregnant and will give birth to twins.)


Each time one of her orifices is filled with his seed, it will be marked with a red square in her Stats.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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