About Me
I'm an Experienced RPer. I've been doing this for years. I have very few limits. So, if there is something dark you'd like to try out, I'm usually the person to go too. I like to use detail in RP. I can be picky, and I usually expect my RP partners to keep up with me to a certain extent. I mainly specialize in Non-Con RP.
Whom I'm Looking For:
I’m currently searching for experienced role players (I have No Gender Preference.), someone who is able to Dominate, and those who are literate in the English Language, ect… I understand that nobody is perfect, but I still expect effort. If there is something you have in mind that isn’t in my RP ideas, let me know. I only RP in Forum and Email. Anyone asking RP in IM will be automatically ignored. I will never RP in IM.
My Characters:
I have made over 399 characters to choose from. The characters are all organized by Race and Age to make searching easier. The races are Fairies {18}, Angels {16}, Elves {77}, Demons {86}, Humans {172}, and Males {30}. Their backgrounds can be altered if you wish, but the changes have to make sense.
About My Plots:
I have made over 95 plots to choose from. All organized to make it easier to search through. If you have an idea that isn't in the lists, feel free to tell it to me. I'm usually flexible with my plots. If you wish to alter my plots in some way, feel free to tell me. You don't have to be bound by what I have written, but I expect your ideas or changes to make some kind of sense.
Use of my Plots and Characters:
If you find yourselves not interested in RPing with me specifically, everyone has permission to use my Plots and Characters with someone else.
Please read my Writing Samples and Ons/Offs first in the Menu above
before messaging me to make sure we're compatible and of similar skills.
Scroll Down For Rules and More Info.
Basic Rules/Other Info
1. English must be first language.
2. 3 Full Paragraph Minimum. (Please don't limit yourself to just 3 paragraphs. I can write 10 and up depending on whom I'm RPing with.)
3. You must be at least 18 years old in RL to RP with me.
4. No Vague Rp requests. (Please, have a plot in mind before messaging me. Thank you.)
5. No once a month posts. (I can accept once a week.)
I RP in Forum Threads, Email, PM, and Discord.
Recommended Email Clients
Useful Writing Tools
Grammar/Spell Checker:
LanguageTool - Online Grammar, Style & Spell Checker
Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free - Typing.com
Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office:
Apache OpenOffice - Official Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Home | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
My Contact Info
My email: latapaina@gmail.com
If you want to get in contact with me through IM:
Discord: LataPaine (Easiest way to contact me)