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Settings: Fantasy.​

1. Nellie Shuga is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’8” tall. Being of the bovine type, she is a sweet and gentle female, but can be a little shy at times. Her kind was the rare type that was man-made. The males were especially made for heavy labor, because of their greater strength, but the females’ physical abilities aren’t anything to laugh at either. Despite their strength, they are naturally docile. Even after having gained their freedom, they continue to live peacefully in their villages along the long grassy plains they’re used to. She is currently the priestess of her village, often taking care of the orphaned children that lost their parents during the great war. Like, most females that come of age, her breasts constantly produce milk regardless of whether or not she has had a child, and she has to milk herself almost every day to relieve the pressure that builds up. It’s said the milk of her race is the most nourishing and flavorful, and especially so when pregnant. If stimulated enough, she may lactate more than usual, making a bit of mess through the layers of clothing she wears in an attempt to hide it. It’s such an annoyance for her, but she knows it’s not something she can help.

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Settings: Fantasy.​

2. Airi Chupar is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’8” tall. She’s a friendly enough female, but can be a little mischievous when she wants to, especially when it comes to dealing with those of the opposite sex. The grew up in wealth, and she is the daughter of a noble, so she became quite spoiled. Because she’s of high class, she feels she can do almost anything she wanted. One of her hobbies is teasing young men. When she sees someone coming close to the manor, she wouldn’t hesitate to tease him by standing in front of an open wind practically naked. While at parties, she would even play with someone there, and she knows there isn’t anything they can do about it. Because she believes she’s untouchable, she isn’t afraid to wander outside the manor on her own to get some fresh air. She can’t imagine anyone daring to touch her.

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Settings: Fantasy.​

3. Ingrid Hagen is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly enough female. She can be quite energetic, and doesn’t have any problems interacting with strangers. She belongs to a well sought-after race of demons, mainly because of her appearance, but especially because of how fast they breed and the high probability of having multiple offspring at once. Her race isn’t considered the strongest. Other races don’t even think of hers as a threat, but they have the potential to either increase numbers in a military quickly or breed pets for those interested. Before she could be captured and used as a tool for others, she managed to run away from her village in time before it can be raided. Since then, she lived on the streets and grew tough. Even while being considered the weakest of the other races, she is still considered a little stronger than an average human male, and manages to handle herself in hand-to-hand combat. With her strong legs, she has quite the agility as well, allowing her to run quickly and leap high, if she ever feels she’s in great danger. Occasionally, she would pick fights for money and food, but usually stays out of sight for the most part, living in abandoned buildings and such.  


Settings: Fantasy.​

4. Kaden Daly is a young demon at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a kind and friendly young female, and can be quite adventurous. She’s the current princess of a kingdom, but not just any kingdom. A kingdom of humans. She was adopted by the kind at a very young age, and appeared human until she reached puberty. Her parents were quite shocked, but still loved her as she was their own. Because her mother couldn’t have children, they had no other choice other than to adopt a possible heir. With her mother, long since passed away and her father deathly ill, she’s now the successor to the throne, and because of that, a lot of people aren’t happy about it since she isn’t human.


Settings: Fantasy.
Gilly Flower is a mature demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’10” tall. She’s a friendly, and curious creature, but can be quite shy and timid. Being a rare Unicorn type, she has been used in racing for some time. Having won a couple races, and with the stable closing down due to mismanagement, her owner felt it was time to cash in on her. Normally, creatures like herself would be put to stud, but her owner couldn’t afford males to breed her, so the only option left is to sell her. Taken out of the stable she was used to sleeping in, she has been cleaned up, and she’s waiting to be sold. With her being as rare as she is, her owner expects to sell her easily enough. 


Settings: Fantasy.​

6. Triste Beere is a young demon at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 6' tall. She belongs to a rare race of dragon demons. Because of how she was raised, she isn’t the talkative type, but isn’t at all shy. Like, the rest of her kind, she was raised in the darkest of forests where light is barely able to penetrate. Despite how dangerous the area is as well as her kind, hunters managed to capture her. Before being sold off, she was somewhat tamed and trained to be like that of a guard dog. To keep her under control and on the property of the manor, she’s made to wear a magical shock collar. Growing up, she has lived her life outside, circling the manor like that of a common guard dog, never being allowed to set food inside. Because it’s a life she only knows, she isn’t too bothered by it, but she would often feel the urge for freedom.


Settings: Fantasy.​

7. Ciara Neev is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly, sweet, and energetic female, and can usually get along with most people of her growing town. Since her parents passed away during a major war, she currently lives alone, but she doesn’t let that get her down since their deaths helped bring peace to the land. There were those that offered to take her in, but she prefers to live alone in the house her parents built together. Having won the war, there are still those that hold a grudge against her kind, since they’re seen as something that’s comparable to animals. For a long time, her race was seen as mere house pets, but eventually started a revolution. Since then, her town continues to grow and flourish. She’s hopeful of the future, even though she’s been hearing rumors of strange activity close to the borders of their land.

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Settings: Fantasy.​

8. Ita Swift is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’8” tall. She’s an adventurous, and curious creature, but she isn’t the friendliest of females when she isn’t among her own kind. She belongs to a rare tribe of rabbit demon with animalistic tendencies. Normally, her breed would be like that of her timid cousins, but her people are far more aggressive. While her cousins would forage for fruits, nuts, and farm, her people would actively hunt mammals, fish, birds, and even eat bugs. While others of her kind stay on the ground, her people would use their strong legs to hope from try to tree. She especially enjoys leaving the village to hunt and explore, looking for good meat to consume. Even while being an experienced huntress, she can let her curious nature distract her. If she ever sees something shiny, she can’t help but stop what she’s doing and check it out.


Settings: Fantasy.​

9. Melia Baros is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She can be a friendly creature, but usually prefers to be left alone. Her being a succubus makes things difficult, though. While growing up, she enjoyed exploring and such while playing with those among her kind, but when puberty hit her, she grew to have a powerful sexual urge. For as long as she could remember, she mainly survived consuming nuts, fruits, and the meat of animals, but her biology demands a different source of nourishment. Because of the danger, she has been trying to avoid humanoids in general, and her urge to feast on the sexual energies of males makes that difficult. Not only because of how dangerous it is to come across humans, she also doesn’t want to risk getting pregnant. For quite some time, she’s been fighting her urges, but it’s starting to cause her physical pain, feeling like she’s starving.


Settings: Fantasy.​

10. Suri Gram is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and grew up quite spoiled. For the most part of her young life, she appeared to be human like every other child, but as soon as she hit puberty, she grew horns and a tail. It was found that her father, that isn’t around, is an incubus, making her part succubus and part human. Because she’s only sharing half her father’s genes, her pheromones aren’t as strong, and if she were to have sex, she isn’t capable of draining someone’s life force. The older she grew, the more demonic she appeared, and it only made it difficult for her to live in her town. Tired of all the disgusted stares from the women and lustful stares of the men, she felt it was time for her to leave.


Through the use of her abilities, she manages to get buy well-enough, but because she often gets unwanted attention, she eventually used her pheromones to manipulate goblins to form a bandit group to do her bidding while she stays out of the public eye. She has tried to gain favors from the wealthy, but with her pheromones not as strong as a full succubus, she wasn’t able to get very far. With the goblins appearing to be far weaker than those of higher-class races, she figures she can get away with making them do what she wants. Because she has only recently started using her pheromones on purpose, she isn’t aware of how temporary the effects are.


Settings: Fantasy.​

11. Kiko Mi is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young creature, but when a certain time of the month comes around, she locks herself away from the world along with her twin sister. Kora Mi is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be friendly and shy, but can be protective of her twin sister. Once a month, the twins go through a period of extreme heat, giving off a pheromone that attracts the males of all races except their own. It’s a common thing for the females of her race. As soon as they get a whiff of their pheromones during those times, the male would behave as if he has lost complete control, behaving almost like that of a wild beast. Because of the potential dangers, they have to make sure to keep track of the days when they go into heat. How violent or aggressive the males get varies, but what they all have in common, is that they won’t stop until satisfied. Regardless of who mates with them, they can only produce her own race.


Settings: Fantasy.​

12. Iku Kuni is a young demoness at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of creatures, but she does have a curious nature. She belongs to a rare species of spider demons that through the use of alchemy. She was created for the purpose of war, but before she could be used for anything, she escaped her captors. She now currently roams a thick forest, living like that of an animal for the most part. She mainly stays high in the trees, and sticks to the shadows. She has the ability to spin silk as strong as steal from her mouth, which she uses to make nests, traps, or as a way to detect prey through vibrations. Her silk is also fire-resistant. Not only does she have her webbing, she has hidden fangs that rest against the upper side inside her mouth. Because she has been living alone for so many years, she doesn’t speak or understand the language of those outside her forest. When encountering humanoid males, though, she would use her femininity to lure them in where she would then use her paralyzing venom to disable them, so she may feed from them while they're still alive.


Settings: Fantasy.​

13. Jaala Walker is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She appears friendly enough, but can be quite cruel thanks to her upbringing. Naama Walker is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. Like, her sister, she is quite cruel and isn’t friendly towards commoners. Not only are they born and raised as nobles, they are the current lords of the land. Due to unforeseen circumstances, their parents passed away, and everything was left under their care. Being as young as they are and without any experience, they merely treat their duties like that of a game. If they want something expensive, they would raise taxes. If bored, they would mock those asking for help. If annoyed enough, they would have someone imprison. Being isolated in their manor, they don’t understand the misery they’re causing, but even if they were aware of what’s happening outside, they would still continue to behave like tyrants.


Settings: Fantasy.
Aiya Emer is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She is a sweet, but shy young woman. Especially when compared to her older sisters, Aika and Delca. Unlike her sister Aika, she makes sure to not get into any mischief, so she doesn’t cause trouble for Delca who is currently the ambassador to their kingdom. Because she is of the same race as her sisters, she is expected to go through her heat cycles as well, and because she just turned 18 years old, it’s about to kick in any time now. Being the youngest of the two siblings, she most likely will find it hard to control in the beginning, and she isn’t looking forward to it. Because they are of the same race, she is also just as fertile, with the potential to have many children.


Settings: Fantasy.​

15. Riley Bhean is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’3” tall. She is a very shy, and timid creature, especially when around strangers. At a young age, she was taken from her village, and sold as a family house pet. Despite her age, she eventually stropped growing, and aging, labeling her as a dwarven type, which makes it easy for her owners to feed and handle her. As far as she can remember, she has lived her life in a cage like that of a common rabbit, and she is rarely taken out. She hasn’t even been outside, and because of how young she was, she doesn’t even remember what it’s like. Even while being a caged pet, she’s often spoiled with rich food, and pampered, helping remove any desire to leave captivity. Because her owners are having financial problems, she may end up being sold some day, but because she doesn’t know any language, and has been raised like that of an animal, she has no idea what plans they have for her.

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Settings: Fantasy.​​

16. Greta Pearl is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” inches tall. She can be a friendly female, but she’s usually seen as having low energy and quiet. Regardless of how she appears, she’ll jump into action, if she feels threatened. She belongs to a race of wolf demons that have long since evolved to be intelligent compared to their other canine demon cousins who have patches of fur that cover their bodies, sharp claws, and tails. They still have elongated canine teeth and ears, reminding them of their history of once being feral beasts. Their physical strength is still higher than that of a human’s, and to compensate for the lack of claws, gauntlets with sharp nails have been made. For the most part, she usually stays within the town, but when she’s curious enough, she would go exploring.


Settings: Fantasy

17. Juni Dahl is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a sweet and caring female. She can be a little shy and timid at times, but she can easily warm up to a friendly face. Because she lives in a peaceful village that receives very little visitors, she can be quite naïve. She currently lives a peaceful life without a care in the world, but when she grew older, so did her curiosity. She had noticed that every month or so someone would leave the village and never return. Because it was a common thing, she didn’t question it at the time, but now that she’s older, she can’t help but wonder what’s up with the disappearances, and why no one seems bothered by it. Letting her curiosity take over, she decides to investigate the situation herself, because no one else would give her any answers. Not even her parents would tell her anything about it.


Settings: Fantasy.​

18. Petal Soot is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. Being like that of a wild animal, she isn’t the friendliest when it comes to strangers. She isn’t the shy type, but she prefers to be left alone when she’s grazing. She belongs to the sheep type race, but instead of producing felt or wool like that of real sheep or anything similar, she grows hair that’s as soft and tough as silk that can be made into different types of clothing. Not only is her hair sought after, it’s said her horns are valuable, because of their durability, and can be used to make weapons, armor, or just general decoration. It’s said her race has the hardest of heads, and if she feels threatened, she wouldn’t hesitate to charge and ram her head into anyone she feels could be a threat. It’s also said that her races milk is also a delicacy, having quite the strong, sweeter flavor compared to the bovine species, but unlike them, they can’t produce unless impregnated.


Settings: Fantasy.​

19. River Congelee is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She is a friendly, cheerful, and energetic demoness, but her high energy has been considered quite annoying among her tribe since most tend to prefer peace and quiet. She belongs to a race of wolven demons that reside up the far icy, snowy north. Even when wearing very little clothing, they can handle the cold just fine, but gradually weaken when introduced to higher temperatures. Her race isn’t the most aggressive and usually prefer to be left alone, but her on the other hand loves receiving attention. Because of how harsh the environment is, they rarely receive visitors, and because of that, grew ignorant of the outside world. With her as curious as she is, she has been considering leaving her snow-covered lands to see what’s out here.


Settings: Fantasy.​

20. Anat Filou is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. Even with her chosen profession, she is quite friendly and chipper. Because of her raccoon lineage, it was quite natural for her to choose her current profession. Having been living on the streets for some time, she makes money through theft. By being a thief, she lives surprisingly comfortable. Because of her skills as a thief, she rarely gets into trouble. When breaking into homes, she makes sure not to take so much that it’s noticeable. She has been feeling the need to be challenged, though, and has been thinking of venturing into more dangerous areas. Her friends have recommended she doesn't follow through with her plans, but she doesn’t see the harm.  


Settings: Fantasy

21. Kina Suu is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of creatures, and isn’t at all very shy and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She can have quite the short temper as well. She’s considered to be a knight among her peaceful people, but after getting into a fight with a superior, she has been demoted and made to do guard and patrol duties. Her small kingdom grew overtime after having liberated themselves from slavery, and have grown some peaceful relations with other nations in the surrounding area, so her type of aggression isn’t needed as much. She feels it’s important to stay vigilant, but others don’t see it that way, which frustrates her. She’s been feeling a strong need for purpose after all the training she’s been through, and has been considering leaving her post to find it.


Settings: Fantasy

22. Brie Hachi is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’6” tall. She’s a sweet and energetic female, but because she has spent most of her life indoors, she grew to be quite naïve. It doesn’t help that she has been raised to be like that of a house pet at a very young age. As far as she can remember, she has been the pet of a wealthy individual. She has been well taken care off. Always fed her favorite nuts, seeds, and fruit. Because she is a rare albino of her species, she is considered to be her owner’s prized possession. Right now, though, her owner had made some bad investments. With very little option, he very well may have to sell her off in order to relieve some of his accumulated debt. Because she was only taught simple commands, she doesn’t really know the language, and she’s oblivious of the situation because of that. She can tell her owner is stressed about something. She just doesn’t know what about.


Settings: Fantasy

23. Anja Pow is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'2" tall. She's a sweat young creature, but somewhat curious and naive. She belongs to a race of weak demons who are often preyed upon by other demons and humanoids. Not just for meat and slavery, but also for the jewels they all wear around their necks. It is said that the jewel would grant any other race great power. It's been such a long while since the last time a member of her race was attacked, allowing them to let their guard down. She has been traveling for a while now, exploring the world and seeing if she can make a life for herself.

Settings: Fantasy.​

24. Emil Eden is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She can be friendly, but because she is the current ruler of her underground world, she can be quite aggressive. Despite her appearance, she is actually quite strong and powerful. With her great strength, and her ability to manipulate flames, she became queen. Like, the rest of her people, she is quite primitive. Almost animalistic with her behavior. She lacks table manners, and enjoys roughhousing with those weaker than herself. Being the type of demon that she is, she really enjoys the warmth of the underground, and would even bathe in lava pools while admiring the rare gems embedded in the cave walls. She cares not for the value of such crystals. She values food above all else, and if fresh meat wanders across her path, she won’t hesitate to try to consume it.


Settings: Fantasy.​

25. Eula Edlen is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly enough creature, but can be quite shy, and timid, because of how protective her parents are. She belongs to a civilized race of ram demons that live peacefully in a valley behind massive stone mountains that act as a protective barrier. What makes her special compared to the rest of her people are her golden horns and eyes. Not only that, her soft, silky hair is even stronger than most of the people of her town. If woven, it’s said any clothing can stop arrows or maybe more. Despite her delicate appearance, she has a hard skull, and the tips of her fingers are tough and durable enough to allow her to climb mountains with easy. Because of how she’s born, she’s considered a treasure among her people. With her curious nature, though, and having been forced to stay in her town for so long, she can’t help but feel an urge to explore past the mountains.


Settings: Fantasy.​

26. Lynet Bright she is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. Even while as young as she is, she isn’t the friendliest of females, but she tries to keep a positive attitude despite her situation. Ever since her father dishonored the family name by running away from battle, she was forced to leave her village. With her father having died quite some time ago, she has been living on her own in a cabin deep within the forests. Even though her father was a coward, he made sure to train her well at hunting, allowing her to survive. With her heightened sense of smell, she can track just about anything, so food wasn’t a problem. Being quite territorial like the rest of her kind, she doesn’t like uninvited guests.


Settings: Fantasy​

27. Sasha Koshka is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a shy and quiet young female, but can be a little curious at times. She was born into slavery, but only been used in menial tasks. The slavers that own her have a rule that a slave isn’t ready for sexual servitude until they reach the age of 16. Now that she has reached that age, the slavers will sell her virginity to the highest bidder. If the bidder enjoys her enough, he may be able to choose to pay more to purchase her. Because she has been treated as an animal throughout her life, she hasn’t been taught the local language. She would be taught the commands similar to that of a dog.


Settings: Fantasy

28. Delia Bron is a young feline demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a very playful, and curious creature, and since the day she was born, she has been spoiled quite a bit by her owners along with her canine brother Davan. Being raised by royalty, she is treated as such by the servants that work for her owners, but despite how she’s treated, she’s still considered to be an animal, and has only been taught simple commands, and hasn’t been taught to speak a language. Because of how she was spoiled, she would often tease the servants by swiping or scratching at them, because she knows she wouldn’t get in trouble for it. She just loves to see the anger in their eyes, and if they do yell at her, she’ll merely just run back to one of her owners. The servants would even hate her and her brother, because of the rich food that would be given to them.


Settings: Fantasy

29. Egan Kernel is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’5” tall. She’s a friendly enough female, but can be quite timid, and shy. She belongs to a race of weak demons that have long since secluded themselves from modern society, but after so long, they were found once again. Ignorant of the outside world, they saw those that visited to be like that of gods, and did their bidding. Once every six months, a group of visitors would return, and select one of her people to go along with them. Like, those before her, she was taken at a young age. Turns out, those ‘Gods’ were actually slave traders, and were taking the youngest of her tribe, because they would be easier to train. She eventually found herself being sold to the wealthy, taught to be a servant, but she was mostly treated like that of a house pet. Because she’s seen as a mere animal, she wasn’t taught much of their language, and merely understands the commands given to her. As ignorant as she is, being a servant is the only life she knows, and doesn’t understand the wrong doing that fell upon her.


Settings: Fantasy

30. Gricie Braw is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. While working, she tries to be as friendly as she can be, but she isn’t the happiest of creatures. At a young age, she was taken from her village by raiders, and brought to the city where she was sold to a brothel. Because of how young she was at the time, she was merely used to keep guests company while they drink, and watch entertainment being played out on stage. Now that she’s 18 years old, though, that’s quickly changing as her owners wait for bidders to pay for her time in private. Because she’s of a rare race of weak dragon-kin, her owners hope to earn a lot of money off of her. If she doesn’t perform as expected, she was told they’ll just sell off what they can of her body to those that are interested in that kind of thing.


Settings: Fantasy.​

31. Monifa Nebol is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She’s a very quiet female, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t friendly. She’s merely just very shy, and timid, which is usually normal for her type of race. When it was found that she had a rare affinity to magic, she was sent off to a human kingdom where it’s more common. At a holy school, she learned healing magic, but because of her shy personality, and with her being one of the few demons there, it was a bit of a struggle for her. She would rather be alone, because it would often feel as if she’s being stared at by the humans of the city. Fortunately, she’s allowed to travel back home for a time, but must return to the school to continue her training.


Settings: Fantasy

32. Olive Ara is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 3’9” tall. She’s a friendly and sweet creature, and isn’t at all shy. Being raised in captivity among her kind, it’s a life she only knows. For the most part, her kind is raised as pets, but they’re often sought after, because of their emerald horns. During the day, the horns look like a dull, green crystal, but when moon light shines upon them, they glow vibrantly in the dark. Because of how valuable her horns are, they would be sawed off, and carved into jewelry and such. Fortunately, her horns are capable of growing back quickly a month after being removed. It was even found that the horns possess magical properties, allowing them to cast enhancing magic easier, if carved into handles of blades. Just in case she was to escape, a bell as carved from her horns and a tracking spell was imbued into it. It’s said their glowing horns were the downfall of her people many centuries ago, making them easy to hunt down during nightfall. She lives a peaceful life, and because her kind has grown common through domestication, she’s almost next in line to be sold off like that of typical cattle.

Settings: Fantasy.​

33. Tana Fern is a young demoness at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. Because of her upbringing, she isn’t the friendliest of females. Even while having been born into captivity, she didn’t take well to it and grew rebellious. Even while she was treated like a common pet for the most part, she spent a lot of her times keeping physical and fit until the day she could finally escape. Despite her stature, she’s quite strong and agile, and she used her physical abilities to easily escape her masters. After escaping, it took her some time to get use to her new world outside of the walls of her previous home, and even joined a bandit group. Though, she may have hated her existence as a slave, she makes sure to still wear her collar as a reminder of her past and what she plans to never be.


Settings: Fantasy.​

34. Klara Dolan is a demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a sweet and kind young female, but can be quite the tomboy. For the most part, she manages to get along with most of the people in her village, but her skin condition makes her a bit of an outsider. Her race is known for having armor-like scales that form on their bodies, usually as strong as steel, but every now and then one would form scales like that of gold or silver. In her case, though, she's a very rare blue. Due to the rare deformity, they are often seen as high value by outsiders, and they would be raided by said outsiders. Because of the possibility of getting attacked, those with the strange deformities are often cast out, and she’s currently on the list to be exiled for the safety of the village. Having been raised a fighter, though, she isn't worried about getting thrown out. She believes she can handle herself.


Settings: Fantasy.​

35. Chloe Ur is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tell. She is a shy, and timid creature, but can be curious. She belongs to a race of Fennecs, which are similar to that of foxes, but smaller, and with bigger ears. Thanks to her much bigger ears, she can pick up the slightest of vibrations in the air. Normally, she would live in underground burrows like the rest of her species, but at a young age, she was taken from her home, and made to live like that of a common house pet. For a while, she lived peacefully, but one day, her owners, and the keepers of the house left and never returned. Having been isolated from the outside world for so long, she can’t imagine what could have happened to everyone. While nature starts to take the mansion back, she lives peacefully there, but because of how she was raised, she’s too afraid to venture outside. With food growing scarce, she knows she’ll have to leave eventually.


Settings: Fantasy.​

36. Diare Kuna is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’3” tall. Having born and raised in captivity, the form she currently lives in basically the only world she knows, so she is quite shy, timid, and naïve. Not only is she a bovine type, she’s considered to be a rare albino dwarf among her species. Because of how rare she is, she’s the price possession of the farm. Normally, her kind are bred for labor, milk, and even meat, but when something like her appear, she’s considered to be quite valuable. She would even be paraded about at the fairs, where she would help win prize money. With her having grown of age, her owner has been considering breeding her, but he doesn’t want to risk damaging her, and lowering her value. It’s said her type can produce the most nourishing and delicious milk. It’s also said that the meat is amazingly tender, juicy, and sweet.


Settings: Fantasy.​

37. Orla Kernel is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’11” tall. She’s a friendly, cheerful, and curious creature, but because of how she was raised, she’s naïve of the outside world. Like, her parents before her, she was bred and raised in captivity. Because of being raised in such a way, it’s the only life she knows. Resembling that of a dog, she is a rare breed, because there are so many like herself that mainly resemble wolves and foxes. Because of how rare she is, people all around would ask her owners to either pay to buy her or to breed more of her, since her kind is considered easier to deal with compared to the wolf and fox types. Being raised as a mere house pet, she didn’t receive the luxury of being taught a language or speak, but she knows to follow the commands of her owners. Even with her being as curious as she is, she won’t even leave the house without her owners. Also, because of her rarity, she’s often spoiled by her owners, getting fed rich, healthy food daily. She won’t eat anything unless it’s of high quality now, because of her owners.


Settings: Fantasy.​

38. Elif Mince Is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She can be friendly, but mainly with her own kind. When she sees a race or animal, she isn’t familiar with, she would try to fly away, because that what she was taught to do since she was a little girl. She belongs to a race with the power of flight that live high up in the mountains where the air is thin, and can get quite cold. Despite the harsh environment, her kind manage to survive thanks to their wings that are thick with soft feathers. Being a rare species, her race is often mistaken as angels, but for those that are aware of them, they are seen as a menace. Even though she was told not to venture down for too long, she would often sneak over villages, and steal food from them. Because she often looks like a typical bird from high up, she can usually catch people off guard before swooping down and taking what she wants. She doesn’t see it as a problem, because it appears that the people below have enough to feed themselves.


Settings: Fantasy.​

39. Anke Sioc is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She can be a friendly female, but her nature makes her very shy when encountering strangers. She belongs to a race of demons that prefer a colder climate, and despite their lack of fur, they are not bothered by the ice and snow that surround their home. Because of their horns, they are often mistaken as deer or any similar animal. It’s also because of their horns that they are sought after, because it’s such a rare sight to behold. Like, the rest of her people, she never ventured too far from the town, but it’s because she has never left home that she can’t help but be curious. Also, like, her kind, she has the minimal ability to create ice through the use of the moisture in the air. If in danger, she can form tiny, sharp objects, but that’s as far as her abilities go. It’s also said that her kind is only weakened further when brought into a much warmer climate or if their body temperatures go too high, making it hard to even focus their minds, which makes them easy targets for hunters.


Settings: Fantasy.​

40. Holle Klein is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 4’3” tall. She is a friendly, sweet, and curious creature, but because she was raised in captivity all her life, she can be very naïve. The belongs to a modified race of equine demons. Through the process of selective breeding, she was created to be smaller than most of her kind, which her creators call ponies. Despite her size, though, she is still considered quite strong, and it’s said she can lift three times her own body weight. Even with her strength and endurance, she was bred to be docile, making her the perfect pet for the wealthy. Because she is still considered a beast of burden, she was never taught a language. Only simple commands. Having come of age, she is set to be sold.


Settings: Fantasy.​

41. Kenia Sallow is a young demoness at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 3’3” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and can be short-tempered. Growing up, she hasn’t had the best childhood. She was conceived when her mother was violated by a band of goblins. While pregnant with her, her mother was rescued. When she was born into the world, she was found to be quite the rarity. Goblins are only able to spawn more males when mating with females of other races, but she came out female. Normally, when women give birth to a goblin spawn, the infant is killed right then and there, but in her case, because she’s female, they thought it’s possible she would grow up less aggressive. While growing up, their theory appeared true. Of course, what stood out most about her is her size, green skin, long ears, tusk, and oddly colored eyes. Also, instead of a lack of hair, she grew hair like that of her mothers. Because of her obvious differences, she struggled to get along with those within the village. Having a short temper didn’t help much either. After losing her temper and injuring one of the village kids, she was eventually banished. Not really caring about living civil like the rest of them, she didn’t mind the idea of living on her own. In fact, she thrives living in the wilderness like her goblin brethren, but she does what she can to avoid them, because she understands how well they treat the opposite sex. For the most part, she survives off the land, but if she needs anything extra, she would ambush travelers here and there, and steal their food, money, or wears.


Settings: Fantasy.​

42. Jana Silver is a young demoness at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. She’s a sweet young female, and can be quite shy. Especially, when she isn’t with her twin sister. She has tan skin and a black horn protruding from the top of her head. Cara Silver is a young demoness at the age of 17 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. Like, her sister and is also very sweet, but shy when separated from her sister. She has light skin and a white horn protruding from her head. The twins belong to a peaceful race of demons with human-like appearances. Their human-like appearance and peaceful ways, became their downfall, though, and they were easily overpowered by raiders. Jana and Cara were taken in the raid, sold into slavery. For the most part, they were treated as typical servants, and when their current master would get bored with them, they would merely just be sold off again. In this way, they have seen quite a bit of the world, and they hope to one day escape and return home. Being demons, they can have greater strength and stamina than that of some humans, but not by much since they’re not a war-like species. They’re merely sought after, because of their appearances, seen as mere pets to own. Even with their human appearance, they’re still seen as animals for the most part among people of civilized society, but there are those they may find uses for them that goes beyond typical servitude.


Settings: Fantasy.​​

43. Ava Bois is a young demon at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females and has quite the short temper. She belongs to a race of demons with wolven traits, known for their aggression towards outsiders. When enraged, their bodies can emit an emerald glow, which is usually enough to intimidate most aggressors. As soon as they come of age, they are given tribal tattoos. Unlike wolves, they don’t need to hunt in packs thanks to their great strength, but for those as young as herself, it’s recommended they don’t venture off alone. Having a lot of pride in her abilities since she’s the daughter of a powerful warrior, she doesn’t feel she should be accompanied when going out hunting. In order to make sure no one follows her; she would often sneak out of her village before it’s time to hunt. Whenever she returns with the prey she caught, though, she would be scolded by her elders.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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