Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
1. Varia Omoto is a young fairy that’s at the physical age of 19 years old. She stands about 5” tall while in her small form, and stands about 5’2” tall while in her larger form. She is quite the independent creature, and spends a lot of her time in the meadow, fluttering and feeding from the nectar of flowers. When she’s bored, though, she may sneak into a village or even a city to cause mischief. Thanks to her butterfly-like appearance, she’s usually able to sneak by, and when she finds her target, she would manipulate the person, and cause chaos or even wars. Being a carefree creature, she cares not the harm she may cause. To her, manipulating the bigger races is a form of play. If people try hard enough, they may be able to pick up a floral scent in the air, because of her preferred surroundings, and because she often consumes nectar, and even candy made from other races, it’s said her sweat and other secretions is just as sweet or even more so since it’s concentrated in such a little body. Because of such concentration, it’s rumored that her race may be able to increase vitality.
What also makes her different from other fairy species is their ability to lay eggs. Every two weeks, she would go through the process of laying several pearl looking unfertilized eggs that are the size of chicken eggs. The contents are actually even more concentrated and potent compared to her body's secretions, giving those that consume them extra stamina and endurance. The sweetness is enhanced as well, tasting similar to that of thick maple syrup. If impregnated, though, she would only produce one egg, and it's the size of a melon. For both eggs, she must be in her larger form to lay them.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
2. Iris Munsell is a young fairy at the physical age of 19 years old. In her little form, she stands around 5” tall. When she’s in her bigger form, she’s 4’10” tall. She’s a friendly, and sweet female, and while being the princess of her kingdom, she gets along with most of her kind. Because of her race’s seclusion high in the snowy mountains, she grew to be quite naïve of the outside world. Like, with the people of her race, she has the ability to create ice crystals that radiate magic that draws power from nature, but unlike the others, her crystals don’t melt away when it gets too warm, and are even more powerful. The crystals are really meant to be a way to stockpile magic, if they ever get into a situation they overexert themselves or are just used as a light source. If any creature outside of her race gets their hands on the crystals, though, it’s possible that it would enhance their physical and magical abilities, but even if they get their hands on her own created crystals, they’ll still melt away after being used.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
3. Kelly Myrtle is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 2’6” tall. She’s a friendly female, but can be abrasive, brash, and arrogant, because she seems to emit greater energy compared to other warrior fairies of her hidden kingdom. She belongs to a special race of fairy. While most have the ability to shrink into inches or grow to several feet tall, her face branched off differently. For the most part, her race would stay between 2’6” to 3’ tall. Because of the lack of the size change ability, they aren’t able to hide as easily or defend themselves properly against bigger foes. Because they’re bigger than the usual tiny fairy, they lost the ability to fly due to their weight, but can fly up and float in the air for a short time, allowing them some mobility through trees if they need it. Also, because of their height difference, they are often mistaken as something helpless, and they would use that to their advantage when against possible enemies. An advantage her race has over other fairies is the ability to create projectiles through their use of their life force. The only downside to such an ability is that it drains them, and they would need something like a bow or staff to channel their energy into. Because of how powerful her own projectiles are, she grew quite cocky, and may even roam pass the protective barrier that keeps her kingdom hidden.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
4. Evie Willow is a young fairy at the age of 18 years old. While in her tiny form, she’s a little over 5” tall. When she grows to full size, she stands at about 5’2” tall. When in her bigger form, her wings disappear. She can be quite arrogant, but she’s friendly, especially among her own people. She is considered to be a warrior among her race with the sole purpose of protecting the Royal Jelly that’s also made by her people. She finds being a guard a waste of her skills since she has mainly scared of bears and other curious animals, but she knows it’s her duty to protect the Jelly from all intruders.
It is said the substance is created for the purpose of feeding those among them that’s considered royalty. Among her people, the jelly has no effect, but it’s rumored it can enhance those outside her race. Her people behave similar to that of bees. They fly out and seek nectar from flowers before bringing them back to be made into jelly. It is rumored that they also create the jelly, like that of bees. Her people also radiate a powerful sweet smell, and it’s said their skin and sweat are just as sweet, making them quite the sought-after prize. Unlike other fairies that live high up in trees, her people live within caves that are almost like that of a maze.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
5. Orla Tanaka is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. In her natural form, she stands around 5” tall. In her bigger form, she stands around 5’1” tall. She’s normally a friendly female, but grew to be a bit anti-social. Having grown tired of being told what to do by others, she ran off to live on her own. She’s considered to be a worker of her people, and didn’t feel she was being appreciated enough for her work. Far from the flowery village, she made her home deep within the forest through the use of twigs, grass, and anything else she could find. Because her home is made from all things natural, it’s hard to pick out since it’s also hidden within a tree. To protect herself, she took the parts of dead beetles to turn into armor, and also to make her look like them to make it easier for her to hide among the wild life. Unlike other fairies, her strength is a little above that of a human male adult when in her bigger form. With her being short in her bigger form, she can be underestimated.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
6. Eula Quinn is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5” tall in her little form, and 4’4” tall in her big form. She isn’t the friendliest of fairies, and usually prefers solitude above all else. She belongs to a type of rare fairy that’s nocturnal, finding bright lights to be harsh on her sensitive eyes. Despite her desire for solitude, her body can give off an earie glow, which would attract those that may find it interesting. Not only that, with the flap of her moth-like wings, she flicks off dust similar to that of fine crystals. Because of how alluring she may be, it’s said she would lead those following her into danger so that they would leave her alone.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
7. Noleen Nord is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. In her small form, she stands around 5” tall. In her big form, she’s 4’3” tall. She can be quite friendly, but also very naïve and curious. For as long as she can remember, she has lived her whole life in the forest, but would come out now again to forage for fruit. Not just any fruit, though. The type her kind usually consumes are poisonous to others, making them toxic to animals when bit or consumed. For humanoids, on the other hand, there is a different effect. The sweat and other secretions that come from their bodies gives those that consume it a bit of euphoria, and a sense of bliss and heightened sexual desire. If her blood is consumed, it’s said it would bring the sex drive to even higher levels, giving them increased stamina. Because her and her kind haven’t seen people in so long, they have long forgotten such things, but the myths and legends about them still linger.
Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
8. Avril Staub is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5” tall in her small form, and 4’5” tall in her big firm. She can be quite friendly when among her own kind, but even when with other fairies, she prefers to be with her twin sibling. She can be easily distracted, though, finding shiny objects appealing. Alize Staub is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5” tall in her small form, and 4’5” tall in her big firm. She isn’t as shy as her twin sister, and can be quite adventurous. Knowing that her sister is into shiny objects and such, she wouldn’t hesitate to seek them out, and bring them back for her. The sisters belong to a race of fairies said to give out a special dust, when consumed, grants the person the ability of flight for a few minutes. Because of the dust, they are often sought after, but for the most part, they are rarely seen. They give off the dust very little naturally, but when stressed in anyway, it’s said more can be produced.

Settings: Modern/Fantasy.​​​​
9. Hina Arita is a young fairy at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5” tall in her small form. 4’6” tall in her big form. For as long as she could remember, she has been quite the lazy and laidback, and she doesn’t care what the others think of her. She was tasked with helping pollinate the flowers and fruit plants and trees. Not only, because they think they’re pretty, and that it helps the animal and insect life, but because they themselves use them to make nourishing nectar and fruit to feed themselves. Because of her laziness, though, the plants she was tasked to take care of have wilted, making it difficult for them to comfortably feed themselves during the winter. With very little choice, and with too many mouths to feed, she was banished from the village. She now currently wanders a land she isn’t familiar with, frightened, alone, and feeling so many regrets.