Settings: Fantasy.
1. Lusha Ololen is a mature demoness at the physical age of 39 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. Among her kind, she can be the friendliest of females, but whenever she encounters anyone outside her race, she gives them the cold shoulder. She is the current ruler of her tribe of reptilian people, which she earned through re-population almost single-handedly after a disaster.
Being an egg laying demon, she could produce several offspring at a time, but only once a month. When not impregnated, she can still produce unfertilized, enriched, nourishing ridged, ruby eggs. Unfertilized eggs are generally slightly bigger than that of baseballs. She can lay eggs on her own, but sexual stimulation can help squeeze them out. Not only that, having sex while she's about to lay eggs would greatly improve the quality, and even double the size of the eggs. A fertilized egg would be triple the size, and if having sex before giving birth, it's said the offspring would be stronger than the norm.
Her race was on the brink of extinction due to over hunting, but she managed to escape complete annihilation along with a handful of other survivors. Their crimson scales are sought after to make weapons and armor, and with them as rare as they are now, they’re even more valuable than ever. She hopes to ensure the survival of her race, but she finds it difficult with hunters about.

Settings: Fantasy.
2. Decla Emer is a mature demon at the physical age of 38 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She’s a kind female, but she’s quiet and can be stern when handling those younger than herself. Having lived for quite a while, she is the elder of her tribe. Her main job is to advise the current ruler, but she would also travel to other tribes, lands, countries, and kingdoms as an ambassador in an attempt to keep the peace. Because her race is looked down upon, it’s quite the struggle to be taken seriously, but the fact her race is fertile, can have multiple children at a time, and can easily mate with other races without a problem makes them a threat since their territory is quickly expanding. She can only hope other races don’t see them as too much of a threat that they would actually do something. Her and her people just want to live in peace.

Settings: Fantasy.
3. Bayona Palatino is a mature female demon at the physical age of 35 years old. She stands around 5'8" tall. After a long time of fighting, she decides to leave her homeland to live a more peaceful life among the humans, but the transition hasn’t been going so very well since she doesn’t hide that she is a demon. She has the strength to defend herself against a human or two, but she tends to have difficulty when up against a larger group. Being a demon of the dragon type, she has started a business raising dragons in a farm deep in the forest. She hopes her business would help make her life with the humans a more pleasant one.

Settings: Fantasy.
4. Albina Timber is a mature demoness at the physical age of 32 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She can be usually calm and friendly, but doesn’t care for disobedience among her people and has a distrust for outsiders. She belongs to a tribe of wolven demons that value physical strength. To become the leader of her tribe, she had to fight her way up the ladder. She received a few scares and lost an eye in the process, but she achieved her goal. Once declared the new leader, tribal tattoos are made all over her body to further symbolize she’s different from the rest. Because her tribe is known for being fierce, most races don’t approach unless they are either invited to trade or they feel they can take them on, but for the most part, they are left alone.

Settings: Fantasy.
5. Nelle Fong is a mature demoness at the physical age of 30 years old. She stands around 6’ tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and she is considered to be one of the strongest of her town that resided high up in the mountains that’s surrounded by snow and ice. Unlike her cousins that roam the grassy plains below, her kind thrived in the colder climate and thinner air. Because her race thrived in the harsh environment, they grew to be physically strong and larger than that of the cousins below. They do share traits similar traits, though. Like, having a harder, dense skulls. Thanks to their greater strength, they can even break boulders with their heads. Along with the harder heads, they also produce silk hair that can be woven into durable clothes and armor, and when pregnant, they produce flavorful, nutritious milk. Being a strong warrior, she believes it is her duty to watch over her town, but she finds it doubtful that anyone would dare try to travel through a harsh environment to get at her people.

Settings: Fantasy.
6. Aika Emer is a mature demoness at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She is considered friendlier compared to her older sister, Decla. She is also the older sister to Aiya. Because she doesn’t have a lot of responsibilities, she’s quite laid back. Not only that, when she came of age for her race, she grew quite flirtatious. Not only is her race extremely fertile, and can have many offspring at once, they go into a deep heat that can last a whole week, but only once a month. It’s because of her race’s biology that they were able to expand so quickly. Not wanting to embarrass her respected older sister, though, she has been trying to fight her urges. When trying to relax during her weekly cycles, she’s usually home consuming alcohol, but when she gets intoxicated, she may just wander off. Gradually, she is feeling the effects wearing off. She just isn’t sure how much longer she will last until she’s like that of her older sister.

Settings: Fantasy.​
7. Violette Vert is a young demon at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a quiet young female, usually keeping to herself, but doesn't mind a conversation when talked too. She belongs to a race of ice dragon demons, known for inhabiting the cold mounts in the north. It is said their bodies can handle extreme cold, but have a hard time dealing with temperatures over 90 degrees. She is often used for scouting, making sure intruders don't find their way to her home high up in the mountains.

Settings: Fantasy
8. Boden Futter is a mature demoness at the physical age of 28 years old. She stands around 8’5” tall. She’s quiet, and the isn’t the friendliest of females, but she isn’t at all very aggressive despite her appearance. Being raised in captivity, she grew up mainly docile. She was created through the process of selective breeding with the goal to create a powerful beast that can handle heavy labor for long periods of time. It was a long process, but they eventually created her. Fearing possible aggression, they bred a failsafe in her genetics. Even while not pregnant, she constantly produces nourishing milk, which causes her great discomfort as a way to keep her under control. If she isn’t milked daily, she would experience a great deal of pain, forcing her to comply and be reliant on her masters. Because she’s meant for labor, it was decided to not breed her, at least not yet. Her masters are still testing to see if she’s a satisfactory product before working on producing more.

Settings: Fantasy.
9. Sile Avery is a mature demoness at the physical age of 27 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females. In fact, she’s quite cold even among her own kind. Being of the royal guard of her kingdom, she takes her role quite seriously. She belongs to a race of subterranean demons that advanced surprisingly faster than others, but despite their advancements, her people chose to remain peaceful. They rather live in solitude than to cause problems, since any kind of disruption could be mean the loss of many lives regardless of how they live. Having felt a disturbance coming from above, the royal family has tasked her in checking out the situation, and to remove anything that may be considered a threat. Being a subterranean creature, and despite advancements in armor technology, she can’t handle light very well, so she must do what she can to remain in the shadows, if she is to travel during the day. Even traveling during the night, the slightest of light can cause her discomfort.

Settings: Fantasy.
10. Ateera Parfum is a mature demoness at the physical age of 27 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females when it comes to outsiders, and can be quite arrogant. She belongs to a race of felines that are considered to be related to slow leopards, preferring colder climates. Thanks to her white, soft fur, she can easily blend in to her surroundings when she’s hunting. Because of her aggressiveness like that of her kind, she enjoys a challenge, and she’s starting to feel like her snowy exterior gives her too much of an advantage. Against the wishes of her people, she chose to venture off to seek out prey. Because of how fury she is, though, her stamina can drain more quickly when out of a colder area. Having lived in a place surrounded by snow and ice for all her life, she is unaware of that fact.

Settings: Fantasy.​
11. Coy Bauer is a demoness at the physical age of 26 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. Despite her demonic heritage, she is quite the friendly woman. With most of the world at peace, there didn’t appear to be a need for people with thoughts of causing havoc. Against her parents’ wishes, she left home to live in the country, but a short distance away from a few towns and villages. Seeing it as a business opportunity, she rebuilt her home to be that of a farm house and even got a barn built up to house cattle. She started growing crops, like corn, wheat, and even fruit trees, before bringing in animals. With her strength, handling large creatures isn’t that big of a task for her. After a while, she started trading with the neighboring towns and villages, earning quite a bit of money. Even with her business steadily becoming successful, not everyone in the towns and villages she visits are happy about it. Quite a few can’t look past her demonic appearance, seeing her as a threat. Being as care free as she is, she isn’t bothered by some of the mutterings she heard about. She can’t imagine anyone would really try to hurt her.

Settings: Fantasy.​
12. Les Hoch is a mature demoness at the age of 26 years old. She stands around 6’9” tall. She’s a shy and quite female, but can be a friendly and curious creature. Having lived in solitude among her tribe, she also grew to be quite naïve. Because of how big her race is, they are naturally powerful. It’s also because of how large they are that keeps most potential enemies away. When seeing something that may be a potential threat, she wouldn’t show any resemblance of fear. Like, most people of her tribe, she’d merely stand her ground and see what the intruder would do, and if she doesn’t feel it’s a threat, she’d just go about her way. If she’s curious enough, she may wander over for a closer look, but for the most part, she’d try to keep her distance. Because of how none violent her race is, they’re considered to be gentle giants, but if they do feel threatened, they’d strike.

Settings: Fantasy.
13. Kyko Blass is a mature demoness at the age of 26 years old. She stands around 5’3” tall. She can be friendly when she wants to, but for the most part, she is very cocky and arrogant despite her situation, and even naïve since she isn’t accustomed to the outside world. Being an Albino anthropomorphic Jackalope, she was forcibly exiled from her little village. Her race is a rarity already, but being an Albino made her stand out too much, and the villagers didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention from dangerous outsiders. For a long while, she wandered the lands, but she was eventually found by a race of primitive humanoids. She found them uneasy to deal with at first, but because they treated her like that of a goddess, she felt she couldn’t refuse their hospitality. With the worshipers protecting her, she feels a great sense of security and even got comfortable enough to let her guard down. She can’t help but feel her hosts may have other ulterior motives, though.

Settings: Fantasy.
14. Anzu Apricot is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can be quite playful and curious creature, but she isn’t the friendliest of females when hungry. She is a wolven creature born within the deepest depths of the world. Being a nocturnal creature, she spends most of the day sleeping near the warmth of lava pools, and when the night comes, she would leave her maze-like cavern to hunt for fresh meat. Thanks to her dark body, she’s able to hide in the shadows easily while hunting for prey. If desperate enough, though, she may come out during the day to hunt while dealing with the bright sun that blinds her. For the most part, she stays near her home and the forests, but with prey getting lacking, she may have to venture further out.

Settings: Fantasy.
15. Rosel Maja is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 6’2” tall. Despite being a noble in her Kingdom, she was raised to be kind, and caring. Being like that of horses, her race was once enslaved for some time, and that’s because of their great endurance, and strong legs. It has been a long time since the day her people were freed, and there is a lot of distrust to those that would use her kind for heavy labor, but has no ill will towards them herself. She has long since forgiven those that enslaved her people, and she hopes everyone would unite, and worth together. Through whatever political power she may have, she hopes to strength the bonds of other races. Despite her peaceful goals, her size tends to intimate other people, and because her race is of similar size, she finds it difficult to not look threatening.

Settings: Fantasy.
16. Gen Spring is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. Even while enslaved and forced to watch over a stronghold of treasure, she can be quite friendly, and mischievous. She belongs to a rare race of demon that isn’t often seen out in the open. Because of their longevity, durability, and strength, they are often used as guards to protect treasure of royalty, nobles, or even royalty. When coming into contact with direct sunlight, she would turn into something similar to stone. As soon as moonlight hits her, her stone flesh softens similarly to that of a human’s, but far more durable. Normally, she would make sure to hide somewhere where people would mistake her as a typical statue, but she couldn’t make it anywhere safe, and she ended up as an easy capture. Sealed with magical chains, and is forced to spend her life watching over treasure she cares nothing about. For a while, she would taunt those that watch over her, but when went by, those that own the stronghold never returned. She now waits alone within the structure that’s aging and falling apart, hoping to find a way to release herself or someone to come by and free her. It’s been a long time since she had a good meal, though. So, she may just strike out at anything that moves, regardless of their intentions.

Settings: Fantasy.​
17. Adette Noble is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’10” tall. Despite her rugged appearance, she’s shy and quiet around strangers, but can be friendly. Being a bear race known for being stronger than most, and because of her race is known as savages, she had to struggle hard to prove herself fit to be an adventurer when working with other races. She spent a lot of her time training her skills and body, getting herself ready for combat. It's said she has double the strength of that of a human male warrior. Being one of the most skilled of her people, she doesn't like to stray too far from home, but she knows she has to leave now and then to earn money for weapons, armor, and especially food. Having been receiving invitations to join mercenary groups, it’s something she’s finding hard to pass up. She has even thought about taking escort quests.

Settings: Fantasy.​
18. Evi Doro is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 3’4” tall. When it comes to money, she can be quite eager and friendly, but otherwise, she usually just brushes people off. At a young age, she lived on the streets, surviving on straps. She eventually learned she had a talent for thievery, finding it quite easy to pick locks and such. Thanks to her small size, she can squeeze into tight spaces others wouldn’t normally be able to get through. Because of her skills, she’s often hired to either unlock treasure chests found in dungeons or even break into a wealthy person’s home to steal their valuables. She enjoys her work, but she has been feeling the need for a big score, thinking it’s almost time for her to retire with how there are so many people now looking for her.

Settings: Fantasy.​
19. Noya Zaman is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women. In fact, she finds enjoyment in the suffering of others. She belongs to a kingdom of powerful dragonic demons. Not only does she have great physical strength, it’s said she can burn flesh by just holding it, and even a great heat can be felt emanating from her mouth when she breathes. When wielding a weapon, she can ignite it. Along with her strength and affinity with fire, her horns, scales, and tail are said to be as strong as steel. When excited, her golden eyes could glow. With her great might, she hopes to one day rule over the land she inherited after the previous ruler passed away. Even with her great strength and power, she does have a weakness for extreme cold, but she doesn’t see that being an issue.

Settings: Fantasy.​
20. Azalea Hanzi is a mature demon at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a demon that likes to have a good time, but doesn't like to be bothered. She often hangs around human taverns, drinking large quantities of alcohol. She knows very well she isn't welcome, but she also knows that they wouldn't dare challenge her since she is known for slaying Demon Slayers. Because she doesn't like to be bothered, she lives alone in a cabin in the forest. She doesn't like to fight, but takes pride in her skills.

Settings: Fantasy.
21. Buta Inoshi is a mature demoness at the physical age of 25 years old. She stands around 6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of creatures, and usually prefers to be left alone. Being an orc, she isn’t the brightest, and enjoys getting physical. Despite being an orc, she hates how morbid and cruel her people have become. Not only that, she finds it disgusting how the males of her kind has started to prefer outsiders rather than their own. Tired of how everything is with her people, she decided to defect to the neighboring kingdom where she made a deal to give them all the information, they need to win battles in exchange for a plot of land to call her own. With much of her kind now scattered, she can’t help but feel she may have made the wrong choice, because her kind value strength above all, and the current people around her are small and weak in comparison. With everything being as peaceful as it is right now, she’s starting to think she may need to do some traveling to find a challenge.

Settings: Fantasy.​
22. Alla Koshka is a mature demoness at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females and prefers to be left alone for the most part, but when she wants something, she’ll try to be more social. She can be quite mischievous and would use her appearance as a way to get what she wants. She knows full well that demons are welcome among other races, but she hasn’t seen any negativity when encountering most males. She doesn’t even bother hiding the fact that she’s a demon. For the most part, she usually gets her way, and before anyone would ask anything from her in return, she would often leave before they notice. She enjoys teasing males and getting free things from them. Not encountering any real consequences of her actions, she believes herself untouchable.

Settings: Fantasy.​
23. Yurba Berk is a mature demoness at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands about 4’10” tall. She can be friendly and sweet when among people she knows, but she doesn’t like it when strangers touch her or even come near her. Since birth, she has been raised like that of a common house pet, and because of a rare type that looks more feline, she’s a prized possession of a noble that spoils her day and night. She’s often brought to parties to be shown off to her Master’s guests, being given dresses and even allowed to stand to display how well-trained she is compared to other creatures similar to herself. But because of how rare she is, though, and with her being of mature age, her master has been thinking of breeding her. Having been raised to only know typical tricks of a house pet, she doesn’t understand the conversations that take place about her, so she goes about her days as usual.

Settings: Fantasy.​
24. Aveleen Fianna is a mature demoness at the physical age of 24 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She can be friendly at times, but she’s mostly stern, and prefers to be left alone. She belongs to a race of peaceful demons that wanted nothing more than to be left along, but a war with neighboring beastly demons broke out. Along with her family, she fought hard, and even lost a limb when the war finally ended. With the war now over, and her being the only left in her family to survive, she lives alone deep within a massive forest. Not only has experienced physical abuse from many battles, she has plenty of mental trauma she’s struggles to deal with. Because of vivid nightmares, she would often wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

Settings: Fantasy.​
25. Shay Bell is a mature woman at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and she prefers to be left alone. She lived as a normal human adventurer until someone came from behind her and lopped off her head. During the last few seconds of her life, she felt rage like no other, and it was that rage that brought her back, but as a creature known as a Dullahan. It took some time getting used to wandering the land holding onto her decapitated head, but her appearance would often freak out others. She eventually found an enchanted choker that allows her to not only re-attach her head, but also green flames that would come out of her neck. For the most part, she’s able to pass as human, and carry a sword like normal, allowing her to continue wandering, seeking the person that would dare try to kill her without her even being able to see what he looks like.

Settings: Fantasy.8
26. Joan Waigu is a mature demoness at the physical age of 23 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. Traumatized by war, she grew to be distant and quiet. When a battle broke out in her village, she lost a horn and eye, making her distrusting of outsiders. An orphan, a temple not only took care of her, and because of her life-threatening wounds, a large amount of holy magic was used on her almost daily to heal her. Because of how much magic has been imbued into her body, it changed how the nourishing milk she produces works. Because she’s a cattle type, she produces milk that can increase a person’s stamina when consumed, but because of the magic that was used on her, it can also heal wounds. With her nature being a distrusting one, she keeps a knife concealed in her belt behind her even while working as a priestess at the temple that saved her life. She tries her best to follow her peaceful teachings, but she can’t help but feel so much hate for those that ruined her life.

Settings: Fantasy.​
27. Opal Citrine is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She can be a friendly female, but because of how she was raised by protective parents, she can be very shy and timid. She belongs to a race of dragonic demons are known for having special attributes. One of her people could have a tail and horn similar to that of stone while another could be similar to iron or even silver, but in her case, she was born the rarest; crystal. Not only that, it’s said she can absorb energy from within the air and store it within her body. The only problem is that she can’t easily expel it afterward. Every two weeks, she would go into gentle labor, and the energy she absorbed would be pushed out of her as crystal eggs the size of baseballs. How many she gives birth to varies, and if she orgasms while doing so, could greatly increase the potency of the mana stored within them. If fertilized, though, it’s said the eggs she creates are triple in size. After her abilities were found out, it didn’t take long for other kingdoms to seek her out. When her kingdom was attacked, she was forced to escape on her own, hoping the neighboring kingdoms and people would help her.

Settings: Fantasy.​
28. Duna Jung is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. Being feral, she isn’t the friendliest of creatures. She can even be quite territorial when anything or anyone wanders into her area she believes to be her domain. She is a subterranean creature, with a body able to handle high temperatures. Not only that, she can breathe fire hot enough to melt steel as a defense mechanism. When excited, her body temperature will rise, and it can be visually seen through her skin. Being covered head to toe in hard, natural plates, she is quite durable as well. For the most part, she prefers the warmth of lava and magma, but when hungry, she would make her way up to the surface to hunt, but because she is nocturnal, she can only come out at night. Because of her human-like appearance, and while stalking in the dark, she can usually catch people off guard. Because of her beastly behavior, she doesn’t care where her meal comes from. She’ll consume just about any creature to satisfy her hunger.

Settings: Fantasy.​
29. Gertie Kobe is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. Because of her upbringing, she isn’t the friendliest of females, and tends to prefer to be left alone. Along with most of her kind, she was bred into slavery for specific purposes. Because of her strength, she was mainly used for hard labor, but when her owner felt she was old enough, he handed her an axe, and would rent her out to venture with adventures for a little while. For the most part, she would be used as extra muscle, but there could be times she would be used as a bed warmer to help keep them warm during cold nights. If adventures want to experience her body in other ways, they would have to pay extra, but fortunately, an adventure wasn’t willing to pay. Being a Cattle type, she can naturally produce nourishing at least one glass of milk a day that can improve a person’s stamina will consumed, if impregnated, it’s said the amount is increased quite a bit as well as the potency that can potentially increase strength. She hates going out on adventures. Especially, because of the hungry eyes she would feel roam her body.

Settings: Fantasy.​
30. Jileen Irons is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She is a friendly, and kind female, but can be quite shy around those she’s not familiar with, and naive. Despite her shyness, she was chosen by her kingdom with a special duty. She is currently the ambassador to her race of bovine demons. They were once used as slave labor, and were even sought after for their nourishing milk that’s said can restore and lengthen stamina, but have since gain their freedom, and formed a kingdom of their own. The only problem is that many other nations still haven’t recognized them as a legitimate kingdom. So, now it’s her duty to go from kingdom to kingdom to negotiate peace treaties and potential trade deals. Like, most of her kind, she isn’t eager to travel since she has never left her home before, but she knows she has an important job to do.

Settings: Fantasy.​
31. Lilou Manon is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, but she won’t turn people away when they are in need of help. For some time, she has been living at the far edge of a town, living peacefully. For the most part, she has been keeping her identity that she’s a demon a secret. As far as they know, she’s a witch, but there has been growing suspicions about her. Not only does she specialize in healing through magic and herbs, she also knows how to control the elements such as fire, wind, water, and electricity, but she’s only strong enough to use such abilities as a way to scare off potential threats. Because the town's people are growing suspicious of her, and they have a prodigious against demons, she’s considering moving on.

Settings: Fantasy.​
32. Arla Pledge is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and usually prefers to be left alone. Not being the most modest of women, because of how she was raised, she tends to make the people she works with uncomfortable. Because her father was a tracker, she was raised to be as such. For the most part, she lives her life deep in the forests, but because of her reputation as a great tracker, people will often seek her out to hire her for her services. She’s usually comfortable being left alone, and doesn’t really need the money, but if she’s bored enough, she might accept a job. With her keen sense of smell and hearing, she can track down just about anything as long as she’s given a scent to sniff.

Settings: Fantasy.​
33. Hestia Kallis is a mature demoness at the physical age of 22 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She is quite the curious and friendly creature, but naïve of the outside world. She was once a typical formless slime creature until a warlock experimenting with souls and body modification changed all that. By combining the souls of a human and other beasts, she gained a humanoid body, ears of a rabbit, and a spiked tail of a bestial monster. Despite her human appearance, she still has a primitive mind, but she was still smart enough to learn commands. For a while, she lived peacefully with her master, but her curiosity and her strong desire to see the outside world took over. Thanks to her malleable body, she’s able to escape easily. Because of the magic used on her, though, she isn’t able to turn into that of liquid anymore. Now free, she explores the world she isn’t completely familiar with.

Settings: Fantasy.​
34. Mauve Plum is a young demoness at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’8” tall. She can be a friendly and curious creature, but she is very feral and aggressive towards those that wander into her territory. She belongs to a race a dragonic demons that long since lost the ability to fly, but gained something just as useful while being a ground dweller. Like, most demons, she has great strength, but even greater durability thanks to her ability. When feeling threatened, a liquid would come out through the pores of her soft skin, and harden into scales that’s said to be as hard as steel. While her body is covered in the scales, though, she loses speed and agility, forcing her to stand her ground. Like, the rest of her kind, she is a loner, and because of her ability, she doesn’t necessarily know what fear is, but she can be easily angered, if she sees something or someone that doesn’t belong in her territory.

Settings: Fantasy.​
35. Aura Drakos is a mature demoness at the age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be a friendly enough female, but she’s considered a loner and has a tendency to daydream. Despite her personality being quite odd, it doesn’t help that she’s half demon. Living in a human village, she gets a lot of looks. When she was a child, her skin color attracted quite the attention, but when she hit puberty, she looked even more out of place when her horns and tail grew. Growing up, she lived peaceful enough, but would often be harassed by a villager here and there. With her mother having passed away, she was raised by her human father, and he always told her stories of grand lands and treasures to be found. When she was old enough, she left the town on her own, seeking out rare treasures so that she may live comfortably. Having been raised in a town far from most paces, she can be quite naïve, but she believes she can handle herself with her strength and durability being greater than most humans.

Settings: Fantasy.​
36. Willa Wagner is a mature demoness at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’9” tall. She isn’t exactly the friendliest of canines, and enjoys spending a lot of her time by herself. Since she could remember, she has been quite the rebel. She really didn’t like being told what to do. Even with her attitude, she prefers how things used to be with her people, as told by her grandparents. Not a fan of the current peaceful ways of her people, she ran off to enjoy herself. Behaving like that of a beast, she would visit towns and villages, and terrorist the farms and harass the cattle. When hungry enough, she would steal away an animal to feast upon the raw meat. She believes behaving like that of a wild animal is how her people should be, giving into their most basic of instincts regardless of consequences.

Settings: Fantasy.​
37. Petra Veih is a mature demoness at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly and kind female, and gets along with most people. She belongs to a Bovine race of demons that were once considered slaves. Because of their docile nature, they were easy to enslave, but they eventually rose up and freed themselves using their great physical strength. She now lives peacefully among her people in a large village, tending to fruits and vegetables that are used for food and trade. Using her inhuman strength and stamina, she would personally haul a cart of food to the other surrounding villages, towns, and even to cities further way. Even while free, they are still considered quite the delicacy. They were sought after, because it’s said their meat is the sweetest, most tender, juiciest, and most nutritious. One bite is supposed to be enough to satisfy a person’s hunger for a day and even give them a boost to their vitality and even extend their lifespan. Not only that, it’s also said that the milk they provide is also just as nourishing. Because of their genetics, any offspring they produce has a high chance of being superior.

Settings: Fantasy.​
38. Mischa Manin is a mature demoness at the physical age of 21 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. When among her own kind, she can be very friendly, but because her people have been secluded in the deep, salty oceans for so long, she doesn’t trust outsiders. Though, she can be quite curious and naïve. As far as she could remember, her people have always lived in the waters, but there are legends saying that her people once lived on land. She asked about the world above, but no one could give her a straight answer. With very little choice, decided to venture off on her own against the advice of her people. When she does inevitably reach the surface, she would find she has the ability to breathe the fresh air, but only for a certain length of time. Not only that, she would discover how pleasant fresh water streams are. She has the ability to walk on land like any bipedal creature, but like with breathing air, she must re-submerge herself in water to keep herself hydrated. It’s said that once her kind has matured, they have the ability to lay unfertilized eggs every two to four weeks, which is something sought after by those above the water, because of how rare her race is. It’s possible for females of her kind to mate with other races, but to give birth, she must be submerged in water.

Settings: Fantasy.​
39. Kaasi Star is a mature demoness at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly female, and like the rest of her kind, she is quite timid and shy. Even while being a full-grown adult, the females of her race are just as weak as a child below the teens. While the stronger males guard the village, the females stay back to tend to the farms where they grow vegetables for sustenance, since they don’t eat meat of any kind. Because of their timid nature, though, they are often taken advantage of by outsiders. It’s said they’re valued for their silk-like hair, but what’s really sought after are their golden horns that they shed once a month. Once a month, a group of people would come to harvest the pieces of golden horns that they shed, but if enough isn’t given, the people would forcibly saw them right off of their heads. Fortunately, the horns will grow back. It’s just a traumatic experience for her kind. Growing up, she had to experience having her horns sawed off a couple of times. Now and then, the same people may even take one of them. Where the victim goes, they don’t know. All they know is that they must never leave the village, but with how they stare at her, she can’t help but start thinking she may need to leave soon.

Settings: Fantasy.
40. Laili Nighfall is a young demon at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She is a very friendly and kind female, but can be quite naïve. She belongs to a rare race of friendly demons that opened their borders to all. She’s the current Queen of her kingdom after her parents passed away. Normally, she would have to be over one hundred years old before she can be Queen, but after the sudden death of her parents, they had to speed things along. Because she hasn’t had time to really absorb the situation, she’s still carefree even though she should be ruling her kingdom. It’s because of her attitude that others in the kingdom believe she should be dethroned, and replaced with someone that knows what they’re doing.

Settings: Fantasy.
41. Nikol Keen is a demoness at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. Despite her devilish appearance, she is actually quite friendly. Her race was once the subterranean type, but later branched away from her more primitive cousin that chose to live deep under the earth where it’s warm. Because her kind still share in the desire for warmth, they migrated to the harsh desert where most would find it extremely uncomfortable. Unlike her cousins that chose to stay underground, her people advanced, and live in towns that look to be quite modern compared to other countries. Her people made sure to make the indoors as comfortable as possible for visitors, and have even redirected water so that they can cool off as well. Even with her enjoyment of the heat, she finds bathing in cool pools quite relaxing. She is the daughter of the town leader, and because of that, she is often treated like that of a princess, and while her father is away, she is also often put in charge to make sure everything is orderly.

Settings: Fantasy.
42. Glema Valley is a mature dragonic demoness at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s a friendly female, but can be quite shy. She belongs to a rare, peaceful race of demons that live near large bodies of clean, fresh water. Instead of destruction, and domination, her people prefer to live solitary lives away from the corrupting outside world. She is the current daughter of the mayor of her town, and she’s well-liked among her people. With her town far from most towns, and especially cities, she can’t imagine anything breaking up the peace her people built. Like, the rest of her people, she is of a dragon type, but unlike other dragons, she can’t fly or breathe fire, and her skin is as soft as the day she was born. What she can do is expel a torrent of water with great force, and can even focus the stream to cut wood and even stone. Her tail and horns are hard as diamond, and appear hollow, showing the amount of water she can hold inside her body. If completely empty, she can’t use her abilities, but when submerged in water, she can replenish her supply quickly. If no bodies of water can be found, liquid can be absorbed through her skin, either by rain or just absorbing the moisture in the air. It would take much longer, though.

Settings: Fantasy.
43. Giliam Visque is a mature demoness at the physical age of 20 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can be friendly, but can be suspicious of others. Despite how she is around people, she can also be very naïve, because of how she was created. She was once a blue slime that later evolved after having consumed enough fallen warriors of different races on a battlefield. Not only did she take on a humanoid form with a nervous system, her body semi-translucent flesh turned red, because of the blood she consumed. Having absorbed the memories of the warriors, she wandered around confused, believing herself to be a real human. When visiting towns and villages, she would be chased off, and it wasn’t long until she realized she wasn’t like them. Trying to find a place to call home, she now wanders the land.
When she was a normal slime, she could easily take the form of a liquid, but not, she’s mainly solid, but softer than that of human flesh. Because of how malleable her body is, capturing her is no easy task. If caged in a typical cell designed for a normal human, she can easily squeeze herself through the bars. If someone or something manages to take a chunk out of her or remove a limb, she can regenerate anything missing over time as long as her head is intact. With her new nervous system, she not only can feel pain, but physical pleasure like that of a human female. Even while capable of intercourse, she is unable to get pregnant, because her body absorbs just about any fluid that comes in contact with her. It’s said she is capable of reproducing asexually, but only happens once every two months.