Settings: Fantasy
1. Odette Reich is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She grew up to be quite the friendly and adventurous female. Having been raised by her father, she became a tomboy as well. Growing up, she was basically raised on stories about heroism and such. Living in a small town in the middle of nowhere, though, there really isn’t that much for her to do. Despite the lack of adventure, she easily became the town champion after having competed in a contest of young men. With the previous champion having passed away, there was little choice in the matter. After having been handed his old shield, sword, and tunic, she has been tasked with protecting the town. The young men she defeated weren’t exactly happy about the whole situation, feeling like they were robbed of glory. Being the way she is, she merely shrugged off any negativity, and treated them like she usually does when they were kids.

Settings: Modern.​​
2. Lacey Frisk is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be a friendly young female, but she tends to prefer to be left alone. She is often seen as quite rebellious. She doesn’t like being told what to do. Not being a modest female, she often takes a trip to the nudist’s beach. She loves the feel of the sun on her entire body. Because she is a rebellious young woman, she would often skip school, so she can go to the beach. It doesn’t bother her if people know she skips school, but she prefers it if they don’t know about where she goes. Though, she does find it exciting. She has been scolded by the school a few times, but because she has been getting good grades, her carefree parents haven't shown too much of an interest in getting involved. When she isn't sunbathing at the beach, she may sneak onto a rooftop to get some rays when she feels the need for more privacy.

Settings: Modern.​​
3. Ruby Zinnia is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be friendly at times, but grew to be a spoiled and arrogant. As soon as she came of age and could afford it, she bought a decent computer and a camera to get her internet stardom started. Being attractive and popular at school, it didn’t take her long to get thousands of followers through social media. She started out Vlogging, went into gaming, some Modeling, and even got into Live Streaming. It barely took her long for her thousands of followers to turn into millions. She would even be recognized going shopping or going on a typical walk.
Her parents found it worrying and even expressed their concern over the attention she has been getting, but she would merely just brush off anything they tell her. When she was sure she was making enough money and as soon as she was able, she moved out of her parents out to live on her own. With the amount of money she’s bringing it, she was even able to buy her own place. She basically turned the house into a studio, making sure to setup decorative soundproofing panels to not only keep the sound inside, but also keep sound from getting in from the outside.
When out in public and surrounded by people, she would behave as friendly as she can be, but in smaller groups, she may treat a fan like garbage, if annoyed enough. Her popularity only grew when invited to do talk shows and such, giving her a swelled head. It wouldn’t be long until she starts believing she can do anything. Still young, she doesn’t bother with security or bodyguards like a typical celebrity. She doesn’t believe It’s possible to not be liked. She can’t imagine anyone would be willing to harm her in anyway.

Settings: Modern.​​
4. Zoe Visser is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the brightest of women and can be quite carefree. After barely she graduated from High School, she told her parents she was going to college, and even moved out on her own. She, of course, didn’t end up going to college, because of her poor grades, and spent a lot of her time drifting from job to job. After a short while, she remembered giving sexual favors to her follow students for a little extra cash while in high school, and figured she could do the same while living on her own, but charging a lot more money. Being an independent prostitute, she can’t imagine anything going wrong. She has heard that other young women would work with someone, but she didn’t like the idea of splitting the profits. She has only just started the business and made sure to have rules made. She will never kiss on the mouth, give anal, or have sex without the use of a condom. She will give oral, but only through a condom as well. Being a shallow young woman, she may reject clients just on their appearance alone.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
5. Fina Grodo is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5'5" tall. She is a very sweet and friendly young female, always managing to keep up a cheerful appearance, even with her situation with her father. She currently lives with her abusive father, often forced to do menial labor and would sometimes get hit by him. Because she reminds him so much of his dead wife, can't help but feel angry whenever he sees her. She still has hope that he would change his ways.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
6. Aster Colton is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She is a sweet young woman, but tends to be seen by herself. Since she could remember, she has been homeless after being abandoned by her parents. She was forced to live on the streets and try to fend for herself. Ever since she was younger, she has been trying to find a way to become a dancer, but because she is a poor young female and doesn't have any dancing experience, she doesn't have many options. She has been hearing about a few places that are looking for dancers, but they are located in the shadier part of the city.

Settings: Modern.​​
7. Katan Gelatina is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5'5" tall. She's a friendly young female, and tends to get a long with most people. She can be a bit of a tomboy at times, forgetting her modesty and even answering the door still just in her underwear. She is often seen carrying bags of the stuff where ever she goes, because she is looking for a place to stay. She had just recently started college, looking to join a fraternity instead of staying in the typical dorms. Because she has been having a hard time finding a female fraternity, she has been looking into the new co-ed one that opened recently. Right now, though, she has been staying in random Motels, Hotels, and even Hostels while she's traveling around, but she knows she has to make a decision soon, or she'll quickly end up running out of the money her parents gave her before she started her journey of independence. Being a prideful young woman, she doesn't want to go crawling back to her parents for help. Having a love of animals, she chose a Vegan lifestyle, and she can't see herself being around anyone that consumes meat. When she isn't searching for a place to stay, studying, looking for a steady job, or working out, she may be protesting at a local butcher shop, Meat Processing Plant, or even a farm. She also came out as a Lesbian, and believes men beneath her. She can't see herself working in a male dominated business.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
8. Kasa Dun is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly young female, and tends to get along with visiting strangers. She belongs to a village on an island in the middle of the ocean, but her people aren’t completely isolated from the outside world. Their island is often used as a vacation spot for tourists, but because of how far away the island is, they don’t get many visitors. Every once in a while, they would even get people claiming to be explorers and appear to be searching for something. She would often act as a serving girl, serving paying visitors various foods found on the island. She enjoys meeting friendly visitors, but doesn’t feel comfortable with how they stare at her since other people in her village wouldn’t look at her in such a hungry manner.

Settings: Modern.​​
9. Nova Herbe is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She is a friendly, mellow, and relaxed young female, but can be quite naïve. She belongs to a wealthy family that are known for being hippies. Because she has been homeschooled for most of her life and how protective her parents are, she doesn’t know much of the outside world. At their limits of homeschooling her, her parents have no choice other than to let her go to college by herself.

Settings: Modern.​​
10. Tabby Honeysuckle is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a sweet, friendly young female, and can be a little shy at times. She can be a little squeamish around blood, but she chose to be a nurse as her career path, because she likes to help people. Dedicated with her career goal, she would often volunteer at the local hospital, and they would make sure she wears a full nurse’s uniform to make the patients more comfortable with her being around. To get further experience, she would even assist veterinarians. She doesn’t see anything wrong with handling animals as well. Knowing how much college can be, she has been trying to find ways to make extra money. Even with her as shy as she is, she has been stealing medical supplies and selling them. She knows she’d get in trouble if caught, but she feels her career is far more important.

Settings: Modern.​​
11. Ruth Boyle is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She is a quiet young female, but she isn’t at all the shy type. She isn’t the friendliest either, and can be considered to be like that of a tomboy. Because of her attitude and appearance, she is often mistaken as a young boy. She didn’t live in a happy household, and despite her father being a criminal and going to prison, she looked up to him. After having an argument with her mother, she inevitably ran away from home, and joined a gang of thieves. Having learned to pick locks, and such, became a successful thief herself. She eventually earned enough to live in her own apartment. Because of how good her home looks, her fellow thieves have started thinking she may have been stealing from them as well, and have started wondering what they should do with her.

Settings: Modern.​​
12. Connie Combs is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be a nice young female and isn’t at all timid, but tents to become shy when she notices someone staring at her. When she hit puberty, her body rapidly changed. Even her parents were confused, since no one in their families were as well-endowed as she is. She grew up peacefully for the most part, but she would find herself getting teased by her fellow classmates, being given tasks that would embarrass her, like washing windows, wiping the chalk board, and even getting her to reach for things. She was given the biggest school uniform they had in stock, and it only made her chest size all the more obvious, because they didn’t have tops that accommodate her bust. When she isn’t getting teased, she’s often approached by young men in and out of school, which only makes her even more tense. Not only that, she has started noticing that her female classmates aren’t exactly happy with the attention she’s getting. She can’t wait to graduate before anything happens.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
13. Tilda Haris is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a friendly and sweet young female, and can usually get alone with most people, but she grew to be quite naïve thanks to her upbringing. When meeting strangers, she wouldn’t even try to shy away from them. It’s said she’s the daughter of a mafia boss. Within the circle of the crime syndicate, she’s often called a princess. Because she’s kept away from the criminal world, she doesn’t have any knowledge of fear of such things. Being a curious girl and tired of her bodyguard following her around all the time, she has been found sneaking out of the house when bored enough.

Settings: Modern.​​
14. Anya Lada is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She can be a friendly female, but because she grew up spoiled, she can be a little arrogant and naïve. For the most part, she grew up within a wealthy family, and she was happy, but after an argument with her parents, and having felt trapped, she took some money, credit cards, and even stole an expansive luxury car. Seeking adventure, she travels the world alone. Though, it’s only a matter of time until the credit cards she took gets cancelled, and she runs out of money. Optimistic, she believes she can handle traveling alone without the support of her parents’ money.

Settings: Modern.​​
15. Aline Berger is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly enough young female, and gets along with just about everyone she meets, but can be a little shy, timid, and naïve at times. Barbe Berger is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She is the twin sister to Aline, and because of how they were raised by wealthy parents, their personalities are very similar, and they tend to stick to each other like glue. Carla Berger (Blonde) is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young female, but is far more outgoing compared to her sisters. At a young age, Carla was adopted into the family when her parents died in an accident. Because their families were quite close, it was an easy enough transition for her. While Aline and Barbe are the way they are, Carla would often drag them into mischief like hiking through the woods to and from school, skipping school, or visiting abandoned looking buildings.

Settings: Modern.​​
16. Gemma Molina is a young human female at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She's an energetic and confident young woman. She hopes to move out of her parents' house soon after she graduates from high school, because she feels trapped with the rules they slap on her. Hating the feeling of confinement, she would often sneak out of the house at late hours and check out the clubs in the city. She loves the combined body heat that flows over her while she dances, making her feel alive. As a way of rebelling against her parents, she would sometimes get excited enough to go down on someone. Though, she usually makes sure the person she is orally pleasuring is wearing a condom.

Settings: Modern.​​
17. Dee Charnel is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She is an energetic and arrogant young woman. She isn’t someone that would consider a friendly person, especially upon her subordinates. Ever since she ran away from home at the age of 15, she has been living on the streets. She had been brought in to the local gang, and has become the pet of the leader for years, but one day, that all changed. She is now the leader of the gang after having overthrown by talking the other members into joining her since the predecessor is getting old. The members are starting to regret letting her become leader since she has been treating them far worse than the old man before, making them think it’s time for a change.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
18. Carmel Hur is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of woman, and prefers the company of her younger sister. Ella Hur is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. Compared to her older sister, she is friendlier towards strangers, but because of how they grew up, they are distrusting of strangers. For as long as they could remember, the sisters grew up in the worst part of the city they were living in. They did what they could to survive, and even found they had to strike first to ensure their safety. Because of their appearances, they found taking out potential threats quite easy, and it didn’t take them long to start a business in assassinations. It isn’t exactly something they enjoy doing, but the money that comes with it isn’t something they can just ignore.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
19. Zaina Gorter is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly female, but can be quite pushy thanks to her upbringing. She was raised within a wealthy family, and because of that, she’s a little spoiled. Her parents have given permission to live alone for the most part, giving her freedom to do as she pleases after she graduated from high school. With no current goals, she mainly just travels the world and, dragging a few of her father’s servants along for the ride. She especially loves the outdoors and may even camp out in freezing and hot climates. There is rarely a place she is unwilling to go. When she takes breaks, she heads back to her personal house to relax a bit while she plans her next adventure. Noticing that the servants are expressing their annoyance with her, she has been dragging them along less and less lately, because she doesn't want to deal with their negative attitude.

Settings: Modern.​​
20. Doreen Durand is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly, confident, and intelligent young female, but usually keeps to herself when she isn’t with her best friend. Lisette Landon is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly, energetic, and sweet young female, and like to speak her mind. She can be a bit of a tomboy. The two have been close friends as close as they could remember, and their friendship grew into something so much more. When their parents found out about their relationship, they made plans to separate them by putting them in schools far away. Not willing to be separated, the girls decide to run away. Without a plan, they took whatever money they could get their hands on and left for the city. With the money they gathered, they have enough to stay at a cheap motel for a few weeks, but they’ll have to do something quick or get thrown out onto the streets.

Settings: Modern.​​
21. Keely Queen is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of young women. Even while growing up, she didn’t really have any friends, and she would often get in trouble with the school faculty as well as her parents. For the most part, she would often be by herself, but when she feels the need to relieve some stress, she would sneak out of the house, and head for the city. Even while being underage, she usually looks old enough to get into clubs without needing to get carded. Being as attractive as she is, she would often get free cigarettes and drinks. Knowing full well she can't just survive on handouts, she eventually took an offer to become one of the waitresses, and even moved out of her parents’ house to live closer to the club. The downside is that she would have to weird a skimpy outfit, but she isn’t shy about showing off skin. Because of her attitude, she does tend to get into trouble, which end up becoming physical altercations. She would often get yelled at by her boss, but she doesn’t see it as a problem.

Settings: Modern.​​
22. Gennie Wineberry is a young female at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5'3" tall. She's a sweet and friendly young female, but maybe a little too carefree. She does well in her school work and has the potential to do more through studying, but prefers to enjoy her free time relaxing and going out. She would often be seen enjoying the fresh air at the park while reading a book, to see a movie, or just relaxing at home. She's actually the current heir to the family wine distillery business, but her laziness is making her parents question whether or not she would be able to handle it when they eventually pass away. Because of how she makes her parents worry, they have thought about pairing her with a suitable suitor that could eventually marry her and take over the business for her or at least help provide another heir. Either way, it's something they're working on in secret.

Settings: Modern.​​
23. Miranda Achebe is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females. She’s quiet and tends to prefer to be by herself. Being somewhat of a tomboy, she isn’t afraid to get dirty. It doesn’t help that she’s new to the area, and her dark complexion and striking eyes really makes her stand out. Because she has been forced to move around a lot, it makes it difficult for her to fit in. Though, her unusual appearance does seem to attract other kinds of attention besides the negative. Every now and then, she would be approached by young men that see her as exotic, but she would often turn them down. Even when she turns down the advancements of the boys, the other girls still see her as unwanted competition and would try to bully her. For the most part, she manages to avoid too much interaction, but now and then, they would corner her. Not wanting to cause trouble for her father, she tries not to bring it up, but it only seems to increase the frequency of the bullying. Her father struggling to keep a steady job is a part of the reason why they have been moving around a lot, and with him getting moody and angry, she tries to avoid him as much as possible.

Settings: Modern.​​
24. Aria Leer is a young girl at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a sweet and kind young female, but shy and tends to prefer to be left alone. As soon as she turned thirteen years old, her body’s chemistry changed in an unusual way. For no reason, her body would grow aroused and bring her into a deep heat, making it hard to focus her mind in any normal situation. During those flashes of heat, she would often quickly get herself into somewhere private, and masturbate until she orgasms, giving her relief for the rest of the day. When she turned eighteen, her body started to generate strong pheromones when she sweats that could potentially attract unwanted attention from the opposite sex. It’s something she became aware of, when a fellow student bumped into her during P.E. and suddenly got too aggressive with her. For the most part, her pheromones by themselves can easily attract a male, but if they come in contact with her sweat, it’s like they completely lose control. Because of her condition, she does the bare minimum while exercising, tries to stay as far away from young men as she can, and even tries to dress in clothes to make herself look unappealing. She eventually learned that when she orgasms, it also lessons the strength of her pheromones back to normal. (Note: When a male orgasms, they return to normal as well.)

Settings: Fantasy.​​
25. Olwin Webb is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a sweet and friendly young female, known for her kindness towards complete strangers. Since the day she was born, she was deemed a holy woman by the priests of her country. It is said her blood has the ability to cure just about all wounds and diseases except her own. It is also said that there is a dim glow that envelopes her body, but it is said it shines brightest when in the presence of evil. Once she became of age, she began traveling the world, hoping to spread peace and goodwill.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
26. Carmen Fuego is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and can be quite cruel to even her own people. She is the current princess of her kingdom of warriors, and she is also the current heir to the throne. Because of her father, though, he doesn’t believe her a worthy successor. It’s now a time of peace, and he believes it’s time for her to marry and have male heirs that can potentially take the throne when his time comes. After hearing that he already has a suitor arranged to marry her, she stole her father’s magical sword that can melt anything, and ran away from home. Even knowing that so many enemies have been made, because of her kingdom, she believes she can handle herself, since she has been in a few battles alongside her father. Unbeknownst to her, though, she has been heavily protected during those battles, which means she didn’t survive with her skills alone.

Settings: Modern.​​
27. Silvi Gunn is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. When it comes to authority, she isn’t the friendliest of women, but when she’s out having a good time, she’s usually relaxed and carefree. Not being in the most stable of households, she grew to be quite bitter and resentful of her parents. As soon as she got the chance, she moved out. A lot of the people she hung out with were pretty sketchy, but it didn’t bother her, because they provided her with substances that helped ease her stress. She started out smoking weed, and that lead to stronger stuff. It wasn’t long until she grew a powerful addiction to the drugs she consumed. She even almost overdosed. Not one to care about her own fate, she continued doing what she was doing, but that quickly came to a screeching halt when the police raided the place she was staying at. They found plenty of drugs on her and in her system, and they’re not working on placing her at a location where she can detox and get rehabilitated, but with drug use being on the rise, it’s difficult to find a medical facility that isn’t full.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
28. Cala Maison is a young female at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5'5" tall. She's a sweet young woman, but can be shy around strangers. Though, she can be very curious at times. She belongs to a tribe of humans that chose to isolate themselves from the outside world for thousands of years. They had even forgotten human language. Recently, a people from the outside world have visited their land and learned their language. Her village doesn't have anything to offer the strangers, but they've been asking for volunteers to leave and gain knowledge of the outside world. Even as shy as she is, she's excited about the idea of venturing off and seeing new lands, and hopes she would be allowed to leave with the strangers, so she can gain knowledge and bring it back to her people.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
29. Kylin Burk is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She is as friendly as can be considering her situation. She can also be quite shy, and timid around strangers. Since the day she was born, she was taken away from her parents to live in a temple to be groomed as a sacrifice. It is said that every six months, a creature would emerge from the forest, and destroy the town, and the only way to prevent that from happening is to sacrifice a young maiden from the village. Though, because of how she was raised, she isn’t afraid to sacrifice her life for the town, but from what she understands, no one living in the town has actually seen the creature. The only people that claim to have seen it are the ones running the temple, and they insist that no one outside of the temple can witness the ritual, or it may be tainted. With her now at the right age, and it being the right day, she waits for the ritual to begin.

Settings: Modern.​​
30. Vee Veronica is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be seen as friendly enough, but she isn’t at all that very nice. She became a photographer, because she thought it would be a lot of fun, since she would be able to do a lot of traveling, but after accepting a job, it wasn’t quite what she was expecting. Instead of seeing the sights like a tourist, she’s being told she has to travel to the most dangerous of places, such as war zones or even unexplored jungles. Being as new as she is to the position, she didn’t think she would be going out to such places so soon, but from what she was told, they were shorthanded. Offering her a lot of money, she can’t really refuse, because she needs it to help pay for more schooling.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
31. Kelia Underwood is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She is a friendly enough female considering her situation. For the most part, she prefers to be left alone. It has been a few years since her kingdom fell, and she has been living on her own ever since, learning to survive. Ever since she escaped, she has picked up skills like using a sword and hunting. She can’t stay in one place too long, though, because she knows there are those that wish to take her back and bring her to the feet of the current ruler. Being all that’s left, there isn’t anything she can do. Because she was raised well by her family, she would stop to help those in need, even if it means risking putting a lot of attention on herself.

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi.​​
32. Neely Rain is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women. In fact, she can be quite cruel, and cold. Even while being very young, she went up in the ranks quite quickly. With an iron fist, she has been keeping those under her under control. Having proven herself time after time, she has been put in charge of making sure the science facility is kept in order while new devices and weapons are being developed. Be it mechanical or biological, she’ll make sure it’s as deadly as possible. She would rather be fighting in the front lines, but she knows that even she has to follow orders. She hopes that would change some day, always looking for ways to progress her in her military career.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern​​
33. Bre Anari is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly enough girl, but has been a little too busy to socialize like she used to. Ever since her father passed away, she was left alone to take care of the farm. She’s able to handle growing and harvesting crops, but when it comes to the animals, she’s struggling quite a bit. It took her a lot of effort to gather the courage to slaughter an animal that’s ready to be harvested for meat, so that she can eat and make some money. Being alone on the farm, she’s starting to wonder how much longer she’ll be able to handle things, especially since she’s been hearing rumors of something making their way towards the town. Plus, the local government has been demanding a lot from her as well.

Settings: Fantasy
34. Kinley Cora is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a kind, and sweet female, but grew to be quite shy and timid. Also, because of how protective her parents are, she became naïve of the outside world as well. She is currently the princess of her kingdom of ice and snow. Her land wasn’t always as frozen as it is. It was once lush with green, but that all changed when the winter came, and just never left. Because resources are scarce, her kingdom is growing desperate. They have valuable crystals, but they don't have the resources to travel too far safely and sell them. Her parents have considered an arranged marriage with another kingdom, hoping to create a link so that more trade can happen. After hearing what’s planned for her, she started making plans of her own. She knows it’s best for her kingdom for her to marry, but she doesn’t like the idea of marrying someone she knows nothing about, so she hopes she can make her escape into a world she isn’t familiar with.

Settings: Modern
35. Radah Tangelo is a mature female at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5'7" tall. She's a very sweet and energetic young woman, but can be a little naive at times. She spends a lot of her free time watching cartoons and dressing up in different outfits. Her friends and family think she is strange for wearing weird clothing and would often try to get her to dress normal like an adult and act her age while in public. She doesn't understand what the big deal is. She would often go to Conventions since she feels the most comfortable there with other people who dress up. She loves the attention and posing for pictures. She has been offered to do modeling jobs a few times, but isn't sure about it. Though, she does like the idea to get paid to dress up in different outfits.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
36. Dina Head is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She is a friendly and sweet young female, but after having an issue with the government trying to hijack her experiments to make biological weapons, she grew to be distrusting of humanity as a whole. Even as young as she is, she proved herself to be a reliable scientist from all the prizes she gained creating hybrid plants. Being an experienced botanist, she looks after the plants she managed to smuggle out of the government lab she was working in. She hopes to create plant life that would be able to survive harsh environments created by humanity. Preferring a more natural and less toxic surroundings, she lives far from the nearest town. The food she eats come from her vast garden, and she would sell what she can to make extra money to continue funding her experiments. Every now and then, she would venture off, searching for rare plants to add to her collection and to keep safe. For the most part, she's managing to keep a low profile. She doesn't want to get rediscovered by the government that wish to abuse her projects.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
37. Capri Celeste is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of females, and because she grew up on the streets, she has a tough, cold demeanor. As far as she could remember, she lived a harsh life in the slums with her mother. When her mother passed away, not only did she become a thief, she became a successful thief. Even as young as she is, she became the leader of her thieves' guild, living like a queen. Unbeknownst to her, though, she is the heir to a royal throne. There was a member of a royal family that really enjoyed himself, and met her mother, but he never stuck around to see what his fun brought about. With the kingdom in disarray, because their current leader has fallen ill, the royal subjects are currently seeking out anyone that may share in the bloodline.
Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
38. Amira Queen is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. She isn't the friendliest of women, but can be quite mischievous considering she's the daughter of a duke. Because she was spoiled growing up, she’s used to doing what she wants and getting what she wants. She would often go around teasing and pulling pranks on the soldiers, enjoying their angry reactions. Even when told to do something, she would often do the opposite, so when she’s told to stay put, she would sneak out for a little fun. Because she’s rarely seen with her parents in public, many of the commoners and people outside the kingdom aren’t aware of what she looks like or that she’s the princess, allowing her to mingle without being noticed too much.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
39. Aimi Mount is a young girl at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a sweet and friendly young female, but can be quite shy when encountering strangers. She's daughter of the owners of a spa, hotel, bathhouse. When she isn’t at school, she is usually at the hotel, helping out the best she can. She usually plays with the guest’s children, but would often be tasked to show them to their rooms or give them a tour. She’s usually quite nervous and tense when guiding guests, but she does what she can. She has been hearing that the family business is struggling, though, and has been thinking of finding a way to help out.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
40. Vera Rose is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s quite friendly and sweet, even among strangers, and isn’t at all shy. She’s the daughter of the mayor, and because of the peace surrounding the land, she’s allowed to roam freely among the common people, but recently she has been noticing some solders from the kingdom visiting her father at home. Now and then, she would see them taking bags of money. When asked about it, she would only be told that it isn’t something for her to worry about. She has been hearing whispers that taxes have been raised, but she has yet to notice any effect by it.

Settings: Modern.​​
41. Tifa Downer is a young female at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5'3" tall. She's a quiet young woman and tends to spend most of her free time by herself, but that doesn't make her an unfriendly person. She's actually quite friendly, and a bit of a tomboy. She just prefers to find a quiet space and be left alone with her thoughts. She can be a bit rebellious at times and quite lazy. During class, she would often get scolded by the teachers when she isn't paying attention. She would just ignore the teacher and listen to her wireless headphones during class. Even when she doesn't pay attention, she still manages to get straight As and Bs which makes it hard to punish her. She just doesn't have any interest with school and would sometimes just skip school and do something else. The teachers believe she is cheating, but they haven't been able to find any evidence. Though, they are looking into methods to get some answers.

Settings: Modern.​​
42. Andrea Gisela is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. When teachers are around, she behaves in a friendly manner, but when she’s alone among the other students, she becomes very bossy. Even while not being of a wealthy family, she can be quite arrogant and selfish. She even believes herself to be smarter than most. She’s currently the class president of her classroom, and enjoys being in control. Living with an abusive father very likely contributed to how aggressive she behaves around her follow students. Her father is the main reason why she can’t wait to graduate, move out, and go to college. She believes she’ll do whatever it takes to be successful, even it means stepping on others that get in her way to do it.
Settings: Fantasy.​​
43. Sacha Perdu is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a friendly young village girl, and tends to be a little stern with the other villagers since she’s the daughter of the village chief. Because she’s the daughter of the village chief, people would often get nervous around her. Even though she’s only the daughter of the chief, she demands a little respect from the people even though she hasn’t earned it, but her attitude is starting to annoy some people in the village.

Settings: Modern.​​
44. Janie Cahill is a young woman at the age of 19 years old. She stands about 5’7” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women. Even while she’s a quiet girl, she isn’t at all shy, and isn’t afraid to speak up when spoken to. Being the daughter of a retired alcoholic boxer isn’t at all glamorous. Since she was little, her father would often force her into physical training she has no interest in. She was told he was preparing her for the future, and that he was toughing her up. When going to school, bruises would be found on her body here and there, because of the painful training he would put her through. He’s especially pushing her harder when it was found out that he was dying, which worries her, because she may have to move in with a family member or friend of the family that’s just as abusive or worse.