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Settings: Modern.​​

1. Vittoria Russo is a mature woman at the age of 38 years old. She stands at around 5’7” tall. She’s a friendly enough female, but tends to be serious and stern when it comes to physical education. Because of how attractive she is, she is quite popular among her students and even the male teachers. She takes her job as an educator seriously, but parents of her students see her as nothing more than a distraction. Because of her lack of experience with boys and men in general, she’s oblivious of how they’re ogling her. Because she considers herself a career woman, she never felt she had the time to date. She once even competed in competitions, and ever since she retired from such things, she felt she could put her time to better use teaching others to be healthy. When she isn’t teaching, she’s often seen outdoors and jogging through the woods.


Settings: Modern.​​

2. Klara Lill is a mature woman at the age of 38 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. Naturally, she’s a shy, quiet female, and even prefers to be left alone, but when in public, she puts up a stern front to keep up her public image. She’s the current CEO of her company after having inherited from her husband that recently passed away. With little to no experience running a company, she’s struggling to keep the business going. She tried relying on her advisors, but ended up having to lay off a lot of employees. Struggling with money, she had to lay off some of the people she has employed in her mansion. With less people working for her, she has to do certain things on her own she wouldn’t normally do like buy groceries. She’s hoping to find a way to keep her business going or she may find herself living on the streets.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​

3. Turid Sauve is a mature woman at the age of 38 years old. She stands around 5’5" inches tall. She was once a kind and caring female, but grew to be distrustful of people and bitter. She was once a secret lover to someone high up in social standings. Little did she know at the time, he was using her just to bear him an heir. As soon as she gave birth, he took the infant and left her to live alone. In order to make sure she continues to keep the secret, she’s given a monthly allowance. Even with the money she’s given, she has been considering telling everyone what happen. Even after she long since given birth, her body continues producing milk. She may lactate at random, making it a little difficult hiding she was once pregnant.  


Settings: Fantasy.​​

4. Zasha Jinrui is a mature woman at the age of 38 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She is considered to be a kind, and loving woman. She is the current queen of her kingdom. Her kingdom was known to be war-like, and would strive for world domination, but when she took over, she felt a change was needed. She didn’t like that people all over the world feared her kingdom, so she did what she could to fix that. She made sure to free conquered countries, but her subjects disapprove, because they are still of the older generation. Even while she had freed other countries and kingdoms, there are still those that hate her people, and what they’ve done, and it’s only a matter of time before they seek out revenge.


Settings: Modern.​​

5. Linda Serna is a mature woman at the age of 37 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She can be quite friendly, especially when she wants something, and when she gets comfortable, she can be quite mouthy. Having been spoiled as far as she could remember, she is used to things going her way. Not only would her parents give her almost anything she wanted, she would often be given things from young men for free. Because of how she is, she doesn’t care about owning a house, and would often stay at a friends' or family’s house until she’s absolutely sure she’s not welcomed any more before moving on to the next place. She has quite the habit of borrowing money from friends and family, and not paying them back as well. Understanding that her friends and family may be at their limits, she feels she may need to score big before moving on.


Settings: Modern.​​

6. Kylie Piper is a mature woman at the age of 37 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly and easy going female, but can be stern when she feels she needs to. She currently works as a homeroom teacher, but before that, she was quite the celebrity. Since she was very young, she was on TV for quite a bit and even got roles in a few movies. Every now and then, she even did some modelling work. She eventually felt the need to get out of the public view, took a lot of time off, and when she felt people forgot about her, she became a homeroom teacher. Because she didn’t specialize in anything specific in her education, she felt being a homeroom teacher is something she could handle. She does miss the attention, the partying, and even those rare times she has to manipulate a few producers or directors with her body to gain some roles, but she hopes students and their parents don’t find out whom she really is. To make sure she keeps her youthful appearance, she exercises regularly and has a healthy diet.


While being a teacher, she’s also a mother, but she lives alone. During her younger years, she married on and off, and eventually lost custody of her kid/s. After every few weeks, her kid/s would be allowed to visit, and she would do what she can to make them welcome, but because she was flaky and didn’t interact with them much, she doesn’t know how to deal with them. For the most part, she leaves her kid/s to their own devices.


Settings: Modern.​​

7. Lila Maria is a mature woman at the age of 36 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can a friendly female, but when she’s focused on something, she can be quite tense. Since she was little, she would travel with her parents and excavate ruins as well as ancient bones. When she grew up, she continued following in her family’s footsteps. It’s a job she enjoys, but she also does make quite a bit of money. Now and then, she may be hired to do certain illegal tasks. Because she travels all the time, she isn’t worried about getting in trouble for going into places deemed forbidden. So, focused on her career, she hasn't found the time for men. She sees them as a distraction and would even disregard those she ends up working with.


Settings: Modern.​​

8. Ellen Brady is a mature woman at the age of 36 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She has a very stern and no nonsense type of personality. She’s married and has a child, but she puts all her focus on the company she works for. Because she makes all the money, her husband is stuck at home. Even with her family, she can be quite cold, only thinking of how to provide for them. She doesn’t understand why her family can’t see how important her work is.


Settings: Modern.​​

9. Anima Ivy is a mature woman at the age of 36 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She’s an intelligent and free spirited woman. She tried the marriage life for a while, but she didn’t like the feeling of being chained down. Tired of feeling like she’s being controlled by her husband and bogged down by family, she left to go live her own life. She enjoys her freedom, doing odd jobs here and there, but she especially enjoys working in clubs. She doesn’t regret leaving, but regrets not leaving sooner. Even at her age, she manages to keep her youthful appearance through regular exercise and a healthy diet. She refuses to age.


Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi

10. Tiva Tarlo is a mature woman at the age of 36 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly enough woman, but can come off as shy or timid, even with her rank in the military. Isn’t the most intelligent when it comes to military tactics, and has even gotten people killed as a result of the choices she made, but because of the influence her father has, she’s been allowed to continue to service. It was also her father that got her up the ranks so quickly. It was she herself that didn’t want the responsibility, but her father kept pushing her up the ladder. As a slap on the wrist, she has been stationed at a secluded base. With her being hated throughout the military, though, hatred for her can even be felt where she’s positioned.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​

11. Fi Chiisana is a mature woman at the age of 35 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She's a very sweet and kind young woman. She is a high priest and well respected, but some of the younger female priests are showing signs of jealously since she is getting a lot of attention. Even with her authority and power, she prefers the simple life. She is often seen taking care of the young orphans that are brought in from the streets. In the boy's dorms, she has been hearing that they are causing trouble and has taken upon herself to deal with it herself. 


Settings: Modern.​​

12. Erna Boreal is a mature woman at the age of 35 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. She can be friendly while in public, but when in private, she may start treating certain people like dirt. She started her career as a fashion model, but when she got closer to going into her thirties, popular clothing companies started to drop her. Wealthy, she won’t be sleeping on the streets any time soon, but it was quite the humiliating experience. Nowadays, she goes around signing autographs, because she’s still considered a celebrity, but she has been craving more. Fearful that she won’t be able to sustain her high-profile lifestyle, she partnered with a company that specialize with adult toys. A part of the agreement she made was that she will personally test out every toy and device that will have her name on it. It wasn’t eager about it, but she didn’t see anything wrong with it. What she found odd was that they started asking her to come to the facility, because she was mainly trying out the usual toys at home.


Settings: Fantasy, Modern.​​

13. Ceris Folly is a mature woman at the age of 35 years old. She stands around 5’7” tall. When among those of her tribe, she can be quite friendly, but when encountering outsiders, she can be aggressive and stern. She and her people prefer to live in peace, but won’t hesitate to defend themselves, if needed. Because they are a village of hunters that mainly use bows and arrows, they are not every skilled at close quarters combat. Being the tribal chief, it’s her duty to make sure her people are safe. When ever she notices that outsiders are entrenching on their land, she would have her people gather their things and move to a new area. Because the outside world has been progressing, she’s finding it difficult to find secluded lands. It’s only a matter of time until they’re cornered, and she can only wonder what they’ll need to do to survive and live their lives. Knowing that the people of her tribe are getting exhausted, she has been taking it upon herself to venture off alone to find a proper land to live on.


Settings: Modern.​​

14. Belkis Sanz is a mature woman at the physical age of 35 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She can be quite friendly and carefree. Even while in the middle of business negotiations, she would behave in a childish manner. When she was younger, she never did very well at school, and eventually ventured off into the military. Due to some illegal activity involving contraband and smuggling, she was dishonorable discharged. Because of how she was removed from military service, she found it difficult to find legitimate employment, and found her way back into smuggling. In the beginning, she started out with smaller minor goods like food, alcohol, and even drugs, but made her way into human trafficking. Because of how good the money is, she doesn’t care too much about what happens to the people she’s paid to transport, and she makes sure not to ask any questions. Though, she doesn’t like the way her clients have been looking at her.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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