Settings: Modern.​​
1. Dinara Boga is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. When in public, she tries to be as friendly as possible, but in reality, she prefers to be left alone, so she can relax. Having dropped out of school at 16 to pursue a modeling career, she isn’t the brightest of women, and can be a little naïve. She currently works as a model for a company that specializes in weapons, armor, and military clothing. For their magazine, she would be made to wear the various types of clothing and armor, while also showing off the weapons they sell. Over time, she grew to be quite popular, and would even be made to make public appearances to help relieve the stress of weary soldiers. She’s practically a celebrity, and would often get asked for her autograph. Because of her popularity, she was recently asked to go into meetings with the company managers to help with sales negotiations. She never really liked such meetings, because she doesn’t like how they’re staring at her. With her contract almost up, she’s being told that some new items are being add to it. Like, she would need to perform something extra here and there. Not one to read contracts, she isn’t interested in the details. She just wants to make sure she gets paid.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
2. Mischa Tenma is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of young women. She’s quiet, but isn’t shy. She just prefers not to be sociable, especially with the soldiers she works with. Being a new member of the royal guard, she has been treated different from the others. She would often be teased for being a weakling even though she’s still in training, and when given a task, she would mainly be made to kill lesser monsters like Slimes. Secretly, she’s actually a princess from another kingdom. She wanted to make a name for herself, and prove she’s worthy of the throne, but in order to do that, she has to be somewhere people don’t know anything about her. Because of her humiliating tasks, she’s growing frustrated, and she’s losing patience. Feeling they may never give her the chance to prove herself, she's working out a plan to hunt down greater, stronger beasts.

Settings: Modern.​
3. Amaris Muller is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She is a friendly female, and tends to get along with most people, but can be a little naïve. As far as she could remember, she has been into monster movies. She has been especially attracted to werewolf and vampire themed films and novels. Despite her disapproval of her parents and school, she eventually got into the goth scene and would dress as such. She grew to be quite rebellious, disobeying parents and going out into the city with friends to hang out at gothic venues. She eventually got into vampiric themes to the point she started wearing fake fangs to wear over her canines. She has expressed an interest to try out vampire/werewolf clubs, but even her friends were creeped out by that idea. With or without them, she’s determined to check them out, believing it’s the next progressive step towards her gothic lifestyle.

Settings: Fangasy/Modern.​​
4. Nina Brown is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. While in public view, she’s kind and sweet, but when alone with a student or two, she can be quite the terror. She enjoys terrorizing her follow students, treating them like trash. Being of high status and having been spoiled by her parents, she’s used to getting her way. Not only would she physically abuse her fellow students, she may even torment the servants that work at her mansion. It gives her great pleasure to see those lesser than herself groveling at her feet. Even while being a bully, she enjoys the attention she receives from the opposite sex, and would still treat them like trash regardless of the gifts they give her. Because of her status and being the heir to her family fortune, she’s sought after, but she refuses to see others as equal to herself.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
5. Alma Cummings is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She isn’t exactly a shy young female. She prefers to be left alone, and isn’t very trusting of others. She can be often seen with a cold expression, and would be quiet for the most part. She’s currently on the run ever since it was found out what her blood can do. Due to an accident, it was discovered that she can heal quite quickly, and when her blood comes in contact with the wound of another body, it can heal that as well as diseases. She was held captive as a guinea pig before she escaped, and she has been on the run since. Because she’s the only one of her kind, her captors intended to force her to breed more of her to produce more of the blood they needed. Even though the project could help many people, she didn’t want to live her life in such a way.

Settings: Modern.​​
6. Scarlet Vermilion is a young female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She has a very confident and rebellious personality, but she isn't the smartest of young women. Against her parent's wishes, she dropped out of school to become a model. She has been planning on dropping out for a while, but she knows that she has to wait before she could legally leave her parent's house. Ever since she left home, she has been doing some modelling for a few clothing magazines. She's been having a lot of fun modelling, but has started to notice a decline in job offers. Wanting to keep her extravagant lifestyle, she has been considering doing some more adult, since she doesn't mind showing a little more skin.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
7. Isla Insel is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and she prefers to be left alone for the most part, but does usually enjoy the company of her childhood friend. Esme Sha is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’5” tall. Unlike Isla, she is very friendly, energetic, and she enjoys getting alone with most people. She can even be adventurous. The two women have known each other since they were little, and Esme is the type to drag Isla on her little adventures. Growing to be more independent, they’ve been going from job to job around town, and eventually saved up enough money to visit the neighboring city. With not many options around, they’ve eventually settled on becoming maids, thinking it would be a faster way of making money. Isla isn’t the most eager when it comes to finding employment, but she just can’t say no to her friend.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
8. Bleu Citron is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'5" tall. She's a quiet young female, but isn't at all shy. Ever since she has been given to a group of performers to pay off the family debt, she has grown to enjoy her solitude since she doesn't care much for the people that pretty much enslaved her. She would be made to serve customers that would be interested in watching the performers, and may even be made to dance for them. As a traveling group, they would go from town to town and lands far and wide. Her situation and how she became a part of the group is unfortunate, but she gets to see a world far from her village.

Settings: Modern.​​
9. Emilia Tier is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of women, and usually prefers to be left alone when she isn’t with her small group of delinquent friends. Because she doesn’t get along with her parents, she takes her frustrations out on her fellow classmates. Despite her height, she can be quite aggressive, even towards male teachers bigger than herself. Because of her attitude, she often gets into trouble at school, getting into fights and such. It doesn’t help that she chooses to wear clothes that aren’t up to school code. At one point, it’s claimed she beat someone up with a baseball bat, but because of the lack of evidence, there wasn’t much the school or even the police can do about it. She hopes to graduate quickly, so she can move out, but how low her grades are, there is little hope of that happening.

Settings: Modern.​​
10. Ina Ferme is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She is a nice and intelligent young female, but she is often considered to be a bit of a loner since she is often seen by herself. She isn’t really shy since she would chat if talked to, but for the most part, she is often quiet. She is often seen studying as well. Even while she is supposed to be participating in P.E. class, she would be sitting back and reading. She has a somewhat negative perspective towards P.E. class, feeling it’s more important to train her mind than her body. Because of her attitude towards physical fitness, she is often scolded by her teacher, but he can’t really do much since she is doing just enough to pass.

Settings: Modern.​​
11. Janel Low is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of girls, and usually prefers to be left alone, but she isn’t at all the shy type. At a young age, her father died in a military battle, and later on, her mother passed away in an accident. The government tried to put her through foster care, but she ran away. She now currently lives alone on in a small fishing boat her parents owned, making a living selling fish, and anything she can find. Because she doesn’t have a fishing license, she is breaking the law, but there hasn’t been anyone that’s too interested in catching her since she would often stay out in the middle of the ocean. The only time she docks is when she has to resupply. She loves the sea and exploring, and she has no interest in ever leaving it.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
12. Raakel Stich is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She can be a friendly female towards the people that treat her right, but she often has a stuck up attitude and doesn’t like being told what to do. She is the queen of her kingdom, and has been ever since her parents died when she was the age of 17. The royal advisers were against having her become queen, but it was the order of the king to have the remaining successor to become the next ruler. She can be quite disrespectful of other countries, believing her own is better. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind.

Settings: Modern.​​
13. Lindi Miller is a young girl at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly young woman, but whenever someone brings up her personal life, she usually clams up and tries to avoid the subject. Because of her abusive parents, she hasn’t exactly lived a normal life. She’s intelligent and often get good grades, but it doesn’t appear to be enough for her parents. She wants just run away from it all, but she knows she wouldn’t get far without money. So, she hesitantly became a sex worker. She’ll often finish off her homework quickly, so she may work her part-time job which she does at a hotel, waiting for clients to arrive at her room on schedule. She really hates working as a prostitute, but she believes it’s the fastest way to make money, and she’s feeling quite desperate. Many of her clients are fellow students, but the age group is steady growing thanks to word of mouth.

Settings: Modern.​​
14. Evin Isa is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly enough female, but can be rude and arrogant. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, even when it means upsetting someone. Since she could remember, she had a deep interest in playing the guitar, being in a band, and being famous. Because of her attitude, though, she has gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble. Having had enough of her disapproving parents, she did join a band, and even got on the road with them, but because of how she behaves, she was kicked out of the band and stranded in a city. With the little money she has, she now wanders the streets and survives using her guitar skills. With how things turned out with her parents, she can’t see herself crawling back to them, so she’s tries to make it on her own.

Settings: Modern.​​
15. Leontia Pierce is a young female at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'4" tall. She is a sweet young woman, but grew shy and timid thanks to her upbringing. She is currently homeless after running away from home when her abusive father got rough with her. Because her mother died giving birth to her, her father has been putting the blame on her. With her appearance looking so much like her mother, he can’t help but get frustrated and angry whenever he looks at her. She now spends most of her time hiding in the city park, but would often sleep inside old abandon looking buildings during the cold nights. Though, she would sometimes sleep in old cardboard boxes if she couldn't find a place to sleep in, since she doesn't want to be near other homeless people. Even while being currently homeless, she still tries to go to school like normal, but she fears her father may be looking for her.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
16. Carla Chavero is a woman at the physical age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’8” tall. She can be a nice female, but living for centuries has made her a little cold. She belongs to a village with the sole purpose of watching over the magical spring water deep within the jungle. Those who consume the water are given a longer lifespan, but they must continue drinking the magical liquid at least once every three months to continue the effect. It’s her job to distribute the water among the villagers, ensuring all long-lasting life. There is a side effect for consuming the water for a certain period of time, though. Many of the women, including herself, became sterile, making them unable to bear children of their own, but it’s said, that could change, if they decide to stop drinking the water. Not wanting to risk dying, they continue to drink the water regularly.

Settings: Modern.​​
17. Mab Denbu is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'4" tall. She’s quite the young female, but isn’t the shy type. She just doesn’t speak until spoken too. She’s an average student and gets decent grades, but has been lacking in the physical part of her education. Feeling she has a lot of free time after school, she decides to get a part-time job at the local gas station store. She doesn’t really mind it, but she’s been hearing rumors of a gang that goes around robbing stores from her fellow students. Just thinking about it makes her nervous, but she thinks they're teasing her since they pretty much live in a quiet town. It's hard for her to imagine that a gang of some kind would wander into such a quiet area.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
18. Garnet Rouge is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young female, and because of how she was raised, she grew up to be quite the tomboy, but can be a little naive. Growing up a military brat, she’s well-traveled, but eventually planted roots in a wintry, snowy location where her family bought large tracts of land and developed it to be a vacationing area. They carved out miles of forest in order to create a path, and every two miles, there would be a cozy, furnished log cabin with reserved food stored within. People would come hiking the snowy area and stay at the cabins for peace, quiet, and privacy. After an accident with her parents, the land was passed down to her, leaving her alone to take care of it all. For the most part, she’s able to handle it, despite her age, and she found a way to make extra money. She noticed male customers would stare at her chest, and one day, one of them offered her extra money to grope her. Not seeing anything wrong with it, and not being much of a modest, young woman, she went along with it. Because she was practically raised in isolation, she didn’t get a lot of social interaction with boys growing up, so she doesn’t know she could be unintentionally leading someone on. She can’t imagine anything negative coming out of how she earns her money.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
19. Odessa Crisp is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She has a stern, and arrogant personality, and because she was raised in a small town, she can be quite naïve. Being the only child, her father took it upon himself to raise her, especially after her mother passed away. As far as she could remember, she was raised as a warrior, trained to use swords and daggers. Because her town is peaceful, though, there isn’t much of a challenge. For the most part, she would fight off small monsters like slims or some bandits, but one day, she came across a fire breathing dragon the size of a Great Dane, and slayed it. Slaying such a creature only boosted her ego, and because of how isolated her town is, can only assume the dragon she killed was full-grown. Feeling she has potential for great things, she decided to leave home, and seek fame and glory.

Settings: Modern.​​
20. Cera Knotts is a young female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She is a nice female and has somewhat of a tomboyish personality, because she was raised just by her father. She would often get into fights with the boys at her school. Especially the bullies. She can manage to hold her own against two at a time, but she isn't sure she can defend herself against more than that. Either way, she isn't the type that would just stand by and watch as someone is being attacked. She doesn't care who they are, how old they are, or even how much bigger they are compared to her. She'll just run straight over to help. Because of all the fighting, she would usually get into trouble with the school, but because most of the fights are caused by her, she's usually let go. She finds getting frequently called to the office annoying. She has also created a great number of enemies. Not just with the bullies of her own school, but she feels confident enough to handle herself.

Settings: Modern.​​
21. Hilde Falkr is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly, and energetic young female, and like her older sister Olga, she became a bit of a tomboy. Though, she can be a little naïve. For the most part, she lived a happy life, but that quickly changed when her parents passed away. She was held at a foster home for a little while until her sister was able to leave the military and take her in. She was depressed for some time, but living with her sister helped her raise up her spirits. She gets superb grades for the most part, but she would often get bothered by her athletic older sister to keep up with her fitness. Ever since their parents passed away in an accident, she can’t help but feel as if her sister is smothering her. While at school, she is considered to be quite popular, and especially with the boys. Because of how she is, she often thinks a boy is just playing around when being asked out. In an attempt to be taken seriously, she dyes her blonde hair black.

Settings: Modern.​​
22. Leni Lace is a young female at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She’s an energetic and nice young woman, but has a tomboyish personality. Because she was raised alongside brothers, she couldn't help but become a tomboy. She’s currently still in high school and excelling in Wood and Auto shop. She loves being able to work with machines. After school, she would head over to her father’s auto repair shop and help him work on cars. While in school, she is often stared at by other students because of either her love of machines or her loose, fitted clothes. She isn't the most modest of girls, but she knows well enough not to expose herself.

Settings: Modern.​​
23. Amy Vale is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a shy and timid young female, and is often seen by herself. Because of her father’s job, she’s often forced to move quite often. Having to move around so much has made it hard for her to make friends, making her feel quite lonely. Being a part of a rich family doesn’t help matters, since it only seems to isolate her further from her fellow students. Every once in a while, she may even be subjected to bullying because of her wealth. The only place she feels comfortable is at home, but desires something more.

Settings: Modern.​​
24. Julie Dust is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5'2" tall. She’s a quiet young female with a somewhat tomboyish personality. Because of how she behaves, the other kids would think she is weird and pick on her. As far as she could remember, she felt different from the other girls. She was asked about it by her parents, but she felt that didn't understand what she's going through. While other girls are wearing dresses and playing with dolls, she's usually she's usually hanging out at skate parks or wandering the woods near the house. Even when trying to hang with some of the boys, she would feel a little isolated, adding to her frustration. She can't help but feel a need for guidance of some kind, but she doesn't know whom to turn to. She's just about ready to accept help from anyone at this point.

Settings: Fantasy​​
25. Nyla Muller is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She isn’t the friendliest when it comes to dealing with strangers, and she is especially not too friendly with the opposite sex. All she cares about is her twin sister. Nola Muller is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. When it comes to strangers, she isn’t as aggressive as her sister, but she is quite shy in comparison. Since as far as they could remember, they’ve been living at an orphanage. They were eventually taken in by foster parents, but the man that was supposed to be taking care of them tried to take advantage of them. When attacked, the sisters escaped and has been living on the streets ever since. For the most part, they have been surviving off of straps thrown out at restaurants, but now and then, they would sneak into the house of someone well off, and take anything of value. They would mostly steal enough to keep themselves noticed, but with the environment growing harsher, they have been feeling they need a bigger score to escape their current hell.

Settings: Modern.​​
26. Bibi Bagina is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'6" tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young female, but for the most part, she can be quiet, and she usually prefers to be by herself when focusing on keeping her body fit. She is what someone would call an overachiever. She started out just running on track, playing basketball, and baseball, but she ended up mainly focusing on swimming, because it can help improve her lung capacity and stamina. She tries hard to keep her body in good shape and would work out whenever she gets the chance. Her classmates think she’s crazy since they believe that she’ll crash from over working herself. Her biggest goal is to eventually be in the Olympics.

Settings: Modern.​​
27. Coco Smolin is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly young female, and has a bit of a tomboy-ish personality. Even though she isn't the most modest of young women, she can be a little shy when in groups or with someone she's not familiar with. For the most part, she finds the company of animals more appealing, since they’re easier to understand and simple. The main goal she has in life is to take over the family dog farm. She loves the dogs they breed there and enjoys taking care of them. She would often head straight to the farm right after school, ignoring most school events and clubs Her parents are happy that she’s enthusiastic about working at the farm, but can’t help but be worried about her grades and her anti-social behavior towards her fellow students. She would often be teased, because of her love of dogs, adding to her shyness. To make her parents happy, she has joined a sports club, but she would sneak away now and then to find a canine to play with.

Settings: Modern.​
28. Lill Cremoso is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a nice young female, but tends to be extremely meek and timid. Because of how quiet she is and how rarely she speaks out, she has become the target of bullying. Some have even considered her to be mute, because of how quiet she is. Even while being physically abused, she wouldn’t even cry out. For the most part, her bullies would only stop when she follows the command to reveal her body to them. Fortunate for her, she hasn’t experienced anything worse than that. In order to avoid the bullies, she would take different paths home. During lunch, she may even seek out an empty room in the school for privacy. While desperate, she has even eaten her lunch while in the bathroom just to avoid her fellow students.

Settings: Modern.​​
29. Gari Miller is a young woman age the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a sweet and friendly young woman, but can be a little shy around strangers. Gitta Huber is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She is also a sweet and friendly young woman, but can be a bit of a tomboy and isn’t at all shy. She stands about 5’5” tall. Being friends since they were little, they always manage to get alone. They currently live together in an apartment. They managed to talk both their parents into letting them live together by proving how mature they are. Getting straight A’s also helped when negotiating. Their parents help pay for the apartment, but Gari and Gitta have been looking into getting part-time jobs to help pull their weight.

Settings: Modern.​​
30. Lata Paine is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'4" tall. She's a nice young female, but quiet and shy. She's a very nerdy female, but isn't the type to get the greatest of grades. Though, she is someone who enjoys learning new things. She spends most of her time at home and plays video games, but will go out to watch a movie when she feels like it. She is a bit self-conscious about her appearance and would make sure to keep herself from eating too much and snacking. Once in a while, she will exercise to keep herself at a certain weight.

Settings: Modern.​​
31. Achima Gokan is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'5" tall. She’s a very sweet, energetic, and friendly young woman. She gets very good grades, is friendly with just about everyone, and likes to help out when she can. She is considered to be perfect and has the attention of most of the males in her school. She would go out on dates since she has a hard time saying No to them. Though, she would reject them if they tried to make a move on her. She managed to get a part-time job as a waitress at a local tea shop and would often get a lot of good tips. Though, most of the other waitress would be ignored by the customers and just focus on her. Her goal is to save up for college, so she doesn't have to rely on her parents for help. When she isn't working, she enjoys a little fun in the sun. She is often seen sunbathing at the beach, ignoring the advances of young men.

Settings: Modern.​​
32. Kelly Sobol is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’6” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of girls, focusing mainly on her education and being successful than anything else, because of how strict her parents are. Because her father wanted a boy, she was basically raised as one, making her like that of a tomboy. Not the type to disappoint her parents, she wants to make sure she gets the best education. When the time came to pick schools, her parents allowed her the option to pick the one she wants to go to. The best school she found at the time was an All-Boys school, and she made sure to keep that knowledge away from her parents while she attends. One of the main reasons she chose the school, is that she also heard they give out scholarships easier than other places. To keep her secret, she makes sure to wear a boy’s school uniform, and uses soft bandages to tie down her breasts. She even went as far to wear boys’ underwear, and stuffed a sock into the groin to get somewhat of a bulge. It’s frustrating for her to have to hide her gender, but she feels she must do what it takes to make her parents proud.

Settings: Modern.​​
33. Rei Citrus is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 4’5” tall. She’s a very sweet, friendly, and intelligent young female. She gets some of the highest grades in her school, but she gets about average grades when it comes to P.E. She is asked out often by other students, but she would turn them down as soon as she would notice them staring at her larger than normal chest. Because she would always turn them down, students believe she has a superiority complex.

Settings: Modern.​​
34. Milis Honeypot is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly and adventurous female, loving the outdoors and exploring foreign lands. Being a part of a well off military family, she has been able to travel to many foreign lands. Ever since she was a small child, she loves to explore. She would even spend a lot of her time in the woods closest to the military base they're currently living at. Even while being among other military brats, she is considered quite the oddball since she would even go as far as to build a camp out in the woods using old branches and plant life. If she felt like it, she could stay out for days thanks to some helpful tips from her father, but when she eventually runs out of food, she'd head back home. She just loves being surrounded by wildlife. Being an intelligent young woman, she advanced to the point where she can take extended vacations. During some of those vacations, she would travel to far away locations. Believing it's not an adventure being with someone, she would travel alone.

Settings: Modern.​​
35. Yua Ichika is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She is quite the friendly, energetic, curious, and naïve female. One could say she’s spoiled as well. Growing up in a wealthy family, her parents are quite protective of her. For a long time, she has been homeschooled, but now that she’s 18 years old, her parents felt it was time for her to get out and see the world, so she can be more independent. Being the adventurous type, she didn’t was excited about the idea. As a way to help her become more self-reliant, she has been set up to live in her own apartment that’s close to the school she will be attending. She has been enjoying her freedom for the most part, but she can’t help but feel curious about the sounds coming from the other apartments she would walk across. Like, that of a cat, she can’t help but feel drawn towards sounds, and sudden movements, and she would be compelled to take a look.

Settings: Fantasy.​​
36. Cath Cline is a young woman at the age of 18. She stands about 5’ 4” tall. She’s a very friendly young female when it comes to children, but can be especially shy when encountering adults. It has been a year since the great war ended, and everything is still being rebuilt. She spends a lot of her time in the local villages, hoping to help out as much as she can, especially with the orphaned children. Being somewhat educated, she would do what she can to act as a teacher. To make sure the children would give her their full attention, she would often bring them somewhere private, like a meadow or a clearing in the woods.

Settings: Modern.​​
37. Roli Cook is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young female. Can be quite easy going. Her mother died when she was born, leaving her father to raise her alone. Because of her upbringing, she has become quite the tomboy. Because of her tomboyish personality, she grew up to become one of the boys, but now that she's older, she doesn't understand the new looks they're giving her. She currently lives in a fishing town with her father. She loves the boats of various sizes that come to shore. She isn’t even too shy about meeting the sailors and fishermen, asking them questions about their boats. She loves to get dirty, playing with bugs, and exploring the wooded area around her town. Because of her adventurous nature, she would even go camping by herself in the tent her father bought for her, doing a little fishing. When the weather is nice enough, she would either hang out at the local river and play in the cool water or play at the nearby beach and enjoy the warm sun. Her father had hoped she wouldn’t have turned out the way she did, but he's hopeful that she would grow out of it. He has been considering doing something about it, though, worried that the boys won't like her tomboyish behavior.

Settings: Modern.​​
38. Leesa Darling is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. She isn’t the friendliest of girls thanks to her upbringing, and she tends to keep to herself for the most part. At a young age, her strict father basically forced her to exercise far more than usual for a child, and with him being a washed-up MMA fighter, he was hoping she would succeed him since his wife wasn’t able to give him a boy. Seeing what he’s doing to her as child abuse, her mother divorced her father, and took her away from him. Because of what happened to her, she grew to be somewhat cold to others. Even though her father isn’t around to push her, she continues her training as if he was watching her. Her muscular figure has made her quite the outsider among girls, and she would be picked on, but it doesn’t bother her. Anyone that does try to bully her, though, she manages to handle herself despite her physical size. Against her mother’s wishes, she hopes to eventually compete when she's old enough.

Settings: Modern.​​
39. Lori Foster is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She’s a friendly young female and gets along with most people. Because of her father, she grew to be a bit of a tomboy. When she was young, her mother has been pushing her into modeling. She rarely asks questions about the kind of modeling she has to do, and isn’t shy about revealing her skin. She doesn’t understand the appeal of posing with animals, though, but because she loves them, she doesn’t mind. When she’s waiting for modeling opportunities, she’s working at the local fast food restaurant part-time. Her fame grew throughout the years, and she would even be recognized by her fellow students. It didn’t take long for others to recognize her, and she would sometimes find herself surrounded by those claiming to be fans. Her growing fame has become a problem, but she tries to deal with it the best she can. Her manager has found it annoying when people would crowd the restaurant, though, and she can’t help but feel worried that she may have to find another job soon. It's even starting to cause a disturbance at school, and teachers aren't too happy about it.

Settings: Modern.​​
40. Angelica Oblique is a young human female at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5'4" tall. She is a sweet young female, but isn’t the shy type. Tired of arguing with her parents, she decides to run away from home and chances on the road. She always wanted to travel and felt this would be a good way to let off some steam while she goes from city to city. Because she didn’t leave with much money, she has to take on odd jobs. Though, usually jobs at diners. Because she doesn’t have a car of her own, she is forced to travel by hitchhiking. She doesn’t usually like to ride with strangers, but she doesn’t have much of a choice. Because of a frightening encounter, she was forced to learn how to orally pleasure a man as payment for letting her ride in his car.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
41. Goda Gelee is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’4” tall. She can be seen as a cold and uncaring princess thanks to her upbringing by her strict parents, but can be a little naïve since she rarely leaves the castle. Her parents have been ruling over the kingdom with an iron fist for decades, and because she’s the heir to the throne, her conspirators believe she’ll be just as cruel. After the plot to overthrow the kingdom succeeded, the conspirators know that most of the people won’t accept them as their new rulers, so they’ll have to use the princess either as a puppet or a way to breed a male heir or two. Not wanting to be used as a tool, she has been making her plans to escape.

Settings: Modern.​​
42. Petra Wolfgang is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’3” tall. She’s a sweet and energetic young female with a tomboy type personality, but can be a little naive. She gets about average grades in school, enjoys the outdoors, and loves animals. When eating out, she’s often seen in fast food restaurants munching down big juicy burgers. She gets along with the neighborhood boys, and she is usually able to keep up with them with her stamina and energy, and because of her lack of modesty, she often roughhouses with them. Because the girls in her neighborhood thinks her behavior is weird, she doesn’t have any female friends, but that doesn’t really bother her. She is often seen hanging out in the woods, trying to get a tree house built or seeking out interesting animals in the area.

Settings: Modern.​​
43. Madi Brown is a young girl at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’4” tall. She’s a friendly and sweet young girl, but she’s considered weird among her classmates. Her parents have passed away in an accident, and because she doesn’t have any other relatives and doesn’t want to leave her friends behind to go to an orphanage, she chose to live in the woods. For the most part, she has been able to keep how she’s living a secret. She hasn’t even told her friends about her situation. She has been managing to survive living in a shack, and she makes money through part-time jobs. She’s starting to feel as if people are getting suspicious, and she isn’t sure what she’ll have to do to make sure she keeps her secret.

Settings: Modern.​
44. Ena Walsh is a mature woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands around 5’2” tall. She’s a friendly enough female, and isn’t at all shy, but usually prefers more of a solitary environment. Since growing up, she felt she didn’t fit in very well with the other kids. She didn’t even feel as if she got along well with her parents. As soon as she was old enough, she moved out of her parents’ house to live on her own. Being very intelligent with computers and technology, she didn’t have a difficult time getting employed, even with her as young as she is. She currently works for a tech company, making specialized software. She's been recently tasked to help create AI that can learn quickly, and adapt to almost any situation. She doesn't know what the AI will be used for, but she heard it's for military purposes.

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.​​
45. Lena Cremig is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’5” tall. She can be nice, but tends to be shy and prefers to be left alone. At the moment, she lives alone, following in her father’s footsteps as a hunter. She currently lives alone, ever since her parents passed away. She grew especially bitter when her father died after having been recruited in the military. She has quite the hatred for civilized life since she felt her father was forced into the military, so she has secluded herself deep within the forest where she lives off the land. Untrusting of people, she will try to scare them off area she calls her land with her bow and arrows.

Settings: Modern.​​
46. Kyla Tegan is a young woman at the age of 18 years old. She stands about 5’2” tall. She’s a friendly and energetic young female. Having been raised only by her father, she grew to be quite the tomboy. She enjoys running through the woods, playing in the dirt, and wrestling with the boys in the neighborhood. Even with her being a little girl, she became even more talented at sports than the boys at her school. With her stamina, she can outrun quite a few of them. Being a girl, she’s also quite flexible and agile. She could easily become a cheerleader or join the gymnastics team, but she chose to be among the boys in the baseball team. Because of her natural talent and with her being better than the boys on the team, quite a few of them have grown jealous of her, and having been made fun of for being out shined by a girl, the boys are growing frustrated. They expressed that she gets kicked out, but because of their winning streak, the coach doesn’t see a reason to cut her from the team.
When among other girls, she was being teased as well. They would poke fun at her, because of her tomboyish personality and her small bust size, but she would merely shrug it off. Most of the girls at her school believe she only joined the baseball team so that she would have all the athletic boys to herself, adding to the tension at school. She’s aware of how everyone feels about her, but she doesn’t care. She just wants to play, and she isn’t afraid of anyone.