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To do dice rolls, you can use websites like this one.

Toss of the Die

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Non-Con, Humiliation.

Enslavement, Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Gang-Bang, Blood Play, Torture, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Toys, Machines, BDSM, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Tentacles, Bestiality, Infantilism, Diapers, Pet-Training, Training, Harem, Drugs, Intoxication.

Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm.
There is a wealthy man with a love of games. Board games, video games, and VR games, are just about his favorites, but he starts growing bored and felt the need for something more stimulating. With the use of his vast fortune, he used it to build a new gaming experience; a type of Simulated Reality room. Within the room, holograms are given physical, solid form. Just about anything is possible within the room. To operate the Game Room, someone just has to roll a die, and depending on what the number will determine the fate of the player.


Within the artificial world, just about everything is fake, but with the technology he created, he’s also able to synthesis substances like water. When interacting with creatures in the game, bodily fluids are also made to be as real as possible. Because the player can be trapped within the game hours, days, weeks, or even months, he made sure the game can create food she may be able to consume to survive in her hellish journey.


The only way for the player to survive is if she were to complete the game, and the only way to do that is to make sure the die lands on every number. Because of the random nature of the die, it’s very possible for the player to repeat the same levels. During each level, the player merely just has to survive within the thirty-minute time limit. When the time limit is up, the simulation ends, and the player is allowed to rest for an hour, but after that hour, the player must roll the die again or receive an agonizingly painful shock until she rolls it. If the player manages to survive the whole game, she will be greatly rewarded, but only the creator of the game knows what that prize is.


(The number of Die and scenarios are subject to change depending on my Partner’s Preference)


Level 1: Aggressive Romance

The designer of the has made each level difficult in its own way. In this level, the player would be romanced by an artificial male, but he won’t take “No” for an answer. Whether the player wants it or not, he will force himself upon her and continue to behave as if there is nothing wrong. With his above human strength and lack of pain, he’ll do what he must in order to make sure his partner has a pleasurable experience, and will continue to do so throughout the entire thirty-minute run time with his super human stamina.


Level 2: The Babysitter

In this level, the player is treated similar to that of a toddler. By the AI, she’ll be forced to wear clothing of that of a toddler, wear a diaper, and even consume food designed for babies, but laced with laxatives. It may seem like a simple enough scenario, but the AI would also ravage the player and has a sick desire to force her into humiliating situation, and even put her into toys that have been warped for sexual purposes. A canine companion may even be brought in to play with the player.


Level 3: Prized Bitch

The player is transported into a world of anthropomorphic creatures, and within this world, humans are nothing more than common animals. In this world, she’ll be trained to be like that of a dog; made to walk on her hands and, wear a collar and leash, eat dog food, do her business outdoors, bark, and mate with other humans that have long since been broken to be said animal. She’ll have to either behave and follow the scenario or risk punishment and be broken down into a mindless beast. She could try to escape, but there is a chance of a “dog catcher” taking her to the pound, where she would be put into a kennel of males that have yet to be fixed.


Level 4: Party Hard

The player is transported into what appears to be a frat house. It looks normal enough, but the AI partying is aggressive and are programmed to be insistent she drinks and won’t leave her alone until she does. All eyes would be focused on her, and if she shows any signs of weakness due to drunkenness, they won’t hesitate to pounce right then and there.


Level 5: Oral Fixation

This scenario is straight forward. Pleasure the men provided to her and consume every drop of their fluids. If a drop is spilled, the same men reserve the right to ravage her in any way they please, and they won’t stop until the time limit up. If she manages to complete the task, the simulation will end early, and she’ll get extra time to rest before it’s time to roll the die again.


Level 6: Apocalyptic Horde

The player is transported into a city of an apocalyptic world where people have long since lost their sanity due to a virus that destroyed their minds. She merely has to run and hide from the animalistic horde of people. If found, they won’t hesitate to ravage her body until she there isn’t any life left in her. If she has a strong enough will, there is a possibility she can survive until the time is up, but it all depends on how long she can hide herself. Unlike other AI, these creatures are vulnerable and can be taken out.


Level 7: The Hunt

The player is dropped right in the middle of a forest, and within that forest is a large beast. This feral creature, only one thing on his mind, and that’s to mate with the female that wandered into his territory. The player travel through the forest and do what she can to avoid him or risk coming to his mate for the duration of the scenario. Being an alpha beast, he doesn’t like it when his mate resists and won’t hesitate to use his claws on the player’s soft flesh until she learns her place.


Level 8: Labyrinth

The player is thrown into a massive labyrinth full of traps of the sexual kind. She could fall into a pit of tentacles, get pounced on by a gang of goblins, get captured by a giant spider, or turn a corner and run into the Minotaur roaming the dizzying maze.  She could either run from her pursuers and hide until the time runs out, or reach the center of the maze as fast as possible to get extra time for her resting period.


Level 9: The Incubus

The player is brought to an old castle where an Incubus waits. He starts friendly enough, but his advances grow along with his powerful hunger. He enjoys the company of young women, but especially those with so much energy. Whether the player wants it or not, he would ravage her with orgasm after orgasm, draining her of her stamina or perhaps her life. Being a greedy creature, he won’t stop until he’s satisfied.


Level 10: Garden of Seduction

The Player is guided into a garden. It looks like any typical garden, but it’s filled with plants larger than the norm. Along with the strange plants are trees filled with various fruits, and if she wants to satisfy her hunger, she must enter the seemingly safe garden. The pants would do what they can to lure her, if the food isn’t enough. They can unleash a powerful, sweet smelling pheromone with the properties to lure and bring the player into a deep heat. Most of the plants merely want her body for her moisture, but one desires to consume her entirely.


Level 11: Living Clothes

To complete this Level, the player must put on living creatures that look similar to that of a one-piece bathing suit and make it to the other side of a long hallway. She could refuse to put on the creature and wait until the time limit is over, but refusing would result in a painful electric shot. When the creature is worn, the game begins. Razer sharp spikes would protrude from the wall behind her and the ceiling. She must cross the hallway or get pierced by the blades of the moving ceiling. The movement of the ceiling is timed with the time limit. Not only does she have to worry about the ceiling about to crush her, she has to fight with the creature ravaging her body. The game ends when she either dies or reach the end of the end of the hallway. If she reaches the end fast enough, she’s given extra time to rest.


Level 12: Isle of Dogs

The player is transported onto a tropical island. There are plenty of places to eat and rest, but there are four-legged beasts eager to mate. With no females to satisfy their desire, they’ll seek the next best thing. There are small structures she can hide in and even lock the animals out, but she’ll need to make sure to pick the right one, because they are decrepit with holes they can use to get in. If she can find the correct room, she would be rewarded a comfortable place to rest and food to sustain her hunger.

Abandoned Amusement

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Human Cattle, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Torture (Pleasure/Pain), Tentacles, Oviposition, Training, Pet-Training, Bestiality, Impregnation, Toys, Machines, S&M, BDSM, Drugs, Intoxication, Group, Gang-Bang, Infantilism, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There was once a massive mansion that was booming with activity. The owner had the type of the line technology that ranged from typical video and sound entertainment to androids. The mansion was often used for parties for the wealthy, allowing them use of the various rooms used for sexual entertainment and having their own specific themes with the many androids that inhabit each one, but due to a virus or glitch in the system, an accident occurred, and the mansion was closed down for “technical” problems. The owner made sure to make the machines are realistic as possible, giving them tongues, saliva, teeth, and even genitalia that can release synthetic ejaculation. Real semen can be used and has been stored for special occasion.

It’s like 30 years later, and the mansion has long since been abandoned by the owner because of the incident. Having been so long, rumors has been said that the mansion is haunted. Even with the owner long gone, the machines still operate and roam the halls, searching for anyone to serve. With the system running on solar power, they can continue running for another hundred years. With no one maintaining them, their synthetic skins have somewhat rotted away, making them look quite the nightmares. Every now and then, someone would sneak into the facility, but would never come out.

Whenever a “guest” would appear, they would behave normally as if nothing has happened since the mansion has been shut down, but once they have lured her into one of the rooms, that’s when the glitch would activate. What happens to the victim varies from room to room since each one has been given a theme and the android would feel it has no choice other than to follow their corrupt programming.

Room Type 1:
The androids would follow a softcore or romance scenario. Whether the victim wants it or not, the android would proceed to make love to her. Because of the robot’s strength, it wouldn’t hard for them to force them onto the bed. Though, the androids are gentle when they make love to their victims, their time limiters have been corrupted and can spend an hour or more with her. Only until their semen container has been emptied or until a server droid comes in with food will the android stop, giving the victim time to rest until she’s either fed or until the android returns refilled.

Room Type 2:
In this type of room, there is no romance involved. The android would straight up ravage the victim and handle her roughly. From how rough the handling is, the victim may even be bruised. The size of the android’s manhood may even lengthen and grow in thickness for maximum satisfaction for the “customer.” A second android may even join in if he’s in the area.

Room Type 3:

The androids would go through scenarios more similar to rape. They would abuse the victim sexually and physically until she submits to their commands. The androids could play the part of an abusive father, drunk husband, or even a random man on the street with a gun or knife. Some light bondage might be used where the victim is bound and helpless.

Room Type 4:
The androids in this type of room would follow Slave and Master scenarios. The inside would be filled with various objects of pain and pleasure, ranging from equipment, machines, and other toys. The victim could be forced to wear a collar or even full leather or latex attire. The androids would go through every similar scenario in their programming, treating the victim as if they are below human and service the machines. Depending on the scenario, the victim could be treated as a sex slave or even as a common dog. If trained and treated as a dog, they would be fed as such.

Room Type 5:
Rooms type 5 and above are used for specialty amusement. The insides of the large rooms could look as that of a living room, the woods, or even the backyard with a dog house. In type 5, a robotic canine would be brought in to service the victim. Depending on the robot’s programming, he can either be gentle like in Room Type 1 or as aggressive as the androids in Room Type 3. In this Room, the canine models are still the human’s masters no matter their personalities. The victims will literally become their bitch, and if they ever show any of their humanity, the canines would punish them with pain until they behave as the dogs that ravage them.

Room Type 6:
In these rooms, the fetishes can be quite extreme. There is a lot of focus on pain and humiliation. The victims would be humiliated and made to do foul acts. The victims would be tortured physically and would even feel a blade carving into their skin. Even toilet fetishes would be allowed.

Room Type 7:
This type of room is past owners' most expensive room. Within it are filled with scenarios that fit more of the Sci-Fi theme. Each of these rooms can come equipped with machines that look as if they are tentacle monsters or massive plants. Some may even have massive creatures that would simulate Vore, and others can have small creatures that can swarm on the victim. Even androids that appear to be demons and such can inhabit one of these types of rooms.

Room Type 8:
This type of room is meant for those with an infantilism fetish. Women would be treated as children and forced to behave as such. The room is also used to take care of women that manage to get pregnant. Pregnant women would be given constant physical treatment whether they need it or not, along with sexual pleasure to keep them distracted. Their milk will be used to feed any future guest. After giving birth, the women would be allowed to leave, but they would have to risk going through the long hallway of rooms where they would either be forced into another room or encounter the cook. If very lucky, the victim might be able to escape, but she would have to get by the robotic guard dogs.

The Kitchen:
The android that inhabits the kitchen has also been corrupted, using any meat he could find in his cooking to feed the guests. For the most part, he wouldn’t hesitate to use a guest that wanders into his kitchen for his cooking. If he is out of ingredients, he may wander the halls and check the rooms. If a victim is found wandering the halls, he would drag her back to the kitchen. The safest place to be from the cook is in one of the rooms. If a victim is found to have expired or appears to be in a vegetative state, she would bring her to the kitchen. If a victim manages to play dead and have the serving android leave her alone, the cook may drag her into the kitchen. Nothing is wasted. 

Death Penalty

Settings: Fantasy

Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation.

Optional: Snuff, Enslavement, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Toys, Bestiality.

Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female

3. The people running the government corrupt and those below them are suffering, poor, and look as if they’re at the edge of rioting. Believing the people just need to be distracted and entertained, a biweekly execution is held. Every two weeks, the government would use just about any excuse to bring someone onto the stage for all to see, hoping it would the peoples’ minds off of all the bad things happening to them.


This isn’t just any execution, though. To make the execution as entertaining as possible, they made it into a game. The game is simple enough. The victim merely has to roll a 6-sided die, and follow the task assigned to the number it lands on. Once a day, every day, for two straight weeks, the victim has to play the game. Before each roll, though, she’s asked a simple question. “Do you wish to participate or do you wish to follow through with the execution?” If she feels she can’t take it anymore, she could forfeit the game. If she is unable to answer, that counts as an automatic forfeit. Only until the game is finished, will the victim regain her freedom.


Dice Roll #1: Jack the Ogre

Jack isn’t an ogre, but he got the nickname for looking to be the size of one. A massive creature, he stands almost seven feet tall. He’s overweight, but quite muscular. He’s a soldier of high praise, winning and surviving just about every battle. As a reward for his duty, he’s been allowed to participate in the game. If the victim were to land on his number, she would be made to pleasure him with her body until he’s completely satisfied and for all to see.


Dice Roll #2: Tentacle Pod

A creature that’s normally found near large bodies of water, swamps, or humid caves would be brought onto the stage. It looks to be a flesh, pod shaped plant. It’s often closed up as a defense mechanism, making it look to be a harmless entity. Within this creature are writhing tentacles, waiting to ensnare potential victims. Having been away from water for a certain amount of time, it’s dehydrated and basically looking for anything to replenish itself. The victim would be brought over to the creature and molested until her nether region is moistened enough. When the creature detects moisture, it would open up, latch onto the victim, and have its way with her until satisfied.


Dice Roll #3: Three Volunteers

When this number is rolled, three random volunteers would be allowed to participate in the game. The task is simple. The victim merely has to service all three while the people of the city watch. Only when all three are satisfied will she be done with this task.


Dice Roll #4: The Hound

A four-legged beast would be brought onto the stage when this number is rolled. Massive and muscular, this creature was used within the military. Now retired from service, this animal been given the privilege of entertaining the people of the city. The victim would be mounted and violated for all to see until the furry creature is fully satisfied.


Dice Roll #5: The Line

When this number is rolled, a twenty-sided die is rolled. When a number of that dice is rolled, that number of men would be brought in and lined up before the victim. She must be able to service all the men with just the use of her mouth. Not only that, she must swallow and consume all of their sexual fluids. If one drop is wasted, she would be given lashes to the back that equals to the number of men she orally pleasured.


Dice Roll #6: The Machine

A new invention was created just for this event. When on stage, the victim would be bound by her wrists and hung in the air while a phallic pole is propped up right under her. A six-Sided die would be rolled, and depending on the number it lands on, she would have to have that many orgasms while the machine mercilessly violates her. After the smooth rod is inside her, the machine would raise and lower her onto it at a steady pace, and it be turned off until she reached her given goal.

Roll For Freedom

Settings: Fantasy/Modern

Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation.

Optional: Snuff, Enslavement, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Toys, Intoxication, drugs, Bestiality.

Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female

4. Six club owners have been looking for a new way of entertaining themselves as well as some VIP guests. They eventually developed a little game that involved a six-sided die. Under the club itself will the game be played, and six players plus a “volunteer” would be involved. The girl they select would be made to roll the six-sided, and she would be made to follow the task that’s assigned to the number it lands on. They won’t be allowed to leave until she lands on all six numbers at least once. After each session, her mouth must be used to clean off the men that used her. If she refuses, she would be given a shock from the collar that was locked around her neck until she’s more compliant. If she’s unresponsive, even after repeated shocks, a guest may take her home where he’d do as he pleases to her.


Dice Roll #1: Oral Play

When this number lands, the girl would be made to roll the six-sided die a second time. The number that appears would be the number of men she must pleasure using her mouth. The use of her hands would be prohibited, and every drop must be consumed. For each drop that lands on the ground, she would be given a shock. Afterwards, she must use her tongue to clean the floor.


Dice Roll #2: Group Fun

When this number lands, the girl would be made to roll the six-sided die a second time. The number that appears would be the number of men she must pleasure with all of her body. All at once or one at a time. It will be decided by those stepping up to use her.


Dice Roll #3: All Anal

When this number lands, the girl would be made to roll the six-sided die a second time. The number that appears would be the number of men she must pleasure with just the use of her anus. When they cum in her rectum, she must try to hold it all in until the very end. One at a time, they must violate her anally, and the position they want her in would depend on the person using her. At the end, she may or may not be made to consume what leaves her rectum. It depends on the mood of the players tormenting her.


Dice Roll #4: Self Pleasure with Multiple Orgasms

When this number lands, the girl would be made to roll a six-sided die this time. The number that lands would determine the number of orgasms she must have while pleasuring herself. After that, she must then roll a twelve-sided die. The number that lands would determine the dildo size she must ride, to pleasure herself. The shape of it would be the choice of the men watching. She must continue pleasuring herself until she reaches the given goal while everyone watches.


Dice Roll #5: The Race to Not Orgasm

When this number lands, the girl would be tasked to pleasure only one man. This one man would be given a thick sheath to wear over his manhood that’s specifically designed for maximum pleasure for women, but dull sensation for the man. Also, an oil would be coated over the sheath, making the woman extra sensitive. The goal is to get the man to orgasm first. She really has to put the effort to make the man orgasm. If she orgasms first, she’s given a shock and that part of the game ends. Afterwards, she would be made to continue the main game and roll the six-sided die again.


Dice Roll #6: Thirty-Minute Break

When this number lands, the girl would be allowed thirty minutes to rest, freshen up, drink, and eat. She would also be allowed to rest in a private room with a bed and a connecting bathroom. When the thirty minutes end, she would be shocked every minute until she steps back out and returns to the center of the room, where the game would continue.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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