Slime Superior
Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation, Tentacles.
Options: Snuff, Enslavement, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Harem, Human Cattle, Intoxication, Vore.
Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female
1. There is a formless, gelatin-like creature that roams the world. For a while, it seemed just as harmless as the rest of its species, but that all changed when it managed to defeat and consume a humanoid race. Its strength and intelligence got a significant boost, and not only that, it also gained some of the victim’s memories after completely absorbing the body. Still being a primitive creature, it would be overwhelmed by the memories, feelings, and emotions, and would focus and act on their own simplistic desires. It may take on the body of the creature it consumed, but at the same time it would still retain its gelatinous form. Using the victim’s memories and emotions, it would return to the place of dwelling, where it would then take it over and us it as its layer.
Any male found would be consumed, but females would serve a different purpose. Being the primitive creature that it is, it is still ruled by its basic needs to feed and breed. Any female it encounters will be bred, but also fed upon. Feasting upon the bodies of males is more of a need, but with females, the sexual fluids they secrete through mating adds to its pleasure when it implants its seed into their wombs. Because it benefits without organs or musculature, it has almost limitless stamina, but every now and then, it may choose to rest so that it may restore its seed.
It may ravage a victim for weeks, breeding and feeding on her, and even witnessing her giving birth. Only when the victim is a mere husk of her former self will it decide its next move. With the victim’s mind completely broken, it has no worry that she would cause trouble for him, but it may decide to consume her for sustenance before moving on. If it decides to consume the victim, it would absorb her memories, giving him options for other potential victims.
A Plant's Survival
Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Impregnation, Human Cattle, Oviposition, Kidnapping, Tentacles.
Options: Snuff, Vore, Scat (Realism), Water Sports (Realism), Mind-Break, Harem.
Antagonist: Male.
2. Because of a drought, the government has commissioned some scientists to create a strong plant to survives in the harsh conditions. They tried splicing in the genes of animals, but it appeared as if it was dying while in the green house. The project was scrapped, but the scientists weren't aware that the plant escaped. It left a husk and moved on to a different location. What they were giving the plant wasn't enough or what it wanted. It needed something different to sustain itself, and it found that something in human females.
It would capture it's pray and proceed to extract the desired fluids it feels it needs through sexual activity. To keep the victims alive, it would feed her its nectar, which is also used for breeding. When the time comes, the plant would allow its mate to give birth to its seeds so that more may be produced.
Garden of Eden
Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Impregnation, Oviposition, Kidnapping, Tentacles.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Vore, Human Cattle, Intoxication, Mind-Break, Harem.
Antagonist: Male
3. There is a legendary garden that people rarely see. The reason it is rarely seen is because it doesn’t always stay in one place. To find the nourishment it needs to survive, it would appear from one location to the other until it can find an ample supply. When victims would wander into the garden, they would find that it looks pretty much like any other garden, but the plants look larger than usual. Various fruits would hang from the trees and vines, temping travelers. Once in the garden, it’s hard to leave. Victims would find that the path they took to get there would have changed, and they would end up going around in circles, ending up back into the garden.
The fruit consumed looks like any other typical fruit, but it’s laced with a substance that would arouse and weaken them. Through time, the fruit would also make the victims extra fertile for what the garden has plans for them. Once the garden feels they are ripe for the picking, it would either begin the breeding or feeding process. The plant would feed off of the victim's sexual fluids, but if it isn’t enough, it would attempt to consume them. Along with feeding off of their sexual fluids, the garden also breeds with the victim. After a few weeks’ time, the victim will then be made to give birth to a few bulbs at the garden’s chosen location and repeat the process. Understanding that other creatures need more than fruit to survive, it would also feed the same liquid protein use to impregnate them.
Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Type: Non-Con, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation, Intoxication, Tentacles.
Optional: Kidnapping, Enslavement, Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Harem.
Antagonist: Herm/Male/Female
4. Located at the far end of town lives a mysterious young woman. People have ever rarely seen the woman ever leave the house, mainly seeing her through the window of her mansion. The only people the town folks ever seen come in and out of the mansion, are the servants going into town to pick up supplies. The weird thing about the servants is that there is always someone different.
The young woman has quite the secret, and it’s hidden under her clothing. Having lived for so long, not even she herself remembers how she came to be, but all she really cares about is the powerful desire to breed and feast. To bring in prey, she would every now and then send out an ad letting people know she’s seeking a servant. Once the victim is within her mansion, she would strike. A bite to the neck, and her victim would be in a deep drunken state. If a victim is strong-willed, a second bite would paralyze her, immobilizing her and removing pain, but allowing her physical sensations and pleasure. Along with having the effects of drunkenness and paralysis, the venom acts like a date rape drug, removing all memory of the encounter.
Depending on her mood, she may decide to take her time playing with the victim, having her fun sexually. Not only are her hidden fangs used for injecting venom, she also uses them to drink the blood of her victims like that of a vampire. After a while, if she feels the victim worth, she may implant her spawn into her. Once she’s sure the victim is impregnated, she would merely release her back into the world, where she would give birth to her spawn. She has no care for the victim she impregnates since they would merely die after giving birth since it’s an incredible strain on their bodies, but if she finds a victim with strong enough flesh, she may keep them around to give birth to many. If she encounters a victim not compatible, or she feels she’s starving for nutrients, she would use the hidden, larger mouth to consume the victim alive after paralyzing her.
Global Solution
Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Non-Con, Tentacles, Vore.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Human Cattle, Oviposition, Mind-Break, Milking, Harem.
Antagonist: Male
5. For a while, people have started noticing an increase in pollution and a solution to fix it has been implemented. Scientists have developed a plant that could feed on the pollution in the air and even absorb it through the soil, but they didn’t count on the toxins to change their creation. It would look like any kind of vine plant, hanging from trees and even growing along the much harder buildings, but it soon developed a type of fruit. The pod-like fruit would give off a strong, sweet scent, attracting anyone that would come in close enough. When eaten, it would taste like nothing ever tasted, and with a hidden aphrodisiac effect. The more the victim consumes, the more pliant she becomes.
Much larger pods that the size of humans would form as well, aligning the ground. The plant would use the smaller fruit to attract victims closer to the massive ones, leading them into a trap. Victims would be forced into the large pods, where the mating will begin. Any male victim that’s captured would become the plant’s fertilizer and even the meal of any female it chooses to breed with.
The plant would hold the victim trapped for a long period of time until it’s time to give birth, allowing her brief freedom. A vine would remain attached to her, making sure she doesn’t go too far. When she’s at its desired location, that’s when she’ll go into labor and proceed to release the spawn that’s been growing in her womb. After giving birth, the victim would be forced back to repeat the process or may even be used as a lure to attract males to feast on or more females to breed with.
Pet Shop
Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type:Kidnapping, Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Non-Con, Humiliation, Tentacles.
Optional: Snuff, Vore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Human Cattle, Pet-Training, Training, Harem, Intoxication.
6. There is a shop that looks like every other Pet Shop, except there is a hidden secret. The front has puppies of every kind, but their main purpose is to attract potential victims. Whenever a young woman arrives and shows interest in getting a dog, the shop owner would guide her into the back, where a small hallway of doors is hidden. Like, in a normal pet shop, they use the rooms so that the potential pet owner and puppy could have some private time, but instead of a small four-legged animal, she’s introduced to a mass of tentacles.
The shop owner has a large collection of creatures that were found during her travels long ago. It’s very possible these creatures have manipulated her mind, but she now has a strong desire to find proper homes for them. The shop isn’t meant to find pets for humans. It’s the other way around. She would put the female victims through a series of trial and error, seeing which of his collection would select the female. Once the female has been selected, she would then send her home along with her new Master. In order to subdue the victims, the creatures secrete a slime that puts her into a more agreeable state of mind. Like, a plant, they also unleash spores for the victims to inhale, acting as a potent aphrodisiac. There have been rare occasions where the creatures would consume the victims, but for the most part, females are kept alive for nourishment and breeding.
In order to make sure her stock is replenished, she may keep a female or two to reproduce in the shop. With the blob-like, fleshy creatures having a long-lasting stamina, they could easily destroy the body and minds of the victims, but he cares not for the well-being of young women. When they become nothing more than mindless, barely moving husks or are no longer able to breed, she would let the creatures consume them, so she wouldn’t have to dispose of them elsewhere. Because she has been around them for so long, she does have the ability to keep the creatures from completely destroying the victims’ minds, but it’s rare. She’s more concerned about producing more and getting them out into the world than anything else. She has been considering keeping a human female as a pet for some time since she doesn’t have anyone to really converse with, but like her creatures, she’s picky.