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Settings: Fantasy/Modern

Type: Non-Con, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Intoxication.

Optional: Enslavement, Kidnapping, Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Training, Pet-Training, Impregnation, Milking, Human Cattle, Mind-Break, Harem.

Antagonist: Female/Herm

1. In a military hospital, scientists have been working on creating the perfect soldier. The perfect man. He would have better than average strength, increased stamina, better healing, an attractive appearance for espionage, and heightened intelligence. Through gene therapy and selecting the DNA of men of the desired traits, they fertilized an egg and implanted it into a woman they felt would be suitable for incubation, but due to an error in their paperwork, they lost the mother and then genetically altered infant she gave birth to.


Several years pass, and the experiment grew to be a healthy young man. He lived a normal life for the most part, but his super human traits wouldn’t emerge until he hit puberty. He found that he can increase his strength quite quickly through physical exercise, has less of a stamina problem, and seems to recover quickly after pushing himself to exhaustion. Not only that, he found learning to be easier than before, allowing him to become a straight A student.


When he fully matured, she grew to be quite arrogant, and for the most part, can have just about any woman he desires. It wasn’t until he received his first rejection when he found that he had another ability. He could control the pheromones in his body, making it easier to put the moves on a young woman he desires. When encountering an even stubborn woman, he eventually found he could also control the potency of his pheromones to the point it’s practically toxic. The victim of his intoxicating pheromones would be easier to control and more susceptible to suggestion. Not only that, they would have no memory of the event ever taking place. He also found that he could even force his pheromones into the victim’s body through a simple kiss as well.


With his latent abilities now at his whims, he feels invincible, at least when it comes to women. Being the specimen that he is, he eventually grew to believe the world is imperfect compared to himself, and wishes to make it even more perfect by spreading his seed. With his new found abilities, he believes he can make it happen. He just has to seek out and find those that would be worthy of carrying his offspring.


Being an intelligent man, he took the time to learn a bit of the medical field. Whenever he gets a victim alone, he would put them through a physical exam. He doesn’t want to give his seed to just any woman. When he finds that a woman isn’t suitable, he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of carrying his child, but he would still make use of their bodies anally or through their mouths. Afterward, while under his control, he would put a tattoo on their bodies that can only be seen through ultra violet light that would let him know whether or not he had encountered them already. He would put a mark that indicates whether or not they are worthy, so he wouldn’t waste too much time, if he encounters them again. With him planning on impregnating many women, he feels he can’t be bothered remembering them all, but when he does find a worth woman, he would give her a tattoo mark of satisfaction and would even inject a GPS tracker into her body so that he can check on their progress.


If he finds women to be close to what he considers perfect, he may keep one or two close, so that he may breed them properly. Considering himself a scientist with his heightened intelligence, he also wants to watch their progress through their pregnancy. He would want to make sure his offspring come out healthy, but once they are birthed, he would release his victims of his control. Not the nurturing type, he can’t be bothered raising the child, so he would also have the mother take care of the rest while he continues to work on dominating the world one womb at a time.

Demon Charmer

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Molestation, Pet-training.
Options: Scat (Realism), Water Sports (Realism), physical abuse, Impregnation, Intoxication, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
 There is a man who believes he discovered a way to “charm” female demons. He found an herb that weakens the wills of demons. Because the will of a demon varies, he’d have to use different methods to use the herb on them. Scent is usually enough to confuse a strong demon, but once he has her in the confused state, he’d find a way to have her consume it. Once he has his desired demon, he’d bring him back to his house to be caged along with his collection.

Sleepy Entrapment

Settings: Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Manipulation, Molestation, Humiliation, Non-Con, Drugs.
Options: Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Bestiality, Machines, Toys, Mind-Break, Bondage, Impregnation, Intoxication, Group, Gang-Bang.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
A group of friends would often go out at night to party, trying to find ways to relieve their stress from a long day’s work. Every night, they would try to manipulate a young woman to party with them, offering them free food and drinks, but they wouldn’t get far since surrounding her seems to scare her off before anything interesting can really happen. Frustrated and seeing no other choice, they get the idea of using a light sedative in her food or drinks, making their victim more compliant to their desires. Within the 3-hour limit, they would do anything they could think of to their barely conscious victim, experimenting and pushing her body through its limits.  When they’re done with their fun and before the time limit is up, they would make sure to clean her up before she wakes up, but not before taking a picture of their work and keeping it as their trophy. She would be released and they would behave as if nothing had happened. They would continue the cycle with new victims, and each time, trying something different.

Pheromone Affection

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Manipulation, Molestation, Non-Con, Humiliation.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Enslavement, Kidnapping, Mind-Break, Harem, Impregnation, Milking, Training, Pet Training.
Antagonist: Female/Herm/Male
 There is a young woman born noticeably different from everyone else. She practically looked like a borderline albino, if it wasn’t for her black hair. It’s a lovely woman, but her very pale skin and red eyes tends to put people off. She felt alone for the most part while growing up, but something else changed when she hit puberty. She discovered the ability by accident while in the locker room at school, and made a fellow student aroused to the point of embarrassment. As she grew older, so did the strength of her ability to control pheromones. She can control the amount, putting her victims into various levels of arousal and can practically numb their minds. She eventually found she can even affect their memories through an “overdose”, making them forget.

With a strong desire for affection, she would use her ability to manipulate her victims. Because of her lack of people skills, she can be quite short-tempered and doesn’t have too much patience. With her unstable mine, she can grow to be quite violent with her victims, especially when it feels as if they’re trying to reject her, but for the most part, she’s calm and gentle. She would often make sure to wipe the memories of the victims she isn’t too fond of, but if she likes a victim enough, she may make sure to they remember their encounter to further mess with their minds. 

Updated: 11/13/2024

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