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The New Apex Predators

Settings: Fantasy/Modern

Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Humiliation.

Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Mutilation, Blood Play, Cattle, Cannibalism, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Intoxication, drugs, Harem.

Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female

1. It has been over a few hundred years since the anthropomorphic creatures break from their chains of slavery and won the war to gain their freedom. Not only did they gain freedom, they expanded and took over at least 3/4s of the world, forcing humanity into the minority. Humans are still thriving with their towns and cities in their corners of the world, but they don’t compare to the race that took over.


Within their new world, there is something missing, and there is a male that feels he could possibly fill in that hole in their lives. With humanity, there is a worry they may go extinct someday as well. To preserve them, he believes he can help transition them into the new world order, but in order to make sure they understand their place, their humanity must be stripped away.


His plan to incorporate their former superiors is to break them into the beasts they once treated them. Being the superior race now, he believes it’s the only way to ensure the survival of the human race. Because humans haven’t been seen in centuries, he has to make sure their safe to even be brought into “civilized society”. Being an intelligent creature, he will bring them in one or a few at a time, inspecting them thoroughly to check their mental and physical state. Not having interacted in so very long, their languages no longer intertwine, but it doesn’t matter to him as long as they can understand simple commands. He believes he can find a use for the humans. Be it pets or meat for consumption, he feels it’s his duty to make sure they aren’t just wiped out.

Put to Stud

Settings: Fantasy
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Non-Con, Molestation, Enslavement, Kidnapping.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Physical Exhaustion, Mind-Break, Training, Intoxication.
Antagonist: Males
There are two aged demon brothers that are loyal to their kingdom. They have fought through many battles, becoming aged and worn out. It isn’t long before their King has taken noticed of their accomplishments, calling them in, so he may discuss their retirement. Making sure to make himself look good among his people, he has decided to grant them a reward. Because they are brothers, he doesn’t see any reason to give them each something, so he has granted them a mate of their choosing to share among themselves. To make sure they stay out of the way, he has also given them a place of their own where they may privately breed the next generation of warriors. 

Town Protector

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Intoxication, Impregnation, Mind-Break, Oviposition, Training, Pet-Training.
Antagonist: Male
There is a town that’s been having frequent attacks from animalistic demons. Because of how strong the beasts are, the people of the town are barely able to fight them off, but then a demon came along. The demon isn’t the smartest, but his strength seems to make up for his lack of intelligence. With his strength, they were able to fend off any attacking beast, but each victory came at a cost. After each victory, they would have to satisfy the excitement he would get after each battle. He would be allowed to select a female to drag back into his cabin they built for him, where she would be made to live with him until he’s completely satisfied. Once he is finished with the victim, she would just be merely tossed out.

A Vampire's Thirst

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Pet-training, Blood Play.
Options: Snuff, Scat (Realism), Water Sports (Realism), Impregnation, Mind-Break.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There is a vampire that would infiltrate a school as a student/teacher, feeding on the students or faculty there. He would often seduce his victims and get them alone to feed on them, but he would make sure he doesn't drain them until they are dead since he doesn't want anyone to be suspicious. When he bites someone, they would feel a powerful sense of euphoria and bliss. The victim may even orgasm or soil themselves from the powerful feeling while they are being fed on. Unlike the vampires of myth, he can survive in the sunlight, but is still affected by religious symbols and holy water. Because he always wants a supply of fresh blood, he makes sure not to turn his victims into vampires.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping.
Options: Snuff, Gore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Tentacles, Intoxication, Harem, Gang-Bang.
Antagonist: Male
The government of a weak country has been needing something to use as a deterrent against other countries that might take advantage of them. Not having strong weapons, they looked into genetic modification. They worked on splicing the DNA of different insects and inserted the genes of humans to give their creation a humanoid look. They were successful in creation their living weapon. The creature would stand over 6 feet tall, has super human strength, armored plates over his body that can resist most bullets, wings to give him flight, and a light venom to subdue their victims.

Everything seemed to be going well, but after a demonstration, the creature eventually escaped. Because of his primitive mind, they figured they could easily control him, but they thought wrong. Unknown to his creators, he has other abilities they haven’t considered. He has a member that can slip out from a plate over his crotch, which allows him to mate. Because he is mainly insect, those he claims as his mates will get pregnant and give birth much faster than normal. His semen would not only be used to impregnate his victims, but would also be used as their main source of food. It would be thick, creamy, sweat, and high in protein. He also has the ability to create resin, allowing him to create his own hive. Because of his insect-like eyes, he has bad vision. He has to rely on scent and taste when encountering victims.

Adaptive Incubus

Settings: Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Kidnapping, Non-Con.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Enslavement, Bondage, Manipulation, Impregnation, Oviposition, Tentacles, Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, Intoxication, Harem.
Antagonist: Female/Male/Herm
There is an ancient creature that would often roam from town to town, searching for victims to prey on. Hundreds of years ago, it was easier for the Incubus to sneak into a victim’s house and have his way with them, because everyone lived so far apart, but nowadays, it’s hard for him to even wander the streets without risking getting seen. He eventually adapted to the changing world, soon found that he had the ability to travel through electricity, but especially through the internet.

To hunt down his prey, he would often chat with them and see if they are perfect for his needs. For the most part, he would seek a snack here and there, but when he finds that perfect victim with a lot of energy, he would make sure to take his time while he milks them of their life force. He would ravage his victim until they are nothing more than a husk of their former self. Depending on how hungry he is, he may completely drain them of their life. If he finds the energy he tastes to his liking as well as her body, he may keep her around as one of his cattle to breed and feed from.

The Young King

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Enslavement, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Lactation, Toys, Harem, Training, Pet-Training, Human Cattle, Blood Play, Torture (Pain/Sexual), Cannibalism, Mutilation, Gore, Intoxication.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
Every one hundred years, a male is born into a primitive tribe of elven people. According to their laws, when this single male comes of age, the females of the tribe must obey his every command. The women would basically service him hand and foot, and even do all of the hunting, fishing, and farming. Along with ruling over his people, his main job as their King is to make sure they’re well populated, and he’s the only one that can provide another male. If females were to try to mate with another face, nothing would come of it.


All has been going well for the most part, but the current king has been feeling a need for variety. His people had tried to advise against mingling among other races, but his word is law, and they must do as he says. If a female outside his tribe doesn’t just wander in, he would send out his hunters to seek fertile females for him to breed with. Even with his desire to breed with females of other races, he sees them as lower lifeforms and would treat them as such. If hungry enough, he may feast upon their flesh, especially if food is scarce during the winter.

Spell Bound

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Domination, Manipulation, Molestation, Humiliation.
Options: Enslavement, Kidnapping, Bondage, Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Mind-Break, Prostitution, Harem, Human Cattle, Milking, Gang-Bang, Bestiality, Oviposition, Tentacles, Training, Pet-Training, Gore, Torture, Blood Play, Mutilation, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female
There is a rare and powerful spell that would allow anyone to access the modern world. If well-prepared, the person that used the spell can basically do as he pleases. There is a catch, though. The traveler has a thirty-minute time limit before he’s forcibly taken back to his own world. He can take any inanimate object he’s holding tightly to back with him, except for people, but there is a rule that would allow such an act. He merely has to make sure his seed is in the body of his victim one way or another, binding them to him, and allowing him to take them back into his world. He just has to make sure to hold onto them before he’s transported back. Once the victims are in his world, he can do anything he wishes to them. He can use the spell as many times as he wants, but only have a three-week recharge period.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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