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Goblin Society

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Enslavement, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Lactation, Toys, Machines, Harem, Training, Pet-Training, Torture, Bestiality, Human Cattle, Blood Play, Cannibalism, Mutilation, Gore, Drugs, Intoxication.
Antagonist: Male
A century of war has finally ended, and small creatures known as Goblins now dominate the world thanks to their ability to produce offspring with any race in a short period of time. Consisting of only fertile males, the Goblins thought it best to allow the other races to live under their rule rather than consume outright, knowing full well it would mean their own demise. With them having dominance over the world, they have the races living in massive walled up towns they call Free Range Farms, allowing them to live normal lives for the most part. Within the towns, the people will be allowed to farm vegetables, go to school, and reproduce, but at the end of the year, the Goblins would arrive to collect vegetables as tribute as well as desirable females.


Women collected would be brought to a massive Goblin City where they are processed. Depending age and size, they would be separated into groups by an examiner. The groups consist of Pets, Breeders, and Meat.


Pets would be broken and trained to be like that of animals. Depending on the will of the victim, it could take days or even weeks before she would be considered ready to be sold. Normally, those that are to be pets are very young and are made sterile, but if a buyer is wealthy enough, he can decide her age and whether or not he wants her to retain the ability to have offspring so that he may keep her as a private breeder.


Breeders are treated more like typical farm cattle. They are brought to a special Farm where they are given injections to ensure pregnancy and increased milk production. They are constantly fed hormone altering nourishing food, keeping them ovulating, in heat, and keeping their milk flowing even after giving birth. Their “Stables” are like typical small rooms, but with a toilet, sink, and bed all in the same room. Every once in a while, they would be taken out for exercise, but their main purpose is to ensure the Goblin race doesn’t go extinct. When they start producing milk, they are brought to a room where cups are attached to their breasts to collect the nourishing liquid from their bodies. If a female is found unable to produce offspring and milk, she’s to be come Meat.


Those selected as Meat are treated similarly as Breeders, but are made sterile as soon as they arrive. To keep the victim’s meat pure, hormone injections aren’t given to them. Females are treated almost like royalty. They’re massaged with butter, given daily enemas with syrup, and fed fatty, sweet foods. They are even given their own separate rooms like that of the Breeders. To make sure the sweet fat is worked into the muscle fiber, they are given deep tissue during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between meals, they are stimulated sexually either by themselves through sexual training, toys, machines, or by the Goblins looking after them. They believe their meat taste far better when they’re content and happy. It could be weeks before they’re finally harvested, but on that faithful day, they are ravaged until they’re no longer able to think before their happy lives are taken from them. If it’s determined a female has the highest quality of meat, she allowed to live the longest, only having pieces carved out of her at a time. She would be kept alive as long as possible even as organs are being removed.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Non-Con, Humiliation.
Optional: Enslavement, Snuff, Blood Play, Gore, Mutilation, Torture, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Intoxication, Impregnation, Pet-Training, Human Cattle, Bestiality, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male
Goblins are a wild race. They are often seen roaming around large wooded areas, but usually lives deep within caves. It is said they are a branch of elves that were corrupted by evil centuries ago, becoming deformed and a shadow of their former selves. Being half the size of an adult human male and as weak as they are, they tend to stay as far away from the larger races as much as possible. Being as weak as they are, they aren’t that much of a threat, but when a large group of them comes together, they can easily overwhelm an adventurer.

Normally, they keep to themselves, but they would often venture out from their lairs to hunt animals or even raid villages. Not only would they raid villages for food, they also raid them for fresh females. Unable to produce females of their race, they have no choice but to use the wombs of other races to help grow their numbers. Any female found not able to breed, not to their liking, not too lively, or if they feel they have enough females, the victim would be consumed.

The goblins aren’t the most intelligent of creatures, but every so often, one of them would gain enough experience and strength to be considered their leader. Their leaders are usually bigger in size, and a little more intelligent than the rest. Without a leader, they would usually do what they want at random and are usually less of a threat, but under a control of a leader, they can become organized. If a leader is in place, he would usually get first pick of the prizes, but if there is no leader, they would merely just fight for what they want.

Predator From Space

Settings: Modern/Sci-Fi.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Pet-Training, Torture, Mutilation, Impregnation, Blood Play, Kidnapping.
Options: Snuff, Gore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Cannibalism, Mind-Break, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
There is an alien from an unknown origin that landed upon a planet, searching for a mate and food. After finding a secluded layer, he would go off and search for his mate. He would hang potential mates to the ceilings like meat in a slaughterhouse or trophies. When hungry enough, he would feast upon the flesh of those he feels aren't worthy enough to be his mate. Though, when bored enough, there isn't anything stopping him from using his knives on them to make sure they stay sharp.

The Price of Success

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping.
Options: Snuff, Vore, Blood Play, Gore, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Gang Bang, Harem, Oviposition, Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Tentacles.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
After a thousand years of war, the demons finally succeeded in dominating the world. Several years later, there would be nonstop consumption of resources, and they eventually devoured almost every race that wasn’t their own. They eventually had to settle on typical meat, but they just couldn’t forget the taste of human. These creatures are not at all intelligent, but would eventually stumble upon a magical device obviously created by a different race. They eventually find out that the device was used to escape their world, like some kind of portal. Because of their lack of intelligence, they couldn’t figure out how to get themselves through it, but they eventually found a way to pull people from other worlds to their own.

The Human Arachnid

Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con.
Options: Snuff, Gore, Cannibalism, Enslavement, Kidnapping, Blood Play, Torture, Toys, Machines, Training, Pet-Training, Mutilation, Water Sports (Realism/Sexual), Scat (Realism/Sexual), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Intoxication, Human Cattle, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
There was a massive war that spread throughout the world. The one group that started it all was losing and was desperate, using anything from science to magic to enhance their soldiers. Through a long series of trial and error, they managed to create their “Super Solder” by splicing his genes with that of a spider. It all seemed to be looking up for them until the facility has been bombarded. Everyone appeared to have been killed, but he managed to escape.

With the war over and his side having lost, he had no choice other than to wander the world. Because everything happened so fast, he didn’t have time to learn his new abilities, but as time passed he soon learned what he was able to do. He gained enhanced strength and durability, and even found that he can climb along almost every surface. He even found that he could spin silk that is so fine and sharp, that it can easily cut through flesh. He also found that his saliva contains a toxin, allowing him to weaken his prey. As further time went on, he even found that he is aging quite slow now that his body is regenerating faster.

With the same ideals he grew up with in his former group, he would wander the land. He believes his race to be superior, and plans on taking over the world by spreading his mutated seed, creating abominations that would be under his control. Along with his hunger to breed, he has a strong desire for the essence of living creatures. Being as sick and sadistic as he is, he finds carving up his victims and drinking of their blood to be quite satisfying.

Miniature Tormentors

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Pet-Training, Torture, Impregnation, Kidnapping.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Gang-Bang, Pet-Training, Training, Human Cattle, Breeding, Oviposition, Milking, Gore, Mutilation, Blood Play, Torture, Cannibalism, Bestiality, Mind-Break, Harem.
Antagonist: Male
There are a race of imps that hide deep with the warm, humid forests, often called gremlins. They are barely over a foot tall and are quite mischievous. Normally, they would stay far from other larger creatures, but they grew bored and also very curious when noticing those bigger than themselves. Their curiosity turned out to be their downfall, though. As punishment for their mischievous ways, a curse was placed upon them, leaving them unable to females when they breed. With their numbers dwindling, they don't see any choice other than to explore and find more suitable females to mate with. Because they haven't left their home over hundreds of years, they don't know how much the world has changed and haven't even encountered another humanoid since the curse was placed upon them. 


Practically fearless and with nothing to lose, they would have their fun anyway they can while in pursuit of fresh females. Without morals, these creatures can be quite cruel. They feel nothing for the lives they destroy. To them, it’s merely just a game and anyone they capture is practically considered to be a toy for their amusement. They would violate, torture, breed, and even consume their victims. Being as small as they are, they can easily break into places they’re not supposed to and can easily hide themselves. Loving places that are warm and humid, they may even climb into the bodies of their victims and sleep within them. They see nothing wrong housing themselves in the womb of their victims.

Subterranean Domination

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping, Training, Enslavement.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Oviposition, Milking, Mind-Break, Gang-Bang, Intoxication, Training, Pet-Training, Harem, Human Cattle, Gore, Mutilation, Cannibalism..
Antagonist: Male
There once was a race of lizard people that roamed the surface of the world. After a catastrophic event, these creatures were forced underground, where they flourished for a time. They made attempts to resurface centuries later, but their bodies grew weak to direct sunlight. It’s not like they haven’t seen light, though. Having dug deep in the earth, they found caverns of lava which also supplies the heat they need as well as glowing fungus. They eventually found that other bipedal creatures have dominated the world, enraging them, because they believe they have the rightful claim over the surface world. With resources also diminishing, and their population depleting, they start making plans to take back what was once theirs.


With their strength greater than those of the current surface dwellers and their thick hides able to withstand attacks from most weapons, they put their plans in play. Because there are so few females left and having grown infertile in the harsh underground environment, they have no choice other than to use those that thrive on the surface. Fortunate for them, though, they have the ability to breed fast. Once a female is bred, the pregnancy only lasts two months. The only problem with the pregnancy is that most females on the surface don’t have bodies durable enough to handle the rapid change. They may only be able to be bred two or three times until either their wombs are useless or they just die from the trauma.


Those found no longer able to breed are usually considered useless. At that point, it’s time to decide what to do with them. They may be kept around just until their milk production fade, but after that, they’re merely just meat. There is a rare chance for survival, though. If considered a favorite among the lizard men, the female could be kept as a pet, but there is always that chance she could just be discarded and replaced with a new favorite. With the world thriving as it is, there are plenty of females to go around, and they plan on taking it back piece by piece. By any means they deem necessary.

Head Hunter

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Domination, Manipulation, Molestation, Humiliation, Kidnapping, Snuff, Mutilation.
Options: Enslavement, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Mind-Break, Harem, Milking, Gang-Bang, Bestiality, Oviposition, Tentacles, Training, Pet-Training, Toys, Machines, Torture, Gore, Blood Play, Cannibalism.
Antagonist: Male/Herm/Female
There is a creature, that looks human enough to roam the lands without having to worry too much about bringing too much attention to himself. He is a very lustful creature, and he has no plans on holding back such carnal desires. Not being an attractive creature, he understands that he can’t just pick up women, so he forcibly takes them into his lair. He does more than just satisfy his sexual needs, though. He has a very special hobby he wishes to share with his victims.


His body consists of the removal of their heads, but he can’t just remove them whenever he places. He needs to force a specific facial expression before he feels the time is right. The specific look he’s looking to get out of his victims is the look of bliss and happiness through sexual gratification. He himself won’t be satisfied until he finds the perfect look on the victim’s face, and he’ll do and use anything at his disposal to make it happen. When the head is removed, he’ll merely feast on the victim’s flesh, but if he isn’t too hungry, he may preserve the body for later. It could take days or even weeks before he finally gets the face he wants, and he doesn’t want his victims to starve to death before then. To him, he sees it as doing them a favor. A fair trade. He gets their pretty heads, and they receive a great deal of pleasure for free before they die. It's win-win. 

Monster Under the Bed

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Enslavement, Group, Gang-Bang, Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Bondage, Harem, Impregnation, Oviposition, Human Cattle, Milking, Gore, Mutilation, Blood Play, Cannibalism. 
Antagonist: Male/Female/Herm
For hundreds of years, there have been myths about a creature that lived under the beds of children and adults alike, but it was never proven. Young women would especially go missing without a trace. This creature doesn’t just live under beds. It lives in a pocket dimension, waiting until nightfall to hunt its prey and drag them into its world. Once in its dimension, it would proceed to torment its victim for several hours until the sun rises. The victim will only wake up with a sore, bruised body, and a foggy memory of the event, like it was just a bad dream she’s barely able to remember, and when the creature desires her again, it will drag her back down. The creature repeats the process until the victim completely breaks and no longer has a will to resist, and that’s when it makes a decision to either keep her as a snack to consume her flesh slowly, breed her, or both.

The Flesh That Lusts

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Kidnapping, Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation, Tentacles.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Group, Gang-Bang, Mind-Break, Training, Pet-Training, Bondage, Harem, Impregnation, Oviposition, Human Cattle, Milking, Gore, Mutilation, Blood Play, Cannibalism. 
Antagonist: Male
A new viral infection has infested the land, and there doesn’t appear to be a cure in sight. It spreads slowly through direct physical contact, and affects males of every species and race. Once infected, the males’ bodies melt and become a part of the environment, while others turn into grotesque monsters that roam the land like that of drones to seek out victims so that they may spread the infection further. While males turn into horrors, females are hunted down and brought in. Because women are immune to the virus, they don’t turn into monsters, but they can be used to expand the flesh in other ways. The semen of the infected can fertilize the eggs of female victims to either creature more flesh to spread or more monstrosities. Not only that, the infected semen can also be used to nourish female victims, be it orally or anally. If a female is found unable to reproduce, she’s merely absorbed into the ever-growing flesh, but slowly and while drones continue to have their way with them.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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