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Invasive Species

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Enslavement, Domination, Non-Con, Molestation, Impregnation, Human Cattle, Bestiality, Feral, Kidnapping.
Options: Snuff, Gore, Scat (Realism), Water Sports (Realism), Mutilation, Cannibalism, Mind-Break, Oviposition, Gang Bang, Harem.
Antagonist: Male.
A new species of insect has mysteriously appeared, and what makes these creatures different from any other is the size and appearance. The creatures are just as big as a full-grown human male. While being massive, they appear to be a hybrid of different species of insect. They have the bodies similar to that of wasps, but far more segment to give them more flexibility to allow them to curl themselves close to that of a ball. Their wings also appear to be that of a dragon fly, allowing them to maneuver quickly in just about any direction. Their heads are like that of ants, with large mandibles for gripping and crushing. Their front legs look like that of a praying mantis, also giving them the ability to grab quickly and grip their prey. It’s said their exoskeletons is impenetrable, making it difficult to pierce with even armor piercing bullets. It is because of their invulnerability that is forcing humanity to live with the insects, becoming a normal everyday thing when they see them emerging from their nests to hunt and drag fresh victims back with them.


With so many advantages, they are practically the new apex predators of the world, and the governments are finding it impossible to suppress them. Through research and in the hopes of eradicating the creatures, they couldn’t find anything that resembles a queen. However, they noticed that insect especially go after females when they leave their nests to go hunting. Because people can’t get in close enough to the nests, it is unknown as to what happens to the victims, so they are assumed dead and turned into food, but something far more nefarious happens to them.


Males are merely turned into biomass with nourishes the occupants of the nests, but for females, they are used for a different purpose. Because the insects naturally don’t breed queens, they use other species to fill that role. Once captured, young, fertile women are taken deep within the nest that’s lit with bioluminescent material. When the insects have determined a female acceptable, they are then taken into the breeder chamber, where their minds and bodies are broken to their will. In order to make the transition to breeder easier, the insects will orally feed the victims their potent saliva, putting them into a drunken state, which not only makes them easier to manage with their minds hazy, but also helps with physical pain. Not only that, the toxin also elevates her hormones, putting her in a deep state of heat and ovulation.


While the victims are being bred, they are kept alive with a thick, sticky, sweet, and nourishing fluid called Royal Jelly. Even if the victim has lost the will to live, the insects will ensure their survival by force-feeding them, if need be. Through the breeding process, eggs the size of baseballs will be forcibly stuffed into the victims’ wombs, and if the creatures find there is no room left, they may make an attempt to use other orifices. By their standards, they treat the females like that of royalty, and if they find that they are more accepting of their roles as breeders, they may let them roam their new home, but if an escape attempt is made, they will be punished.


The eggs stuffed in the bodies of the victims will incubate for a week or two, and when the time comes to give birth, a powerful hormone is released to induce labor. Unlike giving birth to human children, the process of squeezing out the hatching eggs is orgasmic, further helping with the process of acceptance as their minds are overwhelmed with pleasure. When each egg has left the body, they would hatch into that of larva, which would then latch onto the nipples of the mother to drink of her milk. The process would repeat for months, breaking the minds and will of the victim until she’s nothing more than a willing brood mother. When it’s found she is no longer suitable, though, larva will be stuffed into every orifice of her body, and they will consume her from the inside out. If it is found that there isn’t enough food for the other breeders, she may be dismembered and fed to them.


Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Non-Con, Enslavement, Molestation, Impregnation, Kidnapping.
Optional: Snuff, Gore, Blood Play, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Human Cattle, Oviposition, Mind-Break, Harem.
Antagonist: Male/Herm
There is a creature that hides within the forest and the darkness, preferring to nest high up in trees. She was thought to have vanished, forgotten through time, but has recently emerged after centuries of hibernating. She would claim a section of her favorite area, using silk webbing to either alert her of trespassers or to capture prey. Along with her silk, her saliva is thick with venom, used to subdue her victims.

She likes her prey fresh and juicy, often wrapping them in silk and hanging them from trees to be used for later. She is very picky with whom she breeds with, and would do a thorough inspection to see if the body is good enough for breeding. After breeding, she may cocoon them like the rest of her prey. The one she doesn’t care about, she may just keep them hanging outside where her brood may burst from their bodies, or she may decide to keep them in her nest in the trees, so she may keep an eye on them to help with the birthing.

Rising Tides

Settings: Fantasy/Modern.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Kidnapping, Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Non-Con, Humiliation, Bestiality.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Human Cattle, Pet-Training, Training, Harem.
Antagonist: Male
There is a beastly creature that lives in the deepest depths of the oceans and seas, living peacefully among other aquatic life, but that soon changed with the ice caps melting and the rising waters all over the world. Because of the change in environment, they were swept through the tides and found themselves in maze-like caves and sewers hidden under the homes of various other creatures all over the world. With the ground softening, it’s easy for them to break through the crust where they would hunt in their new homes. Their first encounter with the new species was a violent one, and they quickly found a liking to the newly discovered meat. With a new world to explore, they seek to spread, and with their ability to breed quickly and waters still rising, their domination may not take very long.

Forceful Desires

Settings: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-Fi.
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Manipulation, Non-Con, Humiliation, Bestiality.

Options: Kidnapping, Enslavement, Snuff, Mutilation, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Impregnation, Oviposition, Lactation, Human Cattle, Cannibalism, Pet-Training, Training, Harem.
Antagonist: Male
There is a beastly creature the roams the planet, able to conceal his presence either through the use of shadows or distracting with his intoxicating pheromones, which can cause hallucinations. He’s similar to that of the mythical incubus, because he hunts during the night, but instead of seeking females to absorb their sexual/life energies, he mainly seeks them out for breeding or meat. With his body excreting the powerful hallucinogen, it’s easy for him to entrap his victims. The victims are conscious throughout the violation, but they see violating them will be an image of their sexual desire. His victims will even be in pure bliss while they’re being consumed alive. He desires his meat fresh and warm, and the pheromone helps with that by replacing pain with pleasure. The victim may even experience several orgasms while being torn apart, allowing her to perish with a smile on her face. Depending on his mood, he may nest with the victim in her own home to either continue breeding or keep her around as a snack. If he feels the area is too dangerous, he may just drag her to a safer location.  

Miniature Invaders

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Domination, Molestation, Non-Con, Kidnapping, Enslavement, Oviposition, Impregnation.
Optional: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Human Cattle, Harem, Mutilation.
Antagonist: Male
There is a race of miniature dragons that roam the lands. Because of their size, they are seen as harmless and cute, but they are vicious creatures. They may not be strong on their own, but as a group, they can easily take down a single prey. Their numbers have been dwindling as of late, becoming easy prey to larger wild animals that aren’t susceptible to their appearance. Seeing no other choice, they leave the wilderness in search of a new home.

They would claim the home of a victim for their own, feasting on those they don’t need and keeping females for breeding. They are somewhat intelligent creatures, learning from their surroundings. Even if they can’t speak, they’ll do what they can to train their new mates into doing what they want. They’ll make the victims bathe them and feed them, but making sure she never leaves the house. If they have too, they’ll bring in more to either eat or breed.

Pack Princess

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Enslavement, Kidnapping, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation, Bestiality.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Mind-Break, Gang Bang, Impregnation, Lactation, Harem, Training, Pet-Training, Torture, Human Cattle, Blood Play, Cannibalism, Mutilation, Gore.
Antagonist: Male
A small pack of massive wolves (Doesn’t have to be wolves) roam the land, longing for something to fill what’s been missing from their lives. Because of the hunters that’s been hounding them, they no longer have females to mate with. No longer able to find females close enough to their own species, they eventually began seeking bipedal females like that of those that have been trying to hunt them down. It’s not something they find favorable with the land barren of the females of their own species, they can’t help but feel they don’t have much of a choice right now.


Once a female has been found, she would be dragged back to the den, where she would be inspected to determine whether or not she’s worthy of their attention. If found satisfactory, she would be kept and treated as their version of royalty, but if not, she’s merely must fresh meat to them. The surviving female would be fed the nuts, fruits, and raw meat they also eat to sustain her. Because the hunters they hate walk on two feet, they would train the female to walk as they do on her hands and feet. It would be the female’s duty to service each and every member of the pack, pleasuring them with her body and using her mouth to clean. They may allow a few instances of disobedience and escape attempts, but if they find she’s not trainable, they’ll feast upon her flesh and move on to the next candidate.

The Corruption

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Domination, Enslavement, Molestation, Intoxication, Kidnapping, Bestiality.
Options: Snuff, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Impregnation, Oviposition, Milking, Human Cattle, Gore, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Intoxication, Mind-Break, Gang Bang, Harem, Tentacles.
Antagonist: Male
There is primal disease lurking deep in the depths of the world. It took millions of years, but it found its way back up. It has the ability to kill and mutate plant life, but it doesn’t appear to have any effect on humans. What it does have the biggest effect on are the animals. Insects, arachnids, birds, and especially the four-legged animals like that of cats, dogs, deer, reptiles to even larger animals like horses and typical cattle. Once this ancient disease has a hold on them, the change starts out slow, but as time goes by, they grow increasingly aggressive and even grow extra appendages. They would attack those that were previously their masters. The behavior of the males would be especially disturbing, finding the female humanoids to be very appealing. The corruption would continue to spread with no end in sight, gradually consuming the world and filling it with monsters with a powerful desire to consume and breed.

Nocturnal Hunter

Settings: Fantasy/Modern
Length: Short-Term/Long-Term
Type: Non-Con, Enslavement, Domination, Molestation, Humiliation, Bestiality.
Options: Snuff, Gore, Mutilation, Cannibalism, Water Sports (Realism), Scat (Realism), Toxication, Impregnation, Oviposition, Mind-Break, Harem, Kidnapping.
Antagonist: Male
This creature has been living underground for centuries, not bothering to go to the surface since he has an abundance of food, but that soon changed when his home has been disturbed. Normally, he would consume the bugs he consumes while underground, but after consuming the intruders, he developed a new-found desire of red meat. He has never tasted anything like it and can’t help but dire more. Being a nocturnal beast, he would only emerge at night. Depending on how hungry he is, he would even break into a prey’s home with the lights on. For the most part, he would ravage the females he finds, but with his appetite so large, he rarely keeps them.

Updated: 11/13/2024

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